Lifestyle Group is an Award Winning locally owned and operated company specializing in Residential Remodeling including Kitchen Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, and Home Additions. Our goal is to develop a lifelong relationship and earn your trust. We are also a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist.
I first called the company and left a voice mail. They returned my call two days later, and I scheduled a day for them to come out for a free estimate. During the phone call, they informed me that to receive my estimate I had to travel to their office and meet with them in person. I explained to them that that is extremely inconvenient as they are 30 minutes away from me, I have a toddler, and their appointments were in the middle of the day. I was told that they enjoyed having children there and it is their policy to only meet in person. I requested they email me the estimate instead, and Becky told me she would ask and get back to me after the weekend. She was very pleasant and in no way rude during any part of our exchange. When I was finally able to get back in touch with them (we played phone tag for a few days) I was told that they had recently done a job with built ins around a fireplace and it was $5,000. So, if that was in my budget then they would come out and give me an estimate. I informed her that the other companies who have been out to give us an estimate have quoted around $3000. No where near $5000. She told me that was about how much it would cost, so if $5000 was okay then they would come out. Here is the huge problem. They had absolutely NO idea what the job would be other than it would involve built ins. They had no measurements as to the size of the fireplace or surrounding area, what kind of tile I wanted, how much tile I wanted, what style of built ins I wanted, or the amount of built ins necessary to cover the area. (It could be floor to ceiling in a 15 foot tall room or 3 feet tall across a 5' space). There is no way to quote someone for a job over the phone with absolutely zero details. It seems to me they just did not care if they lost a customer. If a company doesn't want to take on a job then communicating that in the beginning would be more professional. If that was not the case, and it is an absolute requirement to meet in person for an estimate or they did not want the job, then that should have been communicated. Pretty much this was incredibly unprofessional and ridiculous. I've never had to meet someone in person to get an estimate, and I've never been quoted over the phone with having not given any details of the job. I will not use them, and I would never recommend them.
Description of Work: I was hiring someone to re-tile our fireplace, build a new mantel, and build built ins surrounding the fireplace.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
Receiving bad reports disappoints us because we try really hard to be helpful. We especially dislike receiving them from a member when we didn't even talk to the member who "allegedly" posted the review. We never talked to a person named [member name removed] at any point in our interaction. Obviously a friend used this person's membership because it was a person with a different last name called us and did indeed ask about a built-ins project around a fireplace. Becky explained our process, which includes a first visit at the home, followed by a second visit in our office. We knew what we were dealing with right away when Becky explained that the individual who called us didn't want to come in for the second visit. Now, generally, we politely excuse ourselves from the process with a client when the project isn't important enough for them to take time out of their schedule to discuss the details of the work at our office. We understand that there are many contractors out in the marketplace who offer free estimates and will come to your homes at night. We did it early in our 16 years of business many, many times. Far too many times. And, do you know what we learned? We learned that the projects we sold were always those where the client WANTED to come in for 30 minutes and see where we worked and discuss the project price and options. They wanted to see and touch the actual cabinets and countertops and tile we used as an initial placeholder for their pricing. They wanted to see pictures of other similar projects we have done that gave them confidence in our ability to do their work. Do you know which projects never sold? Projects where we visited in the evening. Projects where the client was too busy or did not want to come in and spend time on an investment where they were planning to spend several thousand dollars. When someone doesn't care enough to take a little time and sit down to review the information, it is our experience that they are price shopping and they don't care about the company doing work in their home. Those people just want us to "send them a number". So, this brings us back around to this report from this acquaintance of a member. This report is actually what we get for trying to be nice and helpful, although on the surface it doesn't seem that way. After 16 years, we know when someone has no interest of coming in for the visit, the relationship generally isn't going to work... but do you know what we did? We said, let's see if we can help her a little bit and at the same time make sure she is thinking in the right price range so she doesn't get "taken" by another contractor. So, we took a recently priced project identical to what she described and communicated information to her in a phone conversation. (That project was priced for a member that did come in and review all of the options available for her project.) You would think she would have been appreciative to get an idea of the cost without having to come in initially, but unfortunately that was not the case. She immediately jumped in her response to telling us how we couldn't know how big her cabinets were and what she wanted. But, our point was simply to help her understand from our experience that her project was going to be in the $5,000 price range and to see if that met her needs and budget. Within seconds, we were informed that she had "other estimates" for $3,600. This is interesting because in this member report submitted she embellished it to indicate that her other estimates were around $3,000, but nevertheless, it was quickly clear that she was very price aware. Our business is very difficult. Think about this. We receive a phone call and the person has no interest in anything but a number. We try to give her what she wants... a number (an idea of cost) for what she wants... and not an inflated high number or a low ball number to tell her what she wants to hear, but a truly helpful, REALISTIC number for the work she outlines. Then, she gets mad and submits a nasty report on Angie's List under another member's name. She indicated that we should have told her if we didn't want to do her project. The truth is we would have wanted to do her project if she was a nice person who had a realistic understanding of the cost of the work she was requesting. And, her reaction told us everything we needed to know. We talk to many people who want to do a kitchen for $10,000, but you can't do a kitchen for $10,000. We wish we could, but we simply can't. They generally begin in the $20,000's and go up from there. If those people are nice and want our help, we will try to help them in whatever way we can. If they buy our $75 kitchen design on Angie's List through our Storefront offers, we will go to their home and spend a great deal of time, then come back and spend hours working on their design, then spend more time meeting with them at our office... showing them every way they can save and what is possible in their space. In this particular instance, this woman wasn't interested in any of that. And, in her refusal to come in for a second visit, she sure wasn't interested in the type of cabinets she would be getting. She didn't want to see the tile we priced. She just wanted us to come out and look, then send her a number because she was too busy. We are sorry, but we rarely do that for clients... and there have to be extenuating circumstances for us to work in that way. Your time investment is critical to telling us how serious you are about your project. If you are just in the very early stages and what we call the "just help me understand what my project might cost phase", we are happy to talk to you over the phone and give you an idea of potential cost. That's essentially what we did here based on the client's lack of interest in working within our process. We are very sorry the friend of this member who submitted this report was disappointed. And, as an aside, we aren't quite sure why Angie's List allows anyone other than a member living at the address to submit a report in the first place.
Sara A.
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
The "big deal' was for plans-and that part was fine. I liked that they are able to provide any bathroom remodel service you would need and they don't need to subcontract-or send you all over town buying materials. My husband and I were pretty shocked by the potential price of the remodel, but since I only have one estimate so far I can't say whether their prices were too high, our our expectations were out of line.
Description of Work: So far, just draw up plans of the potential bathroom remodel and then present them to us at the showroom.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
home remodeling
+ -1 more
They quoted me about $20000. When I asked questions about details, they were not able to answer. So I felt like they didn’t know enough about the work. They were quite professional.
Description of Work: I got a quote from Lifestyle Group for bathroom remodeling.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
In 16 years of Angie's List reviews, it's fairly rare that we read a review and are caught entirely off guard by the comments, but this one qualifies. Setting the acceptable grades aside, the comment about us not knowing enough about the work left us "almost" speechless. It is certainly possible in any client/contractor conversation that if the client senses hesitation in an answer they can take that as a lack of knowledge, but in this case we don't see how that could even apply. We spent a great deal of time with this client discussing walk space based on the width of their potential tub selection and the continued presence of a privacy half wall near their stool that slightly protruded into the walk space area. We even showed them a revised design option that would completely open up the walk space to alleviate those concerns. Truthfully, there is only so much you can do with a bathroom that is 5' wide and 11' long that contains a 32" deep offset for a 60" tub. In that scenario, you create a nice, long, functional double vanity space that works for the particular client and how they like to get ready daily (essentially you talk about storage needs, etc.)... and you make sure you don't incorporate a really wide tub that reduces the walk space in front of the stool area. It was about as simple of a bathroom project as there is. We see about 25 of these long, narrow bathrooms a year. We explained all of their options quite clearly. We don't mind not getting the project as we don't sell them all, but we pride ourselves on educating all clients regarding their options and we make sure they leave our visits with as much information as we can possibly provide them. That's the purpose of this reply... to be sure you know we will tell you everything we can about your project space and we don't believe the comments of the member in this case were reflective of the information we shared with them. To end on a positive note, we do very much appreciate the 3 "A's" they gave us and the kind comment about our professionalism.
Margaret B.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
I drew the plan that they are not going to do the remodeling. They were really high quotes. The first go-round was $44,000 to $51,000. They did a little adjustment and came back with $36,000 but we are getting it done for less. From their pictures, they did beautiful work but we just don’t live in an area where we probably begin to get that money back from that kind of bathroom remodel. They were very nice and very professional. The plans were well drawn. It’s just that to actually do the work was way too much money. I probably would not use them because of the cost.
Description of Work: They gave me a quote for bathroom remodeling.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
We really appreciate the "A" grades this member give us and we wanted to politely reply to the cost comment made by the member. We have completed over 2,000 projects in 16 years, so we know our costs are competitive within the industry because we would never sell that many projects over the years and we wouldn't be in business today if our prices were too high... but it doesn't matter that we know that. What matters is that you as a potential client know that and feel like you can trust us. We have had clients use us as many as 7-8 times over the years, so we know that once a client does a project with us, we are able to build that trust and they will keep coming back for future projects. In our business, we are often "dream makers" and sometimes unfortunately we are the "dream crashers". The dream crashing is not ever fun, but it happens every week when we look at a project and have to tell a client we cannot do everything they are asking of us for their budget. We hate that as much as the client because we want to do "almost" every project we look at! One of the things we are very, very settled with is our approach to pricing a project. We ALWAYS price to the middle or midrange of what a client is asking for. And, we clearly explain that to every client. If you want granite countertops and tile in your shower, there is a HUGE span of cost that can go along with that. Do you want $0.99 per square foot tile that you saw on someone's clearance rack or $20.00 per square foot tile that has the stone and glass mosaic look to it? We priced 4 granite selections for a client a few weeks ago and there was a $4,000 difference between the lowest option and most expensive option. We don't price the lowest, cheapest product just to get your job, only to follow with change order after change order. That does not work for us. We would rather lose your project right up front than to make you mad in the middle of your project when you find out everything you really wanted and everything you selected costs more than your allowance for that item. So, we feel like we better serve you if we are honest and tell you that this is the price we think you are likely to spend for this project. But, we follow that by saying, "By the way... you can certainly spend less if you choose these items instead"... and then we show you the less expensive options. We ALWAYS tell our clients, "WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SPEND!" That is the truth and we can do that because our goal is to do all of your projects for years to come... and those of your friends, family and coworkers. We earn that opportunity and it begins with fair pricing from the beginning, but it begins with realistic pricing to help you budget properly for the things you tell us you want to do to your home. We hope this makes sense. Please don't hesitate to ask us any questions you might have about our pricing approach to your project. Thanks for reading our reply!
home remodeling
+ -1 more
It did not go well, they made a mistake in the design, The way they created the design I would have not been able to open my door. The quote was also too high for the job. However, they were very polite and came on time
Description of Work: They created a layout for a kitchen remodel that we were planning.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
Most of the time, it is rather easy to reply to a member report submission. We may at times have a disagreement in the member's perception of the events that took place and wish to state our side of the story, but we can politely explain our position on the situation to you and trust that you as a member will use reasonable judgment as you evaluate our ability to be a good partner for your project. We know you look at our history of reports and take everything into account. With this particular report response, offering a rational, polite response is a bit more difficult. This report is 4 years old and that to us as a company is beyond ridiculous. It is even more frustrating given the fact that the member simply doesn't have their facts close to straight. If they did, then they would not have made up the date of November 10, 2010 for the work completed date when in fact they placed their first call to us on Friday, May 20, 2011. We returned that call on Monday, May 23rd and then they called back to discuss their project on May 25, 2011. We visited their home on June 8, 2011 and they came to our office for a second visit to discuss the design on June 15th. In that meeting, we discussed the design and pricing details of the project and provided an initial estimate of $72,888.01. After talking about opportunities for cost reduction, we made changes and then shared a second estimate for $60,230.73 a short time later. The member refers to a big mistake in the design surrounding a door. This is simply inaccurate and the delay in report submission must be clouding their memory... or maybe with the mistaken dates they are throwing out it is possibly they have us confused with another contractor entirely. It is our belief they have the wrong company, but who knows given that the report is 4 years old. All we know is this very disappointing that a report this old is just now appearing and we question the validity of every aspect of this report.
Jane M.
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
They arrived on time and had the plans available in a timely manner. Very responsive to changes. We just ended up doing a lot of the remodeling ourselves.
Description of Work: Developed plans for a kitchen renovation
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Jean R.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
It was fine. They said a very small bathroom will cost $60,000 to remodel so it was a very ridiculous estimate.
Description of Work: They did a CAD design and estimate of the bathroom remodeling.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
We wanted to take a moment to politely respond with some facts surrounding this member's report. First, we were at the home more than 9 months ago, so the delay in this report forced us to go back and look at the details as we were unable to recall them from recent memory. Fortunately, we track every detail and take pictures of every project - so we remembered very quickly after looking at it. We can tell you that the client had a budget of $8,000-$10,000 for a very large master bathroom renovation. Contrary to the comments the member submitted in the report, this bathroom would be considered large by anyone's standards. We don't care if you live in a big, fancy house right on Geist or in some swanky neighborhood with upscale homes, this bathroom was BIG. We remembered the situation quite well once we looked because the member was very nice and she had just had a baby (which was very cute, by the way). As we talked through the details of the project, it quickly became apparent this probably wasn't going to work out because it was a relatively new home with a long double vanity and large amounts of tile installed on the tile shower and the tub deck. To give you a sense of how big the shower was... even with a tub, a full size separate shower and a large double vanity with an additional make up countertop area... there was still unused floor space next to the long vanity with nothing in its place. So, while we agreed with the member that better use of the bathroom space in general could be made, we openly communicated that we thought this would be very hard to cost justify since it was such a new home and all of this tile was new. (TRANSLATION: This is gonna be expensive... we just want to prepare you.) Her response was to give us a list of elaborate details she wanted included in the bathroom renovation. Now, this is where things don't line up. She said we told her it would be $60,000 for her small bathroom. We think maybe the length of time between our visit and this report has affected the details she remembers because we came back and completed a detailed design, then priced an exact project with an exact price of $46,233.64. We can't figure out her comment about the $60,000 number. At any rate, we are sorry she was disappointed and while we tried very hard to set proper expectations and be very nice about it, it doesn't always work if a client has something in their mind that isn't going to change. In those cases, we just have to be polite and hope they don't submit a report like this without basis. Guess that didn't work out for us here, huh? If you as a potential client have any questions about this particular situation or have a project of your own that you'd like to understand cost, please don't hesitate to call us. We promise to be extremely transparent. Unfortunately, we can't promise that we will be able to meet your budget for your space as was the case here, but we will tell you everything we can and help to the best of our ability. As you can hopefully tell from our hundreds of A-rated reports and our Angie's List Super Service Provider Awards every year since 1999 (including this most recent award we received just weeks ago), our intentions are always to be a great partner for your remodel project!
countertops, plumbing, remodeling, home remodeling
+ 2 more
They did an superb job! We have no complaints. The kitchen looks like it came from a magazine photograph!
Description of Work: Granite kitchen countertops, stainless steel sinks, faucets and garbage disposal.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Chris W.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
It worked out fine. They were very professional and nice. The reason we went for the evaluation was to get a ballpark of how much it would cost to use a company like that. It turned out to be more than we expected. So we won't be using them anytime in the future. They seemed very responsive.
Description of Work: I bought the Big Deal for Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling. They did an evaluation for us.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Suzie M.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
It was a Big Deal purchase. It was okay. They gave me a nice design. There was no additional charge. They were very nice to work with. They were not pushy. They just kind of said, "When you are ready to do your project, we're here for you".
Description of Work: They came and looked at my kitchen and gave me a floor plan.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
Very helpful. We have another contractor we already planned to work with, but this provider was courteous and helpful. I would call them iF i could not work with my regular contractor.
Description of Work: Measured and drew plans for kitchen remodel per deal.
I have used this company before and it is the only company I will use in the future. It is a family business - they are easy to work with and are very responsive. Communication on project progress is always excellent. They are very knowledgeable about design and able to give me exactly what I want and envision. In this case, the project turned out to be more than I expected. I am completely satisfied with their work.
Description of Work: Complete tear-out and remodel of Master Bath, remodel of Master closet, remodel of Master bedroom and construction of new closet in MBR. Re-configured the ceiling in Master bath, removed a step-up on the floor, enlarged the shower stall, installed a new garden tub. Installed all new cabinetry, quartz counter top, new fixtures, porcelain tile on main part of floor and in shower stall and partially up wall around tub. All new lighting was installed, and new closet design implemented. Recessed lighting was installed in the Master bedroom along with a new closet. All areas were stripped of wallpaper and painted.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Oday H.
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
Remodel was for the master bathroom. Professional, knowledgible, well organized and on time. Provided good suggestions. Had plan laid out using computer aided design. I had 4 other bids and this one was by far the most expensive and therefore, did not choose their services. I choose someone that cost 58% less with also high reputation. I have no doubt Lifestyle group would have done a great job as they come recommended. However, the price was off the chart.
Description of Work: Measurment, evaluation and bid.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Joby H.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
I ended up not having the work done, but if I did I would have them do it.
Description of Work: Estimate
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Joni C.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
They were very professional and prompt on responding. They were very accommodating to work around our schedules to make sure we were happy. They came out on time and were very professional when they were getting measurements for the bathroom and looking at the space they had to work with. When we received the lay out and design we were very pleased. They did a design that fit us perfectly. The pricing quoted for the bathroom is a little more than we want to spend. We would definitely get great quality and understand why the price was quoted as it was. We still have not scheduled them to do the remodel but they will be who we contact when we are ready to start the remodel. We only have one bathroom right now and that is what is holding us back on starting the project.
Description of Work: Purchased a deal for a custom bathroom design with measurements and full set of plans
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Lynn S.
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
Geoff arrived on time and was very professional. The major project is the master bath and a large tub placed inside the master bed room. I wanted to get rid of the tub and put a sitting area in and/or enlarge the bathroom. After talking to Geoff I realized that enlarging the bathroom to the extent I wanted would not work. So, I went with a sitting room and a much smaller enlargement of the bathroom. In addition, I wanted a completely remodeled bathroom. A week following Geoff's visit, I met with him at his store to discuss options. I decided to go ahead with the plans Geoff offered. We met a week or so later to work out details (tile, flooring, etc) and sign the contract. The work should begin around the first week of December. Overall, I was very pleased with the experience and would recommend Geoff and the LifeStyle group. But I will return to expand this review once the work is complete.
Description of Work: We discussed a remodeling job in my kitchen and master bath.Geof Horen provided ideas and the plans for the remodeling.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Stephanie W.
decks, remodeling, doors, sunrooms
+ 2 more
It went well, the work was terrific and i was extremely happy with the finished product. We had a bit of a timing issue because of getting the specific type of trex decking i requested, but besides that everything was great.
Description of Work: Converted my screened in porch into a 3 seasons room and moved entry door from one area to front area where french doors were installed. They tore out an old deck and put in a new trex deck
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Mabel L.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
Made the purchase 5 weeks ago. The vendor wrote initially that in ten days they would be coming out. Then, another email to cancel and said it would postpone for a week. Wrote back to indicate my preference of adhering to the original date through regular email. Never received any response. Called today and they wanted to cancel the Angie's list deal, citing that this is the best resolution after they've kept me waiting for over 5 weeks. Also complained about not getting proof that customer even communicated with them actively. I guess these crooks are fishing for easy target to make money fast. Stay away. I'm getting my money back. Very upset.
Description of Work: The provider kept on postponing the initial contact and it was extremely difficult to get hold of an appointment that's not 2-3 weeks away. Not being professional with customer.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
The report submitted by this very, very rude member could not be further from the truth. He purchased a Storefront offer online on September 5th. We replied by email through the Angie's List system that same day, as we must do per the requirements of Angie's List. We never had a phone number for the client... and after our September 5th email reply through Angie's List... we never received a response. Please keep in mind while it goes through the Angie's List system, it generates an email to your inbox also. So, On September 11th, we sent another follow up email. No big deal... people get busy. Again, it was ignored. Angie's List has documentation of this correspondence so they can verify. In our second message, we even tried to provide a potential meeting date of September 15th because our calendar was getting full. No reply from the client. Yesterday (October 9th), the client calls us and starts yelling. Becky, my Office Manager, was getting very upset at the tone of the client, who wanted us to come out right away. She politely explained 3 times that our schedule was full and the soonest we could come that would work in the client schedule and ours was 2 weeks from now. He kept screaming. So, I asked her to place him on hold and I offered to talk to him as an owner of the company. His tone only escalated with me. Finally, I said if the schedule didn't work for him, I would be happy to work with Angie's List to see if we could help him get his money back. That followed with a click... which happened to be the phone hanging up on me. So, needless to say, this report was very predictable. The process by which Angie's List has set up the interaction with clients is admirable in that they want to be able to track to be sure clients get responses. They are looking out for you... and you as a member should appreciate that. But, in that effort, they don't provide a place for the client to give a phone number so we can call you, because that would mean contact would take place outside their system and they can't track that. So, please know we are forced to have a lot of email communication up front until we get your phone number to set up appointments. There is one critical piece to this equation though... you have to be better than this member and reply to an email so we can contact you. We don't ever want to make any member mad. I'm wasting minutes of my life I will never get back replying to this member's deceitful comments. Truthfully, what he says is an outright lie and while I want to remain professional, I'm not going to let you as a prospective client think we won't follow up. Our business approach is pretty easy to understand. To feed our families, we complete great remodeling projects for nice families. In order to do that, we have to visit with them when they call us so we can price the project. If we handled clients as this member implies... our kids aren't eating. It is both insulting and infuriating for all the work we put in to take care of clients that we have to read and respond to this report. If you call us, based on our Angie's List Super Service Provider Award every year since 1999, you will see this client is completely off base in his assertions and it was really his disrespectful behavior and lack of follow up that brought this situation to its conclusion. We will be happy to show you our very high level of service if you have a project and would like our help. On a side note and to end with a little humor, please be nice... life is too short!
Brad K.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
Never used the no comment.
Description of Work: I purchased the dela and never had the work performed, not there child.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
home remodeling
+ -1 more
The design process was great and the product actually looks good and the time table they were very timely , the estimate was good and every thing got installed well, there were a few concerns about the things that happened the door for the kitchen cabinet kind of cracked and we tried to remove but it was a wrong stain color so all the upfront agreement was great and they were very accommodating and very helpful and in the end we really enjoyed our kitchen. That was like two years ago we just liked what they said. The lines of communication was OK and I would recommend them. It was just the follow through.
Description of Work: They remodeled the kitchen.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
remodeling, home remodeling, basement remodeling
+ 1 more
Easy to schedule. Gave good ideas of what could be done. No real plans given. Bid was very high.
Description of Work: Received consultation/bid of basement remodel.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
home remodeling
+ -1 more
They were great, excellent and did a very good job. We're happy with them. I want the whole kitchen remodel including the flooring on the first floor. I would use them in the future.
Description of Work: We just got a computation quite sometime ago. They gave us a quote for remodeling plans. That's all we did with them.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
Jennifer L.
countertops, remodeling, woodworking, home remodeling
+ 2 more
We LOVE our newly expanded and renovated kitchen. We knew for years that the small galley kitchen in our 1940s home wasn?t going to work as our children got older. It took us years to get to reach the point to decide to do this project, which was not inexpensive. And it took us another year after getting estimates from several contractors to decide to begin work. What impressed us most about Lifestyle is that Kiersten is one talented kitchen designer. She also was great about figuring out how to add onto to our house in a way that blended the old with the new seamlessly on both the exterior and interior. In addition to the kitchen, we added a small mudroom and laundry room. We went through several drawings to get a design that we felt worked for our family. Kiersten was patient with us as we changed the plans several times. Both Kiersten and Geoff were great about suggesting some appliances to stay away from and some to look at, such as an induction range, which we got and just love and had never heard about until we started our kitchen renovation. We are horrible when it comes to matching countertops and cabinets and flooring and it was nice that Lifestyle was a one-stop shop that could provide us with advice. Kiersten took the time to meet us at the Cambria showroom to look at quartz countertops that would work with our cabinets and flooring. All the workers were so nice, professional and skilled. We got to know some of them quite well and even sought out their opinions on cabinet knobs and paint colors. When we had an issue with HH Gregg not being able to think out of the box to install a range hood, Lifestyle offered to install it for the same price and did a great job. This project took a little longer than we had hoped, but this was not a Lifestyle issue. At least two suppliers were delayed in getting some of our materials to Lifestyle. We kept our eyes on the prize, which was we ended up with a kitchen we adore. We haven?t once questioned what we did and haven?t seen another kitchen in a magazine or on HGTV we would prefer.
Description of Work: We bumped out our kitchen and added a mudroom and laundry room off the new kitchen.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro
brandon T.
home remodeling
+ -1 more
Very nice people and they do good work. However, my issues is with the $75 charge for the service. They basically came to the house and ended up giving me an estimate. I did not receive any drawings or anything for my $75. They basically just turned a "free estimate" into a $75 estimate. Do not purchase this as any contractor will come to your house and give you a free estimate
Description of Work: Came to the house to review a few projects. They then invited me to their building to go over options.
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
remodeling, home remodeling
+ 0 more
Took forever to get scheduled and the final result was worthless. Only cost $60 so we didn't lose our shirt, but was a waste of money and waste of our time to schedule and meet with them.
Description of Work: Bathroom design
Rating Category
Rating out of 5
Response from Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling
You will find that we reply to most reviews that offer some form of a negative response about our service. This is a great example why. People don't always quite tell the truth. For instance, reading this report, you might think we just had our interaction with the client in June since they dated the report June 11, 2014. Actually, that really isn't the case. They completely made that date up. This member submitted a report just now from our interactions that took place in July of 2013... so this report is well over a year old. You might be able to tell from the less than polite comments of the client that they are quite rude and condescending. That is the assessment I had a year ago in my interaction. Quick summary... they had a huge tub and tub deck, then a long vanity and a stool in a rectangle bathroom space. Their goal was to remove the tub and replace it with a big shower and split up the long vanity into his and her split vanities. Our design accomplished that and it laid out very well in the space. We designed and priced every element they requested, right down to their request for the addition of an exterior spigot in their big walk in shower. We have no idea why someone would want to bang their shins against an exterior spigot in their big shower (not to mention what the next homeowner might think down the road if they were to buy the house)... but we politely shared our professional opinion of that spigot idea, suggesting that maybe they install a handheld personal shower faucet in place of the spigot. Sometimes people just want what they want. In the end, we will just let you draw your own conclusions about this report. We think the report is nonsense given that we drew exactly what we discussed onsite and provided them with 3-dimensional views of everything (and then sat in our office shortly after the first visit at their home and discussed it a 2nd time in detail), but the beauty of Angie's List is that they are entitled to give their opinion. Fortunately, we are offered an equal opportunity to respond. We are sorry we could not effectively meet their expectations... we just aren't quite sure over a year later what it was that they were expecting.
All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.
*Contact business to see additional licenses.
Service Categories
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling,
General Remodeling
Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling is currently rated 4.7 overall out of 5.
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling accepts the following forms of payment: Check
No, Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling does not offer free project estimates.
Yes, Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling offers eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling does not offer a senior discount.
No, Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling does not offer emergency services.
No, Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling does not offer warranties.
Lifestyle Group Residential Remodeling offers the following services: Design & build residential remodeling, room additions, kitchens and baths, basement finishing, sunrooms, screen porches, decks, exterior renovations, whole house renovations, attic & porch conversions, handyman.