Response from Lawn Dawg - Litchfield
Hello [Member name removed], Thank you for contacting us regarding your concern for the timing of your first treatment. We understand how critical the timing of the first treatment is, in accordance with the weather conditions. Ideally, we strive to get started mid-end of March to mid-April for the first treatment, weather permitting. This year we had snow and lingering cold well into April, which caused delays in lawn service. We certainly do not want to waste your money or time applying a treatment, that will not be effective. Although the calendar indicated services were late, the weather conditions were not permissive of a successful treatment, early this Spring. We do apologize for any concern that may have caused. As you have been loyal to us for 15 years now, we’re happy to provide a direct contact for you to address any matters or questions that arise. Your Elite Account Manager has reached out to you directly, over the course of this past Winter and this Spring to ensure you have her contact information. She is ready to help with any concerns or questions you may have all year-through. Relative to weeds, we understand some weeds are more difficult to control, due to weed species or other environmental stresses, that cause weeds to emerge and linger. We are more than happy to return between treatments, at no charge, upon request. This year, we have set up Pro-Active service calls, at no-charge, to be sure we have more visibility and control over any weeds on your lawn. Again, we thank you very much for your loyalty with us since 2000 and strive to earn your continued patronage. Please contact us if there is anything further we can address.