(if this was posted to a non ‘big deal’ purchaser, please try to follow anyhow? The last month or two are not what you should EXPECT from us and we have made changes to correct this!) So, I made a huge mistake! I truly did. I write this response without the intention of excusing us from your report. I need you and all others that are in the likewise circumstance to understand that you are entitled to a complete refund. Heck, three of the fifteen that I did complete, returned them. If you’re the other part of the fifteen, feel free! (who would blame you in these tough times?) It’s going to come across strange to hear so much ‘I’ in a company response, ‘I’ understand! As an owner and THE decision maker of this company, this is entirely my fault! You may have heard of those companies that have failed because of offers they made on large coupon sites? I will be damned if I let that happen to thee company that I dreamed of, financed, spent 60-70 hours a week on since 2005, wake up thinking of how two different crown moldings will finish off when they meet or if we left 36 and 1/16th or 1/8th (?) inches for the fridge, and on occasion……..bleed for! It is true that most people in my shoes would hire a salesman (or saleswoman), a ‘designer’, and an ‘engineer’ (job titles only). I could! I have interviewed potential people. I always mention ‘the fine line between doing what’s right and what you were paid to do’…. They always come down on the wrong side of this! I built this company with a few old principles that everybody had forgot in 2005/6/7 (They are coming back now that times are a little tougher)…. Be the best, do things the right way, treat people the way you would hope to be treated, and NEVER be part of a remodel someone regrets! (that last part was my own theory) -Let me expand on that last thought…. I was working for a large local company in the same field that my company works in today. One day I was following ‘the book’ and telling the customer of how I HAD to do what that ‘designer’ had sold her. As she started to cry, I figured there ought to be a better way!!!! That ‘designer’ was following the ‘book’ too when she sold the project! That ‘designer’ also…. Had children to feed! Then and there, I realized; I must Author ‘The Book’ if I ever want satisfaction in my career….. Yet here I am, apologizing for making a mistake and…… I AM Sorry! Just so we are clear; I live in what would be considered a ‘lower class’ area. As the owner of this company I drive a truck, not a Lexus, I have won an award for volunteer of the year for ‘hands on’ work, I know how it feels to pull the plastic off my bed during a remodel because I make my subs and workers come to my house if they are short on hours (got to feed those kids). And, I love this company. I never intended to be the cause of your frustration! (My point?) If you really think I was after your fifty dollars, just know this; by the time I get my share, I can put air in a tire at a gas station with it. Go get your refund!! And know, I am sorry! You would see a solid track record going back to 2006 on this very site, if it went back that far. Our current projects will report the same way. We have a current project that we are in the process of wrapping up that involves a young couple and the Lady is 7-8 months along. By pure happenstance, on Monday, we are going to start a project for another one for a couple that isn’t far behind! We REALLY need to keep our projects on schedule! Your report is one that I take VERY serious! Certainly it would be easy to dismiss a report over fifty dollars when your projects range from $3,500 to $250,000. The thing is, you hired us and I failed! I am VERY sorry! We are a general contractor that is specialized in kitchen and bathroom remodels. We are not a design company but, our designs are second to none. We only design for customers that we are under contract with. It is a courtesy to them. I was a fool to offer that to the public! I thought we would sell eight, not eighty! (since cancelled) They take ten hours and cost us about $625. (Might be why companies charge $1500) We can refer you to GREAT ‘hundred dollar an hour’ designers though! (Seriously) All that said; please return that coupon to the site in which you purchased it. This promotion was a bad idea! What’s that old saying about a certain road that was paved with good intentions? Again, please understand that I apologize! I hope someday I can make it up to you!