What to Do if You Have Lead Paint in Your Home

Testing for lead paint is only the first step

Remodeled home exterior at sunset
Photo: Bmak / Adobe Stock
Remodeled home exterior at sunset
Photo: Bmak / Adobe Stock
Amy Freeman
Written by Amy Freeman
Content Writer
Updated December 14, 2023


  • Lead-based paint is a health risk for anyone who lives in your home, but children in particular are at higher risk.

  • Removing lead paint is often the best course of action, but should only be handled by a professional.

  • If you suspect lead exposure, contact your doctor for a lead blood test.

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You are in love with your classic home, but it could be hiding a big issue—lead-based paint. The federal government banned the use of lead-based paint in 1978, but it is still present in millions of older homes across the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Lead paint is mainly a problem when disturbed, but can cause serious health issues. Here is what to do if you have lead paint at home.

Why Is Lead-Based Paint Dangerous?

Lead is a toxic metal that causes damage to the body's organs, particularly the brain and kidneys. Lead-based paint can produce a dust that is dangerous to inhale or ingest.

In homes with small children, lead-based paint can be particularly dangerous. Children, with their smaller, still-developing bodies, can suffer severe health effects, including slowed growth, developmental delays, and brain and nervous system damage.

Lead paint has a sweet taste, so young children, particularly those who put things in their mouths, are more likely to ingest it than older people. But that does not mean that adults are protected against lead's ill effects. Prolonged exposure to lead can result in high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and reduced fertility, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Angi Tip
Homes built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint, which can be hazardous to your health when it deteriorates. Have a qualified professional remove any lead paint if it begins to chip or peel.

Lead-based paint that is in good shape typically is not hazardous, though you may want to remove it anyway. But when it begins to deteriorate, it needs immediate attention. Thankfully, you do not need to move out as soon as you find it. There are options to remove lead paint and a few things to keep in mind as you move forward.

What to Do if You Have Lead-Based Paint

Once you discover lead-based paint, you can take temporary measures to protect your family. Clean up any paint chips in the affected area, being sure to dispose of them in sealed bags. Keep your children away from any area with lead paint.

1. Perform a Lead Paint Test to Confirm

The only way to know for sure that your home contains lead-based paint is to test it. If you have any suspicions, consider hiring a lead abatement contractor near you. They will come over, take a paint chip sample, and send it to a lab to confirm whether it contains lead. You can also purchase DIY lead paint testing kits at most hardware stores, which will require you to scrape the paint with a chemical-covered swab that changes color when exposed to lead. These kits can have varying levels of accuracy, however, so hiring a pro is usually recommended.

If your home is older and you would like to renovate, test for lead paint first. All that sawing and sanding is bound to chip away or otherwise agitate paint particles.

2. Do Not Disturb the Area

As much as possible, leave the area with lead paint alone. Trying to sand or otherwise remove the paint yourself can release more dust into the air, making the issue worse.

3. Wear Protective Clothing

Avoid exposing yourself to toxic lead entirely by leaving the work to the professionals. But if you have to go into an area with exposed lead paint chips or dust, wear protective clothing. Put on protective latex gloves, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, closed-toe shoes, protective eyeglasses, and an effective face covering like an N95 mask. Lead paint is scary stuff, so avoid ingesting it at all costs.

4. Clean Up Paint Chips

Lead paint peeling off wood in home
Photo: Tab62 / Adobe Stock

Again, you should let a pro handle any work with lead paint; however, if you must tackle some cleanup yourself before they get there, use precautions. Sweep up any lead-based paint chips on the floor and around windows, using a wet rag as needed. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and places where your kids can reach, like the windowsill. Use an N95 mask, thoroughly wash your hands after cleanup, and vacuum the exposed areas for good measure.

Lead paint chips are considered household hazardous waste. In some states, you can place the chips (and the contaminated rag) into a plastic bag and toss it into your regular household trash bin. Other states may require you to drop it off at your local hazardous waste collection site. Check your local regulations to find out what to do with yours.

5. Avoid Tracking Exterior Lead Paint Inside

Lead can be present in both interior and exterior paint. If you find lead-based paint on the outside of your home, avoid tracking paint particles inside where they can endanger your family. Remove your shoes before entering your house and consider placing dust mats outside and inside your doors.

6. Keep Away Children and Pregnant Women

Kids are not the only ones who are more susceptible to lead poisoning. Pregnant women should be careful to avoid lead paint, too. Lead exposure in pregnancy can pass to a developing baby, which can lead to pregnancy loss, low birthweight, and other issues, according to Stanford Children’s Health.

7. Get Tested for Lead Exposure

Children are more susceptible to the effects of lead paint, but people of any age are at risk. If you find lead paint in your home, contact your family doctor and make an appointment to get everyone in the household tested for lead exposure. The doctor will perform a blood lead test to determine if your kids have been exposed to lead and will go over next steps with you. The most effective way to treat lead poisoning is to avoid further exposure, which likely means removing the lead paint from your home.

8. Remove Lead Paint

If you discover lead paint in your home, the best option is to find a lead remediation pro to take care of it promptly. Pros will have the right equipment and protective gear to deal with lead paint. They may use a wire brush or a solvent with a scraper to remove the paint. No matter your DIY skill level, we do not recommend tackling this job yourself. Hiring an experienced pro will help you and your family stay safer in the long run.

9. Make Sure All Lead Paint Dust Is Cleaned Up

After the paint is removed, you will need to clean up any remaining lead dust. The company you hire to remove the paint may clean up for you or may connect you with another company to do the job. Removing lead dust is typically a two-part process. The first step is to vacuum up any dust from surfaces, using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Next, it is important to wet wash the area with all-purpose cleaner, then rinse with clean water.

10. Set Up an Air Filter

You may choose to set up an air filter in the room (or rooms) with lead-based paint. The filter traps dust particles from the air, helping with the cleanup process. Note that using an air filter will not replace the need to vacuum and wet wash to remove the dust.

How Much Does Lead Paint Removal Cost?

Professional lead-based paint removal costs between $8 and $17 per square foot on average. The total cost of your project will depend on the square footage of your home, your location, and what you need to do. The disposal method and surface types can also affect the project's cost. For a 2,000-square-foot single-family home, professional lead paint removal runs from $16,000 to $34,000. Small mitigation projects and spot treatments can cost as low as $100.

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Amy Freeman
Written by Amy Freeman
Content Writer
Amy is a content writer specializing in home improvement and personal finance topics. She loves helping people tackle DIY projects that beautify their spaces. Her work can also be found on Money Crashers and Coldwell Banker where she combines home improvement and money saving tips.
Amy is a content writer specializing in home improvement and personal finance topics. She loves helping people tackle DIY projects that beautify their spaces. Her work can also be found on Money Crashers and Coldwell Banker where she combines home improvement and money saving tips.
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