Response from Net Siding & Windows
the client called me and said she had gotten my nymber from the angie's list website and told me she was interested in purchasing two windows and a sliding patio door. i agreed to come out and i gave her a brochure on the window mart 5000 series sliding patio door. i anwered her question and i showed her a sample of the window, she did not purchase the products from an angie's list special. to my knowledge she does not have a 30 day mioney back gurantee. the company never offers it either written or implied. the lady calls me a few hours later and says she wants to change the order to a french door instead of the sliding patio door. i said fine but a need to make a change order, we use an addendum to the original contract. we met and i wrote and read her the change. it specifially says " at client's request we are chaning the order from a window mart 5000 series sliding patio door to a french door, a 600.00 dollar upgrade which she paid 260 dollars. SHE ALSO PURCHASED TWO WINDOWS; YES, A MISTAKE WAS MADE ON THE SMALL WINDOW . WE ORDER A SINGLE HUNG SLIDER AND GOT A SINGLE UP AND DOWN VERSION. THE WINDOW IS UNDER WARRTY AND IT WILL BE REPLACED BY THE CORRECT MODEL AT NO COST TO HER. SHE ALSO ORDERD A 6FT. BY 6 FT. PICTURE WINDOW WITH WHICH SHE IS SATIFIED BUT YET SHE WANTS ALL HER MONEY BACK. the fact that one installer measured and another installed has nothing to do with anything. they were boyh highly experienced and the job was done correctly and to code. we even did addtional for for trimming and remortaring. this is the resolution we propose: she may hold 300.00 dolars from the balance owed, 1250.00 until we put in the correct window, about two weeks, the 300 will be due and payable the day the window is instaalle, she must use the window we provide and one of our installers will do the work. the balance is to be remitted withinseven busness days. we have the originsal contract and the addendum willingly and legally signed by her. she is legally obligated to pay. in the state of texas we cannoy reposess home improvements. the only alternative we have legally is to place a mechnics lien for nonpayment of goods and services rendered and as much as we don't want to do that we will because we cannot afford to have people steal from the company. it's a very simple matter with the exception of the one window, which we will replace the lady got what the contract, which she signed not once but twice, stated, end of story. she will except the resolution offerd or we will procede with the lien. e.t.she's not getting anything for free.