Response from Handle With Care Moving & Delivery
In reference to member's incorrect information, you decide who is "pulling a fast one". Based on endless emails member had sent to Handle With Care Moving, in her very first email, she stated that, she called six weeks ago and inquired about our services and available dates. At that time, her requested dates based on preliminary information that she had provided, were available. Then she called Nov. 5, to schedule a FREE in home estimate, NOT a moving date. The first estimate slot available was Nov. 8. As you would expect from a business that deals with scheduling and dates, the schedule could change at any given time. Handle With Care Moving cannot control when customers, either by calling or online, request information and/or schedule and book moves. Even though other moves are scheduled for a particular day(s), those dates could still be available if they are not completely booked. This was exactly the case between Nov. 5 and Nov. 8. Another customer called and scheduled a move for dates that member had initially inquired about six weeks ago, and on Nov. 5, even though a moved is booked, her requested dates may still be available depending on how many men actually are needed. Now, had member booked the dates prior to the other customer, she would have had confirmation for those dates. member states that Handle With Care Moving wasted her time. Please note that this is a FREE estimate. It takes about 15-20 minutes. Mind you, on her estimate day, there was still availability for her requested dates. Once a visual estimate is done, it would determine exactly how many men are needed and how long the move will take. The job required a four men crew to pack and a five men crew to move. Availability was for a three men crew for both dates that she had initially requested. Member was offered a date for packing which would have changed the date by ONE day only, not four days as she had stated. Other available dates were offered to her as well if her schedule was flexible. Member was accommodated to the best of what availability would allow. What part of that is “pulling a fast one” or “strange.” Handle With Care Moving will never cancel another customer's confirmed moving date just to accommodate member. That would be unfair. Member had sent numerous emails, labeling Handle With Care Moving with "bait and switch" slander and many other derogatory comments. In response to her emails, she was informed that, if Handle With Care Moving was in the "bait and switch" business, Handle With Care Moving, not only would have booked her move for her requested dates for the number of crew that were not available, and retained a 50% non-refundable deposit and on the moving date, would have come up with a lame excuse as to why there were not enough crew available. Instead, Handle With Care Moving was upfront and honest from the beginning and offered her exactly what was available. She claims Handle With Care Moving wasted her time to provide her with a FREE estimate. As much as member had invested her fifteen minutes , it takes a lot more than fifteen minutes to provide our valued customers with a FREE in home estimate plus other associated costs, such as fuel, vehicle wear and tear and many other things. It seems that member feels by posting an untrue and frivolous review, she could bully Handle With Care Moving and deter other potential Angie's customers from hiring Handle With Care Moving. This is absolutely uncalled for. Member did not hire Handle With Care Moving, nor use its services for her move. Her entitlement to have an open schedule for her just because the dates were available when she called six weeks ago, doesn’t give her the right to write a review.Member received a FREE estimate. That is all. No one pressured her to hire Handle With Care Moving. She was actually offered to use other companies, and she had many options to choose from. Handle With Care Moving values each and every customer, appreciates their business, and will continue to provide excellent service, as its records show not only on Angie's list reviews, but in other online review sites. You decide who is “pulling a fast one” and abusing the online reviews.