Long story short: Customer was told the schedule. Repeatedly. Customer was expressed on several occasions her suspicions that we were going to cheat her and steal her money. This type of paranoia would be the tone of my entire experience with this customer. Even after extra effort on my part to explain the concept of angies list, and the fact that i do have the business license and a commercial bank account, means that i am legitimate. The deposit was used to purchase materials that have always been and remain on her property. I do not owe anyone anything. the customer owes me $750.00 for pouring two footers and standing two posts. The additional posts were because the customer inststed on changing the scope of work and including a eave over hang of two feet, instead of the matching the over hang to the rest of the house as discussed. My lead carpenter has filed a complaint with the DA's office for theft on the customers part. she has refused to allow my man to retrieve his tools and property from the job site. This is stealing. Period. The member was well on her way to getting a $5900.00 roof for cost. which is $2500.00. She harrassed the gentleman, that came to perform the work. after several phone calls back and forth with the member, in which I had to defend angieslist, myself, my integrity and reputation. I think i spent at least 2 hours on the phone assuring her that we would handle any problem she might have. And i am an EXTREMEly patient man, who has interacted with 500-600 customers of all kinds in the last 18 years. Ive been a carpenter my entire life. 5th generation. I can deal with anything and handle any customer but i feel my poor Mr. Stepp, boy did he get the fangs of this one we went over and over adn over and over the details and I explained very patiently and calmly, what we were going to do and how. she repeatedly tried to add additional work. by the end of the conversation it was understood that it would be VERY BASIC roof. no finished ceiling, no additional posts, no repairs on the deck etc etc etc... we agreed to build a very rudimentary roof over for her door and deck area. this is because she did not want to pay the full price, so in a RARE moment, i agreed to do the job if My Carpenter also agreed to take on the job so cheaply. Mr. Stepp is a gentleman of the highest caliber, and honest to a fault, I left the decision up to him, since we had already completed a complicated repair of her siding and roofing he still chose to work with the member. The member harrassed and scolded and threatened Mr. Stepp from day one. Refusing him a moments peace, he was 3 days behind on the job because of spending 2 or 3 hours a day, dealing with these shenanigans. After the first episode, Mr. Stepp was so offended, he threatened to quit on the spot. (entirely out of character). you cant walk up to a guy who hasnt even started yet and start telling him he's doing it wrong. I calmed him down and she calls me. She begins to verbally assault me and threaten me. this went on for some time... maybe 3 minutes? 8? i just let her talk wishing i had a way to record it. she repeatedly told me how she would come after me and this and that. I finally got her attention. I explained to her in a very calm and collected manner, that she hired us through AngiesList, and she should be 100% CONFIDENT!! if she does not trust me 100% then she has made a big mistake to hire me. and frankly i dont want her money. i wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole (i didnt quite say that to her...) Mr. Stepp agreed to continue the job, under strict instructions to go to his truck and call me IMMEDIATELY if he is harrassed. Mr. Stepp continued to get harrassed, and decided to try to just work through it. at some point, the member began with the insults, and Mr Stepp called me. I instructed Mr. Stepp to patch the siding we were working on, to insure it remains waterproof, collect his tools, clean the job site and vacate the premises. When he tells her he is leaving, she begins yelling at Mr. Stepp, and getting in his face demanding that he leave the property at once. Mr. Stepp tried to call me for direction, but i was on the phone. Mr Stepp tried to call me but couldnt get through, so he called the sherrifs department (maybe not what i would have done, but he felt physically threatened), Mr. Stepp states that he felt like he was about to be assaulted by the member and wanted to load his tools. She, stated to the deputy, that she was'nt allowing Mr. Stepp to get the tools, and wanted him off of the property. Of course Mr. Stepp left right then. The deputy would not allow Mr. Stepp to retrieve the tools, which are of negligible value, not more than $1500.00 at the end of the day, im just glad that part of it is over. memberhas cost me Thousands of dollars, far more than her job was worth. To clarify, there were two jobs quoted. the first, was a sheathing repair on the rake wall above a roofline. this was also discounted heavily to fit her limited budget, and because the damage was pretty bad, and here sheathing was exposed to the weather, Mr. Stepp wanted to help out here and didnt want to leave it exposed. typically i do not just patch things up. I told the member that the damage was extensive enoughthat the section, about a 6x12 area need to be completely taken apart and rebuilt at a cost of about $10k. the structure is sound but the was some damage to the framing, but not extensive. Still, I recommended a complete repair of the entire area. The member hemmed and hawwed, which is fine. im an understanding guy, stuff isnt cheap, i get that. but if want it done right, then it cost more. if you want it repaired, it cost more, if its just a patch job, thats different. she beat me down and beat me down until i said i would do the minimum repair (ill never do it again!!) just to get the hole covered for her cause she was very worried about it. so we did the work and it went just fine. Mr. Stepp did an excellent job. in fact i dare say, knowing his eye for detail, he did much more than most roofing companies, because we TRIPLE flash everything. Thats the way my Grandpa did it. An additional note.. After the first successfully completed (in spite of continuous harassment) project I spoke to the member, and did my usual follow up duties...and asked my follow up questions that i ask EVERY customer. are you satisfied with the work? yes. is there anything else we need to do? no. blah blah blah....everything was just great. ok, then i need you to submit an Angieslist report for a completed project. She then proceded to tell me that she wasnt going to submit anything until all of the jobs were done. Point is, we bent over every which way for this lady, and she just kicked us harder and harder. but she needs to give the man back his tools. period. i dont want her money and i dont owe her any money.... I wouldn't want it if you gave it to me. Thats ok. Im not mad. I get it. shes had enough (of excellent customer service? high quality craftsmanship? dependability?) and isnt going to take it anymore. just give the man back his tools, so he can continue doing what most people are very happy to pay us to do.....work.