The member did schedule work to be completed at her property because someone had damaged drywall and doors. The work began on 6-13-12 and ended on 6-14-12. The work consisted of patching 8 drywall holes (various sizes), repairing door jambs, installing 4 doors (2 requiring cuts to tops and bottoms), installing door hardware, reinstalling handrail to basement, repairing broken door keeps, mounting phone plate with wiring, & new latch on storm door. Our Craftsman was there for two full days and purchased several materials for her project. When the appointment was booked, the member was made aware of our payment policy; we collect payment at the end of each work day. On the first day of work (6-13-12), she let the Craftsman into the home, gave him a key, and gave him approval to proceed with the work. The member then said that she had to leave, so the Craftsman asked how she would be paying. She assured him she would return before the end of the day to pay. At the end of the day, the Craftsman contacted the member, and she said she could not make it back to the home, but to return the next day, and she would definitely be there to pay for the work. We did return the following day and completed the majority of the work; the only item left to finish was applying texture to the drywall. At the end of the day, the Craftsman called her to collect payment, but again, she never showed up or provided payment information. At this point, we informed her that we could not return to complete the work until she paid for the work that was already completed and the materials that we purchased for the job. After the second day of not receiving payment, we made several attempts to call her and email her. Contact began on 6-16-12 and then again on 6-18-12, 6-20-12, 6-21-12, 6-22-12, 7-18-12, 7-19-12, 8-1-12. Each time we called, we simply asked that she pay for the work completed and the materials, and then we would return to finish the texture matching on the walls. Most of the time, she hung up on us; when she did not hang up on us, she had an excuse for not paying. Looking back, we now realize she never had any intention of paying for the work. Her excuses began during the first day of work when she said she was tied up and could not make it back to the home to provide payment. After we began calling her, she said that she had, “far more important personal issues going on,” so she would not pay us. Then, a few days later she called us back and gave us her credit card information, but at the end of the call she stated, “If you run that credit card I will dispute it.” We did not run the card, and we continued to contact her to see how she would like to pay. Days later, she called to say that she would not pay because we left a window open at the property (the Craftsman did not leave any windows or doors open). Finally, she said she would not pay until she got her key back. We told her that she could come to the office at any time to pick up her key, she has not. We have been trying to resolve this with the member all summer, but our phone calls have just been returned with screams, swearing, excuses, and hang ups. Recently, we contacted her asking for half of her bill, and then we would return to finish the work. She gave us a credit card to use, but because of her remarks in June when she stated, “If you run that credit card I will dispute it,” we told her that we would accept cash or a check, but not a credit card. Again, this phone call ended in her hanging up on us. It is important to note that we have worked at this property before, doing similar repairs (damaged doors and drywall repair), but all previous arrangements had been made by her father, and we never had an issue with him. All work done under her father’s supervision went smoothly, and he paid promptly. As of this date, we have never received payment for any of the labor or materials from 6-13-12 or 6-14-12, the work that was scheduled by her. When payment in full for services rendered has been made, we will be happy to finish the last bit of work left at her home.