For a quicker response time, please email us with your questions directly at or We'll be able to get back to you much faster with a direct email. Award winning. It’s a matter of trust. And since 1948, Appel has been one of the most trusted names for home comfort systems throughout Hamilton County and across Indianapolis’ north side. There are lots of good reasons to choose Appel. Our Company is a great place to work—and has been Appel-family owned since 1948. Our Employees are smart, professional, and experienced – and many of them have been in the industry for more than 20 years. The quality of workmanship you’ll receive is unparalleled, and your home will be left spotless after the job is done. The Way We Do Business is special. You’ll always receive honest advice and answers to your questions. Your best interests are our top priority. Our Products are among the best in the HVAC industry. The equipment installed in your home will meet the requirements and specifications of all applications.