Response from Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaning
Yes, we have had bad experiences with customers. We've had customers leave windows open, leave cars under gutters, have their water turned off, leave hot tubs open, porch umbrellas open. The email you were sent was a list of your responsibilities of the service. It isn't stuff we are trying to pass off, it's about stuff which we have no control over. IF your window is open, we can't close it. IF you have a dog in the back yard, and we need to do ground cleanup back there, we can't catch your dog and put it in a crate-you wouldn't want us to. If you called a carpet cleaner, they would tell you to move your furniture before they arrive so they can get the carpet. They do this so that, if your furniture is frail, they don't want to be blamed for damaging. Every service has logical things to which the home owner must be responsible, in many cases being the need to be home. We send a list of things, and they are all common sense things, but believe it or not, every one of them has been ignored or undone at once time or another. This is the nature of service. You cancelled the service, so no work was performed, but for canceling the service because you didn't want to have to follow any of the common sense suggestions in the email, like making sure no cars are directly under the gutters where we plan to clean, or if you want to avoid debris getting on any deck furniture, to cover it, I honestly don't feel we deserve a D for a service that you cancelled and never received when the point of the list was to make sure your cleaning goes as flawlessly and perfect as possible.