Bring your walls back to their glory days
Cracks, holes, dents, and tears in your drywall can take away from your home’s beauty. But with a few tips and the right materials, drywall repair is an easy DIY that can leave your walls looking like the day your home was built. Follow these steps to learn how to repair drywall damage with patches, joint compound, or new pieces of drywall.
If you decide not to tackle drywall repair yourself, get quotes from local drywall repair contractors. Drywall repair specialists cost between $60 and $90 per hour on average or from $50 to $75 per square foot.
Before making a trip to the hardware store, jot down information about your drywall damage. How large is the hole or area that needs patching?
Small holes or dents that are one-half-inch in diameter or smaller need spackle.
Medium-sized holes larger than one-half-inch wide need a fiberglass mesh patch and drywall compound.
Large holes 8 inches or greater in diameter likely need a new piece of drywall. If that's the case, try to determine the thickness of your current drywall.
Cracks are best filled by drywall repair spray or paintable caulk if the crack is near a window.
Before repairing drywall, ensure you protect yourself and your belongings. When you sand the wall repair compound, it generates a very fine dust. It's critical you wear eye protection and a dust mask.
“Drywall dust gets everywhere, including in electronic devices,” says Bob Tschudi, Angi Expert Review Board member and general contractor in Raleigh, NC. “You can use vacuum cleaner attachments for hand sanders and powered sanders, and it really cuts down the amount of dust significantly.”
If filling in anything larger than a small hole, you'll want to cover the surrounding area, floors, and items with plastic. Drywall dust has a tendency to infiltrate every surface and takes a ton of time to clean off your furniture and clothes.
Get your wall ready for patching based on what needs repair.
For tiny holes, sand it smooth. Ensure no uneven edges stick out from the rest of the wall.
With a utility knife, carefully remove any damaged drywall, especially any parts that stick out from the wall’s surface. Place a fiberglass mesh patch over the area.
Locate the wall studs on either side of the damage. Mark the center of the stud with a chalk line or pencil. You want to know where to cut the damaged drywall and where to screw in the new drywall; it’s also important to avoid hitting any electrical wires.
With your drywall square, measure the size of the drywall piece needed to cover the hole by at least a half-inch extra on each side. Cut your drywall patch and place it over the damage. Trace the outline of the new piece with a pencil. With a drywall jab saw, cut the hole needed for your new piece of drywall.
If the studs aren't located near where you're patching, secure pieces of wood (also known as furring strips) into the wall with construction adhesive or screws. This allows you to screw the drywall into the new wood instead of the wall stud.
No matter the size of the hole you're filling, be sure to skim a bit of the wall around the repair spot to create a smooth transition with the rest of the wall. After you apply your final layer of compound, feather the edges of the compound with a damp rag to blend the patched spot in with the existing wall.
With your putty knife, spread spackle or drywall compound into the hole. If it's a deep hole, wait until the first layer dries, then add another layer. If you're repairing drywall cracks, fill them in with drywall repair spray or paintable caulk. Fill in large cracks with spackle or compound.
If there are a lot of holes or cracks near each other, skim the whole area as one, instead of as separate repairs.
With your fiberglass mesh patch in place, cover the entire patch with drywall compound. Press the outer edges of the patch to the wall with your putty knife and compound so it bonds.
Let the first coat dry completely, then spread a second layer of compound over the area. Do the same for a third layer.
Place your new piece of drywall into the hole and screw it into the studs or the wood furring strips you installed. Put mesh drywall tape along the edges to secure it. Apply three layers of joint compound, waiting until each layer dries before spreading the next.
Wait until your compound is fully dry before you sand it, otherwise you might create divots or bumps and need to repair the spot again. When sanding, aim to be as even as possible. Sand in a circle clockwise and then counterclockwise to mimic an orbital sander. Look at the wall from all angles to see if it’s smooth and run your hand along the area to check for evenness.
“To make the repair perfect, you should sand it until you can’t see or feel any difference in the surface,” Tschudi says. “Any bump or imperfection will be amplified when painted.”
As soon as you’re done sanding, gently wipe the repair area with a damp rag to remove any remaining dust. Vacuum your baseboards and floor to sop up all the drywall dust. Not only can dust be harmful to your health, it impacts how well the paint sticks to your wall. Place your work clothes directly in the laundry.
Congratulations—your drywall repair is done and you’re ready to paint like a pro!