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CRC Concrete Raising & Repair

Concrete Leveling, Basement Waterproofing, Concrete Pouring and Repair,

About us

Sinking or settled concrete? Voids under your stoop or steps? Cracks and leaks in your basement or crawlspace? We provide the most permanent, cost-effective solutions and the best warranty in the industry. DBA Viking Concrete Raising & Repair.

Business highlights

20 years of trusted experience

Services we offer

Concrete raising & stabilizing-sidewalks, patios, stoops, steps, pool decks, garage floors, industrial floors, streets, curbs, & driveways.


Free Estimates
Senior Discount


Accepted payment methods

American Express
Financing Available


4.3161 Reviews
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Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Showing 26-161 of 161 reviews

Duane L.
  + -1 more
This was the 2nd time I used a concrete raising company- no issues with previous vendor [5+ yrs later], although I could not find them for the 2nd project. Original results from CRC project were OK issues came to light 7 months later... and CRC (their president) had no interest in helping identify/resolve or acknowledge the issue other than to have me send pictures... plenty of excuses though... claim on site says they "warranty", but all they warranty is that they put their 'slurry' under the surface not that it will provide a lasting fix ...I also read many of the other positive & negative reviews and the president's replies... I am a VP with experience at multiple manufacturing companies (aka old) and have worked with many unhappy customers (part of any business) and when the president doesn't show interest in helping a customer, who will? I look forward to her reply as she always seems to have time to do so (but no time to help with a customer's issue??)... Had I been an Angie's List member prior to my experience, I probably would have gone elsewhere, due to the inconsistent reviews... definitely will go elsewhere now!
Description of Work: leveled driveway and some walkways...

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Very strange reveiw and very strange communications from this Member. He refused to talk on the phone so we communicated only by e-mail with about 10 e-mails back and forth. Therefore, I certainly don't understand his comment that I didn't have any interest in helping him. Because his initial e-mail indicated a "gap" or space between 2 pieces of concrete - nothing about his concrete sinking - we asked that he provide a picture of the problem. What the picture showed was a normal control joint with a very normal space or gap. We explained that to him (over and over again) and also that we recommended that he caulk the gap (but if he didn't, it would not affect his warranty). I honestly don't understand what this post or all his e-mails are all about. There is no problem with his concrete - it was raised correctly, looks great, and needs no further service except possibly some caulking. Our contract with him was to raise and stabilize his concrete. We did this and it remains raised!

Jeanne A.
  + -1 more
After one reschedule due to illness of a worker, CRC showed up to begin the project, scheduled to take several hours. After about an hour of work, the crew packed up and left - saying their truck was malfunctioning. They would call to reschedule - maybe the next day. Several hours later, the crew reappeared to finish the job! Unfortunately, the malfunctioning truck dumped loads of oil on the lawn & street - which they did not clean up, and neighbors are still complaining about. After several hours more work, there was a knock on the door. The boss had packed up all his equipment and wanted payment. I went out to look at the work - most of which looked fine - but one section of sidewalk still sloped toward the house. Use of a level proved me correct. I asked that they fix this section. They got the equipment back out and fixed the section, so I paid them with a credit card and received a receipt marked "paid in full". I was surprised to learn that caulking was not included - it required a separate contract. The estimator did NOT mention this when the original contract was signed - even though he did say that they COULD do the caulking. Several days later I contacted CRC to ask when they would be out to estimate the caulking, and was told that I still had a balance of $230 on the concrete job - an extra charge for asking them to fix the section of sidewalk. I told them that there should be no charge for this, as it was simply correcting a job not finished properly - NOT an additonal job. I was told I had to talk to Patty - the owner of the business? Since then I have e-mailed and called several times - Patty has not returned my calls.....
Description of Work: I hired CRC to raise concrete sidewalks and a patio to slope away from the house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
I would like to take the opportunity to clarify a few things that have been misrepresented by Jeanne Adams. She does not seem to have a clear or unbiased memory of what took place. We at CRC document everything for this very reason. First, we did not reschedule any work due to an illness of a worker. Records show that paperwork for concrete raising at Lois Adams residence was signed on 7/19/13 and Lois (and Jeanne) were informed that we were 4 to 6 weeks out on the schedule and that we would contact them 3 days prior to their raising date. They were free to contact the office any time for their tentative date. Jeanne was contacted on 8/15/13 and told that the crew would be there on 8/20/13 to complete the work (and they were). We did not reschedule any work. The crew arrived at 8:45 a.m. on 8/20 and began work. At 10:31 a.m. – after 1 hour and 45 minutes - the crew left as they had a problem with the auger and needed to go back to the shop to fix a jam. They told Jeanne that they would be back as soon as the equipment was fixed – and if it was not the same day, the office would call to let her know when. The crew returned at 2:46 a.m. that afternoon. Note: Per the crew, Jeanne was outside watching the entire time the crew was raising her mom’s concrete. In fact, she stood with her neighbor watching and commenting how terrific it looked, that she couldn’t believe the difference (these are just some of the comments heard by the crew). At 3:50 p.m., the crew chief called in to the office to let the girls know they were done with the job. Water test was complete (after raising, standard procedure is to water test to make sure water flow is correct - away from the house/foundation). Clean up was complete and all equipment was put away. They were ready to head out – only payment needed to be collected. Note: Jeanne was there the entire time the crew worked, watched what they did and knew they were finishing and cleaning up. When the crew chief rang the bell to ask for payment, he said Jeanne refused to pay and demanded that they take a level and show her that all met with her approval. He told her that water flows away from the house – that it is pitched correctly. We have been raising concrete and pitching concrete correctly for over 10 years. The best test for water flow is a water test. Jeanne wouldn’t listen and then proceeded to tell our crew chief that she would not pay until he re-raised all pieces that did not meet with her approval. So, although pitch and water flow were correct and the work was completed as contracted for and according to Best Management Standards/Specifications for Concrete Slab Jacking, at Jeanne’s insistence and in order to collect payment, the crew re-drilled 7 pieces of service walk and re-raised them “for her approval”. It took the crew another hour to redo her work and at our billing rate of $500/hour for a crew of 3, a volumetric mixer and a utility truck, the cost should have been $500. Some other inconsistencies: 1) When the crew left after approval from Jeanne for doing the job over and for cleanup, there was not “loads of oil on the lawn & street”. And with her being “so picky” as the crew said, she would not have tolerated that. We would surely have heard about it before reading about in on Angie’s List. 2) I would like to see the receipt marked “paid in full” as our crews do not provide any receipts. This is all done at the office and through e-mail. Our crews do not have anything that they can provide. 3) Per the contract, the only thing we contracted for was raising concrete. There are specifications for exactly what we are going to do, what the material is, what the warranty is, etc. for the concrete raising. There is not a word about caulking, broken concrete repairs, or any other type of concrete repair. It is unreasonable and unfair for Jeanne to insinuate that we did not do something we were supposed to do. 4) Jeanne sent an e-mail on 8/27/13; I have never had a phone call from her. Jeanne has not paid the discounted cost for the additional work she asked the crew to do. I am not sure why she has complained about us. It would be more appropriate for me to register a complaint about her. I will waive the $250 if 1) Jeanne provides us with a copy of the “Paid in Full” receipt she claims she received and 2) provides a picture of the “loads of oil on the street and lawn”. In addition, she will agree that CRC will do no further work for her or her mom and that neither party will ever contact the other again or discuss or post about it again. Respectfully submitted by: Patricia J. Petersen, President

Timothy R.
mudjacking, concrete repair
  + 0 more
It did not go well. We have a walkway / sidewalk on the side of our house that is pitched towards the house due to sinking and with every rain event moves water toward the house. We also have some cracked and sunken front walk way sections that needed to be lifted. We had CRC give us an estimate in late June after looking over the other options decided to go with them around July 1st. They scheduled us for Aug 15th (6 weeks) and we reluctantly agreed. We received a message a few days before that they will be coming on the 15th as planned. The morning of the 15th I called to see when they will be there. I was told between 3-5 pm. Approximately 12 noon they arrive ready to go. (good thing someone was there) So as the workers start taking a look, the head guy he advises that our walk way / side walk is pretty thin and cracked and he thinks that when they try and raise it, it will break apart. However if it does, we still have to pay and they are not liable. Why was this not advised / explained when the guy gave us the estimate 6+ weeks ago? We could have made other arrangements - like getting a newly poured walkway or removing the badly cracked pieces etc. To wait 6+ weeks only to have them not do it was extremely frustrating. I understand their position and that it could further crack - but the guy who gave estimate made NO REFERENCE about this. We have since received estimates from other companies that noted the cracks upon reviewing the job and clearly state in their estimates that they will not lift the cracked sections and they will need to be replaced. CRC probably does good work, however I'll never know
Description of Work: No services were performed

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Dear Member, our crew chief gave you excellent advice that we strongly recommend you follow. Your concrete is not only very thin and cracked up, it is of very poor quality - very sandy and not strong enough to withstand the pressure of concrete raising. Our crew chief recognized this because he spent years pouring concrete before coming to work for us. He then showed your wife how thin it was and offered to void the contract. If we can't do a good job for our customer, we prefer not to do the job. It appears you received other estimates from companies that did not recognize the inferior quality of your concrete. We did you a favor and you blasted us. As they say, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Good luck with your project.

david H.
mudjacking, concrete repair
  + 0 more
A woman from the company called and said they had me on the schedule to come out sometime during the week, but she couldn't tell me the exact day they could do the repair work. On a Friday morning at 9am, I heard some noise outside of my home and saw men working on my front stoop. Nobody even rang the doorbell to tell me they were there and I later had to make them move their trucks, so I could get my car out the garage. It took them roughly 5 hours to get all of the work done, but I wasn't home when they left. I came home and inspected the work and determined that the 2nd step wasn't level and that the entire step had bulged out when they filled the hollow core of the stoop. I believed that this was something they could follow up on and come out and sand down the step in order to make it level. I looked at the bill and it stated that if I paid it within the next 5 days, I would get a $250 discount from the original estimate. Therefore, I sent them a check, but also called them the next day in order to get someone out to sand down the 2nd step and make it level. Unfortunately for me, nobody returned my call. I called back again the next week and spoke to someone in the office, but she told me that she just answered the phones and could not answer any technical questions. She explained that she would give them the message and that someone would return my call. Once again, nobody called back. Finally, I called again the next week and the same woman asked me to send them a picture of the step that wasn't level and explain in the email what the problem was. I did this the next day and have not heard back from them since. PLEASE stay away from this company. Their customer service is a JOKE and they obviously don't value their customers AT ALL.
Description of Work: They filled my front stoop with a cement compound and filled the cracks in the steps.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
This report by the Member and his ability to write whatever he pleases true or not is disturbing. The fact is that most of his report is inaccurate. So, once again, we will report the facts as we have recorded. (We keep records of everything - calls to the office, call out of the office, crew arrival/departure times, e-mails, scheduling calls, etc. We have to - customers and Members of Angie's List sometime confuse the facts.) On 1/30/13, Kevin/our consultant, went to the Members home per his request to do an estimate to "raise front stoop, front walk, crack repair". What Kevin found - 2 steps that were badly settled, a huge crack that cracked 1 step in half (vertical crack) and then ran along the joint between that step and the step below it (horizontal crack), and void throughout the steps and stoop. (Note: it is drawn on the contract - a badly damaged step/steps.) On 5/6/13, the Member called Kevin to let him know he wanted to go ahead with the work on the Estimate. He sent us the signed contract to "raise, pitch and best possible." He told Kevin that he did not want to remove and replace the damaged concrete as costs were prohibitive - in the $5000 range. He also signed a contract to do some caulking after the raising was complete. On 6/14/13, Maqueena left a voice mail message for the Member that we would be at his home on 6/19/13 to do the concrete raising/void filling work. 6/17/13, Judy left the Member a voice mail and sent an e-mail asking for a signature on the required Consumer Rights brochure (he did not return it with the signed agreement) asap to keep him on the schedule for the 19th. We received his signature later that day. NOTE: We NEVER just show up. All customers are first given tentative dates (we are weather dependent) then they are given definite dates approximately 3 days prior to our coming out to do the work. We communicate with our customers, we communicated with the Member and we are available - at a minimum - from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. 5 days a week should any of our customers have questions or concerns. On 6/19/13 we raised and/or stabilized the Members stoop, stairs and a piece of service walk per contract and working with what he gave us - a cracked, damaged, separated step and a hollow stoop and set of stairs. The crew arrived at 9:24 a.m. and left at 11:11 a.m. a total of 1.78 hours. NOTE: We did not come out on a Friday, the Member was not home when the work was done, it did not take us "roughly 5 hours" - the Member seems to be confused. We don't know where his information is coming from. On 6/20/13, the Member sent us an e-mail thanking us for the work that was done and telling us "It looks good." and that he sent a check out that morning. Remember, the steps were badly sunken and cracked/damaged - we didn't cause the problem but were only there to fix it as best as possible. The Member knew we did a good job of repairing his problem as best as could be done and that is why he said so and sent a check. (Note: I have the e-mail should anyone want to see it..) He had some questions regarding the cracks - our crew put some patch on them to help the Member - I personally left him a message on 6/21/13 and did not hear back. On 7/9/13, Maqueena left a message for the Member letting him know we would be at his home on 7/12/13 to do the caulking work. On 7/11/13, Maqueena left a message for the Member reminding him that we would be out the following day to do the caulking. On 7/12/13, our technicians arrived to do the work. The Member was not home and did not answer his phone after several attempts by the techs as well as by the office. The reason for trying to reach him - in their expert opinion, the cracks were patched already, did the Member want to pay us to put caulk on it or was he happy with the patch. If he was happy, we would just Void the contract. We decided to postpone the work until we could have a conversation with the customer. He did not call us back. On 7/15/13, The member finally called and I personally called the Member back and as usual, I got voice mail. I explained everything again and asked that he call the office if he wanted us to go ahead and do the caulking work - but that we would not proceed until we had a discussion with him. On 7/22/13, we received an e-mail from the Member with questions regarding the crack/separation. I called him to discuss. I did not receive a return call. On 8/1/13, we received an e-mail from the Member with a picture of his stoop. I called and left a message for him. No return call. On 8/6/13, we received an e-mail from the Member threatening "action" including reporting to Angie's List and also "I will be using all of my facebook and twitter accounts to inform people of your poor customer service". I received a negative report on Angie's List the same day. We were hired to raise and stabilize this Members badly damaged concrete. We made it usable, safe, with step heights once again in code. The crack is still there as is the separation/displacement. The Member has some additional work that he needs to do to make the stoop/steps they way he wants them. Again, they are safe and stable. He has asked us to come out and do additional work that we did not contract for or charge him for. We won't do that. In summary, we did the work requested, the Member was happy, the Member paid us. The Member understood that we would do the "best possible" raising and stabilizing job given the bad shape the concrete was in. The crew did exactly that. The stoop/steps are now stable, safe and to code. The Member seems to have had some "buyer's remorse" several weeks later. The Member as well as all customers need to understand that when we raise and / or stabilize, the concrete is still going to be the same concrete as before we did our work. It does not suddenly become new or flawless or "repaired" other than raising and / or stabilizing. If it is old and ugly before we raise / stabilize it, it is still going to be old and ugly. If it is broken and cracked, it is still going to be broken and cracked, etc. The Member is being unrealistic and unfair.

Rachel J.
mudjacking, concrete repair
  + 0 more
The company representative came out to the property promptly to provide a free estimate. Although I had initially asked about one stoop, he noticed another stoop needed work as well. He informed me of a price for raising both stoops which I felt was within reason. It did take quite a while for the work to be scheduled, but since I didn't need it immediately that was not a problem. If there was one area where I felt that things should have been handled differently, it was with the certificate of insurance which was forwarded to me by CRC, instead of coming directly from the insurance company as it should have. I followed up by calling the insurance company to make sure that this company was in fact insured with them and that they had my information as a certificate holder and additional insured. I was informed that everything was correct. Since the project was just done today, I am unable to say if the work will stand the test of time. I have already referred someone else to this company so I'm hoping that it will.
Description of Work: CRC raised two concrete stoops adjacent to entry doors to a home I own. Each stoop had been leaning at an angle.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you for taking the time to post this message. Yes, we are extremely busy this year and started the season out about 7 weeks. We recently purchased another volumetric mixer and another utility vehicle which doubled our capacity. And we are still 4-5 weeks out to get work done. We attribute this to 2 things. First, the drought (2011 - 2013) caused havoc in the midwest and other areas in the country. Subsoil shrank and everything on top on it dropped including our customers' concrete slabs. Add the 2 floods - April and June - and more problems resulted. Second, our customers have told us they are shying away from "mudjackers" that provide a temporary fix. Ours is a much more permanent repair and our customers have told us that we are worth waiting for. As for the insurance certificate: We request them from our insurance carrier - they e-mail our customers directly with a copy to us. If we see something different, i.e. sent to us without sending to our customer, we will forward the cert to our customer. Our insurance guy has had a couple of new assistants start this spring and summer and their process isn't perfect. But, please be assured we have all the insurance coverage that any of our customers would want or need. Thank you again for your post and thank you for your business. Patty Petersen

concrete repair
  + -1 more
This was a miserable experience. The worst customer service I've ever had.
Description of Work: They gave us a quote in November. Two months ago they called on a Sunday and said that they were going out on Tuesday to do the work. I called back, spoke with a receptionist, and told them not to go out and that we'd already sold the property. They denied that we contacted them. They called us and threatened us with physical violence if we did not pay them. They also left the water running all weekend.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Dear Angie’s List Members: After a very bad experience with this customer/ the Member, I found out more about him than I cared to know. We knew when he contracted with us that he flips houses. In fact, he buys and sells through 2 different businesses that he owns. What we didn’t know, but found out from mutual acquaintances in the real estate community, is that we are not the only company/service provider that has had a problem with this guy and/or his businesses. I have since had the opportunity to speak with some of these service providers and found out how he works. He generally ”finds” things to complain about - generally unfounded - and then “negotiates” for a much lower price or just doesn't pay at all. Our experience was a little different as he had no problem with the quality of our work. We had no reason to suspect anything unusual about this customer/Member. He contracted in December ‘12 to do a small concrete raising job at a house he was preparing to flip. As we were busy and the season was coming to an end, we let him know the work would have to be done in the spring. He had no problem with that. He contacted us several times in the winter to make sure we had him on our list for spring. In April, we gave him his tentative date (all preliminary dates are tentative as we are weather dependent and the spring rains can really mess with our schedule) and then finally in May, we called to notify him 3 days prior to his scheduled work day (all standard procedure – his work was outdoors, he didn’t need to do any prep work and he wasn’t planning on being there for the work). One of our crews went to the site three days later and did the work. All went well. This should be the end of the story. But it isn’t. We invoiced our customer after the work was completed - standard procedure - and when we did not receive payment within the terms of the contract I made a “courtesy call’ to let him know that the payment was past due – we didn’t want him to lose his discount. The person that answered the phone – male – was very short, would not let me talk to his boss/our customer/ the Member and when aked, I told him why I was calling, he said, “we don’t own the property, please don’t bother us again” and proceeded to hang up. Further research showed that the customer did own the property. I later called back to talk to the customer and was again blocked by the same person. To make a long story short, the Member finally called me back and at the top of his lungs screamed that he is not paying for work completed - note: not because “he didn’t own the house” as originally claimed - but because of these other reasons (he kept changing the reason - all lies): - First, he said we flooded the yard by leaving the water running (when I volunteered to go up and take a look and clean it up, he said he already had done that). If we had done this, he would not have waited until we tried to collect payment 2 weeks later – he would have called immediately. - Second, he was afraid that his water bill would be high – again because we left the water on (when I volunteered to pay it when he received it, he refused). Again, we didn’t leave the water on - we would have heard about it the next day, not 2 weeks later when we tried to collect money for the work we did. - Third, that we damaged the landscaping. Again, I volunteered to come up and look at it and then send a crew to clean it up. Again – he refused. And again, if that had been true, we would have heard something prior to this phone call. - And finally, that our crew stole his refrigerator (yes, you read that right!). When I asked to see the police report, he said he didn’t report it. When I asked if there were broken windows or a broken door, he replied that they still don’t know how our crew got in and out with the refrigerator without doing damage. I know this all sounds ridiculous, but this is a true story. I don’t understand how a person would pull something so crazy – all for a $495 bill. But, if he does this all the time to service providers, I guess over a long period of time he saves a tremendous amount of money. This Member had his wife call the morning after our last conversation to pay the bill with a credit card. She said he was concerned that we would put a lien on the house and he wouldn’t be able to sell it. Again, I thought end of story. But, he couldn’t let it rest. Now,this Angie’s List report. I have spoken to Angie’s List and this response is the only recourse I have. I am very disappointed that a Member can submit a report with blatant lies and smear a service provider’s name and have no repercussions or consequences. I only wish I could somehow warn other service providers about this guy and his businesses before he strikes again. Respectfully Submitted by: Patricia J. Petersen, President P.S The Member did not call our office and cancel the work "because he sold the property". And as the the "threat" - not true. But, we did tell him that our strong, hard working, honest crew would be happy to meet him at the house to rectify any of the claimed damage, etc. but that we did not recommend that he accuse them of stealing the refrigerator to their face!

mudjacking, concrete repair
  + 0 more
they were on time ,explained everything they were going to do and cleaned before they left.
Description of Work: raised my sidewalk

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much for the report and for being a repeat customer. We appreciate your business!

Lou Z.
  + -1 more
Not well. I am very unhappy. From July 9 until August 30th is long enough ahead of time to not cause a company any inconvenience.
Description of Work: I called on seeing reviews on Angie's List. They had someone come out within a couple of days. He was here about ten minutes, told me what they would do, said they were busy and i would need to sign the contract and he would turn it in for me to get on the schedule. I said I would send it in, he said well, okay but you don't get on the schedule until they receive it. later that day I signed it and sent it in. I called the company and they said that they wouldn't be able to get me in for a while. This was in May, the last week. I was going away, so said that was okay. After I returned two weeks later I called again and they still didn't have me one the schedule. I believe it was at that time that I suggested that they schedule me the end of August because I had two more trips. About ten days ago I called to totally cancel because I have had some health issues come up that will cost me some money I wasn't expecting. I wrote them an email today saying I hadn't heard back from them. Then Patty Peterson called me today and said I signed a contract and if I canceled I would have to pay 25% of the total bill which was $495.00. If I don't do that(pay up) there will be a lien on my property. I think this is a dirty trick all around.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
I am sorry that the Member does not like our policies. We do not require an upfront deposit in order to get on our schedule or to do the work. Payment is then due upon completion. Some pay our crews before they leave, some wait for our invoice and then send a check or call the office with a credit card. We supply the Attorney General required "Notice of Cancellation" to every customer and we follow the requirements to a tee if someone decides not to do the work after signing our contract. What the Member fails to realize is that once the contract is signed, it binds both parties - not just CRC. CRC cannot change the terms of the contract, i.e. if we accidentally underpriced the job or if the cost of our material rises we have to just live with it because there is a contract. But the same holds true for the customer. A contract is a contract. But, CRC realizes that sometime circumstances change. So our policy is not to require a customer to go through with the contract or pay the contracted price. Instead, all we require is a 25% cancellation fee along with something in writing stating that the contract is cancelled. We are a business and we base our operations on contracts we have in place for the upcoming week, month, etc. This particular customer (the Member) was especially time consuming - had us working with her association, their property manager, providing insurance certs, etc, - all pretty standard but time consuming none the less. In addition, every time we had her on the schedule, she made us change as she was "heading out of town again", "can't be home that day" (most of our customers aren't home when we don work), and finally "I want to push my raising date back to late August bacause my court yard is starting to look nice and I just want to wait a little while so it does not get ruined". When she sent a letter dated July 11, 2013, she said she was cancelling becasue it took CRC too long to get her work done! Huh?? Crazy as she was the one that posponed over and over again. Again, we are sorry that the Member doesn't like our policy, but we are a business and we have to run our business like a business. We are very busy and try to treat everyone equally, fairly and honestly. Sincerely, Patty Petersen

Karen A.
foundation repair
  + -1 more
Judy took the call and explained to me about what the company can do. She explained that someone would follow up with me in a few days to schedule an on-site visit. A couple days later I was contacted by an individual and we set up an appointment. The rep came and determined that the crack could be addressed with the foam/epoxy repair. The price on his quote was reasonable (we've had this done with a prior home) and I agreed to the contract that same day. A separate appointment was then set up via again working with Judy in the office. Judy called gave me the choice of a few different time slots so it could fit with my schedule. When the day came repair was done and everything is fine. We've had a few rains and there is no leakage. I like the warranty that came with the repair, too. It's good peace of mind. I'm very pleased. I understand that these folks, like others in the industry have had a very busy season with the all the rain. CRC let me know that the repair would be several weeks out. when I initially called. This timing was no problem with my schedule and I appreciate the professional / polite dealing with all I encountered.
Description of Work: In the new old house we recently purchased a hairline crack in the foundation leaked when it rained. The crack started a couple inches above the floor and ran about 5 feet up the wall. We had sought to get an opinion if the issue was serious or some minor settling that could be fixed with urethane foam/epoxy repair. It was fixable via foam/epoxy repair.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
We appreciate your Report, your business and your patience. You are right. We are having a very busy season - both with our foundation repair / waterproofing and with our concrete raising. Between the 2011 - 2013 drought followed by the Spring '13 rains, it has been quite a season. If we can doing anything else for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mary Ann P.
  + -1 more
I scheduled a time for them to come out for an estimate, explaining it needed to be early morning as we would not be home past 10am that day. I was told 'no problem, I will make you his first stop and he will be there between 8:30-9:30'. So that morning it was getting to be 9:15 and no sign, no word so I called. The woman who answered the phone didn't recognize my name from the service calls scheduled that day, so I explained the situation and that he was supposed to be there between 8:30-9:30. She proceeded to tell me that the service man was right there with her in the office, he hadn't even left yet and when they schedule appointments they always give a 2-hour window. I told her I did NOT get a 2-hour window when I called and she said 'that's policy'. So I told her I was unaware of their policy and just relaying what was conveyed to me during scheduling. She told me to hold on and when she came back on the line she said she checked the service list for the day and I was on there but 'not until sometime later in the day'. I asked how that could be when I specifically requested early morning, and was told BY THEM I would be the first stop during the one hour window I was given FROM THEM. When I made the initial call I even reconfirmed all of this before I hung up and she said 'no problem, he'll be there'. Also, the phone etiquette was less than courteous during the second call, she was very abrupt and told me even if I had an appointment 'other delays do come up during the day such as problems with jobs of previously scheduled customers, weather, traffic, etc.'. It just seemed like one excuse after another. She asked if I wanted to reschedule, but I said 'no thanks' and looked elsewhere.
Description of Work: Nothing, as they never came for original estimate.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Wow! We sure don't know where this review is coming from. The Member was scheduled for an estimate on June 20th with an "estimated time of arrival between 9 and 11 a.m. Policy requires our customer reps to give an "estimated" time of arrival with a 2-hour window. We cover all of Chicagoland and our consultants do 10-12 estimates each day. It is too difficult for us to provide any other promises. We are sorry if the Member misunderstood - she made the appointment 15 days prior (on June 5) and said she was "having out of town guests and wanted to wait until this date" - or if she was confusing us with another company or if she just heard what she wanted to hear. It is also our policy to let our customers know that they do not have to be home when our Consultants do the estimate as long as all areas are outdoors and accessible (and hers were). The Member called on the morning of June 20th and notes say "Wanted to meet and she said she has to reschedule because she wants her husband to be home and she will call back". Our rep that handled the call said there was no argument, disagreement, etc. - just a normal conversation. Our rep even paged our Consultant to see when he thought he would arrive (he was not in the office) - our Push-to-Talk is on speaker so maybe the Member heard him respond and thought he was in the office - and he said closer to 11 a.m. as he still had 2 estimates prior to the Members. We would have been happy to provide the Member with an estimate that morning - our Consultant did not need the Member or her husband to be home to look at the service walk and the driveway. But, we understood that she wanted her husband to be home so we were just going to wait for her call to reschudule as she requested. I would like to end with the fact that this particular rep is soft spoken, polite and does a terrific job with our customers. It is very hard to believe that she was abrupt or had a lack of phone etiquette. I do believe that she tried to explain to the Member why we do "estimated" times of arrival and 2-hour windows. These are not excuses, these are how we do business. I wish the Member the best of luck with her project and if things don't work out, she is welcome to call us.

mudjacking, concrete repair
  + 0 more
CRC was great to work with. After I called, they sent Douglas out to view the job. Doug showed up the next day. He called me prior to sending his proposal to go over the work and what they would do. Doug was very knowledgeable. The office contacted me 2 weeks to schedule work. It went very smoothly. The day the work was scheduled, Ralph and his crew showed up on time, worked diligently in the rain and were very professional. (FYI- This type of concrete work is noisy, so you may want to keep that in mind when scheduling the time of day.) They were very clean and completed the job in 2 hours. The office followed up with me after the work was completed to make sure all went well, which was appreciated. Ralph was also very helpful in offering advice on how to repair some cracked entry steps. Highly recommended and will use again.
Description of Work: Raised 7 concrete pieces of service walk along the side of a bungalow I am renovating. The pieces of service walk had settled and were no longer pitched away from the house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
We are pleased that you are happy with our work. And we appreciate your taking the time to do this report! You are right - this work can be very noisy. Between the drilling, sawcutting (when necessary) and the running of the volumetric mixer to make our Portland cement slurry, we can be quite the noise maker!! Thanks for bearing with us. Just call if we can do anything else for us.

concrete repair
  + -1 more
Their customer service was terrible. They were really rude and abusive on the phone.
Description of Work: CRC Concrete Raising & Repair raised some concrete for me.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
After looking at our call records and notes, we are very surprised by this report - especially after all this time (we completed the project on 11/3/12 and last spoke to both Mr. and Mrs. on 11/7). I wish Mr. and Mrs. shared with Angie's List what truly transpired last fall. And In no way were office personnel or I rude, abusive or disrespectful to this customer at any time. In summary: Per Mr. and Mrs. request, we did an assessment and estimate on 9/7/12 to raise their rear patio. They then asked us to come back out a second time as their "concrete man" wanted additional areas raised in order to make it easier to do some concrete pouring - and he wanted to be there. We did a new estimate including some additional pieces of patio and a piece of service walk per the customer's request. The estimate was approved, signed and faxed to us on 9/25/12 and per discussion with CRC office personnel that day, Mr. and Mrs. were given a tentative date of 11/2 for the project to be completed / that we were extremely busy and were about 4 to 6 weeks out on the schedule. They called the office on 10/15 and 10/22 hoping to be moved up on the schedule but we had no cancellations or postponements and therefor no openings prior to to their original tentative date. Work was completed on 11/3, a Saturday as Mr. insisted that he needed to be there during the work to make sure it was done correctly and that he needed Saturday, not the scheduled Friday. (Please note: we do most of our work with no one home - our crews are very experienced and do terrific work. We generally don't need direction from the home owner but are happy when they are there to watch and we were happy that we were able to accommodate the customer!) Mr. was there the whole time "directing" and watching, added an additional piece of patio to be raise (and signed off on it), told the crew it "looks good" and was very happy with the results. A $1375 check was given to the crew chief and the crew was on their way. Mr. called the office a couple of days later with "an issue with slant" that needed to be resolved. I returned the call on 11/7 and talked to Mr. first. In response to his complaint that the patio was not "level", I explained that we raised the patio to where is was originally poured and that patios are poured with a pitch (not poured level) for proper water drainage. Mr. got angry and insisted that we come back and "complete the job" by changing the pitch on the patio. I explained again that we don't change the way it was poured but just restore sunken concrete as best possible to how is was originally poured. I also reminded him that he watched an worked with our crew chief the entire time to do the best job possible. Mrs. then got on the phone and told me she understands that what her husband wants can't be done and proceeded to hang up on me. Again, our customer service specialists were pleasant and professional every time the customer called and during this last conversation I was firm, but never rude or unprofessional. Just to emphasize, we raise and stabilize sunken uneven concrete to restore it to its original level/height/pitch. That is exactly what we did here and with the approval of the customer. And we explained why we cannot do any more to the patio than what was done. It was restored to where is should be. We take our Angie's List customers and reputation very seriously and are a bit disappointed by this transcribed phone call. Without more detail from the Member, it is a meaningless and not very honest post. Patricia J. Petersen, President CRC Concrete Raising & Repair

Christine A S.
  + -1 more
They were great. The estimate was fair and I got a spring discount without asking for it. They were punctual and the job was done as they proposed. The results were perfect. No problems, looks great.
Description of Work: Raised the driveway slab going into the garage which had sunk a couple of inches.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much! We appreciate your business and your kind words. If you have the opportunity, we hope that you will pass along your good experience with CRC. We love referrals! Thanks again! Sincerely, Patty Petersen

Arthur W.
  + -1 more
As the date neared rain was predicted for that day so they moved it up by a day. The Patio in the rear went quickly but al little more work was required not covered in the estimate . They gave me a very reasonable estimate to complete the job which I accepted. I also requested some excees concrete be remove from a previous Concrete pouring by another firm. They gladly accepted the additional work for a nominal fee $25.. The garage wasa major effort requiring 22 Tubs of slurry to be injected before it came up. the three inches.. All in all the work was completed within Estimate and done very professional I would recommend this company to any one who wants a thorough job done.
Description of Work: The one car Garage floor had sunk 3 Inches and the patio in the rear of he Hose had also sunk alllmost 3 Inches as well. In other word botth parts not part of the foundation , which did not sink, sunk after many years. Two person Paul and Doug came into to evaluate and estimate the work. They diagrammed the Garage and drive way blocks leading up to the Garage . They provided a fair estimate as compared to two other contractors whose quick estimate I felt were inadequate for the work to be performed. The worst part fell to me since I had to clean out the garage, which had'n't been cleared in15 years, took three weeks to clear out. If you intend to do a similar job start early to clean out the garage. When the garage was cleared I called for a date which was May 10, th

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you for you detailed and kind comments. We are very lucky to have terrific consultants as well as crew members. And the girls in the office are pretty terrific too. And we appreciate your understanding that sometimes there is additional work that needs to be done to make the job come out just like you want. Our consultants are good, but cannot always predict exactly how the concrete will raise. They use best efforts to include everything in the original proposal - but sometimes it makes sense for our customer to add an additional piece or 2 to make a good job even better. Thank you again! We appreciate our terrific customers! Patty Petersen

Karen B.
  + -1 more
Everything went smoothly, from the friendliness of the phone receptionist, setting the appointment, clear communication, and the service rep arriving on time. The fact that they are not the right company to solve the problem of our sinking porch was the only disappointment, but the rep was kind enough to give me a referral to a company that hopefully can. I am very happy with CRC's performance!
Description of Work: It turned out that CRC was not able to address the problem we have. However, their office receptionist and service rep who came to evaluate the situation were professional and communicative. The service rep referred me to another company better able to address the problem, and I appreciate this!

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this review. We're happy we were able to hook you up with the structural repair company that specializes in the kind of work you need. Good luck with your project. Should you ever need our service - concrete raising - please do not hesitate to contact us.

hugh B.
  + -1 more
Nine months later the slabs are still level, so I would say the job went well.
Description of Work: Raised three front porch slabs.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this report. I checked our job report and per the crew chief's notes, all went well - "Job raised, pitched and stabilized. Customer happy!" And you even took the time to call the office and speak to Jeannie. Her notes - "H called after completion to praise the crew. On time, looks great, and cleaned up!" Thank you again - both for your business and for you comments!

James A.
  + -1 more
They gave a good price. They were prompt and knowledgeable. One part of the driveway ended up being half an inch higher than it should have been.
Description of Work: I used CRC Home Improvement to raise a portion of my driveway and sidewalk.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
We appreciate your taking the time to post this review! And that you are happy with the work we did in December. You were there for the job and promptly paid us for our work, which we appreciate. We even did an additional piece of service walk for you at a discounted price. If a corner of the driveway is high (our notes from the crew do not indiate that) and everyhing else matches up, there was no way to make it any more perfect. Remember, first, we can only work with what you give us and second, if we had raised it differently than we actually did, the opposite corner which matches now would not have matched up. We can't raise one area without something happening somewhere else. Another possible scenario - if you didn'[t notice anything until this spring, the raised corner may be due to "swelling". We were in a drought until very recently (and some say we are still in drought conditions). The subsoil had shrunk very badly throughout Chicagoland during 2011 and 2012 and into 2013 (and was still contracted when we did your work). When subsoil hydrates, something called "swelling" occurs and may lift whatever is on top of the subsoil. Why this long explanation? We just want to let you know that CRC is known for quality work and that we do not just leave something undone. If this corner was high when we left, it was because we matched up all areas as best as possible. Thanks again for the review!

Gail L.
  + -1 more
It worked just as they said. They were very professional and clean. The driveway and walkways were raised and are now level - no more dips. It is amazing how these tiny holes filled with concrete create level areas.
Description of Work: Our concrete in driveway and walkways were sagging which caused them to dip in areas. CRC came out and drilled several holes in which concrete could be poured into as to elevate these areas.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you! We have such terrific customers!

Darlene H.
  + -1 more
They were excellent in every way from Jeannie in the office who was so incredibly helpful to the man who came out and gave me the extimate. He explained what they were going to do. They were punctual cleaned up after and made my driveway and sidewalk look great again. It was the best contractor experience I have ever had!
Description of Work: driveway repair
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much for your nice comments. I passed them along to our employees during one of our meetings. We love to hear about our customers experiences from beginning to end as our mission is: “... to provide clients with the best service from start to finish. CRC Concrete Raising & Repair is dedicated to quality workmanship and fulfilling client needs. From your first call to our office to your project’s completion, you will find us to be knowledgeable, helpful, professional, fair, and honest.” Thank you again - for taking the time and effort to post your experience!!

Suzanne L.
  + -1 more
Now that it is 8 months later, I am still VERY unhappy with the work they did.
Description of Work: They were to lift 6 squares of sidewalk on the side of the house & fill a void under the step on the side door. They were also to raise one square by my front door. The one in the front doesn't look like it was raised at all. The step on the side still has a small gap under it. The 6 squares on the side were raised, but one of the squares was cracked all the way across & 2 of them had chunks or cement taken out of them. The holes that were drilled and then filled are still very noticeable, I hope they will eventually blend in more so they are not so obvious. The job didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. I complained to the owner, but she said it was my fault for not standing outside in the freezing cold with the workers the entire time they were there.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Darci S.
  + -1 more
Contacted CRC online for an estimate. My request was not acknowledged and no one ever came out and performed an estimate. I can only assume they don't want business so you might as well find someone else.
Description of Work: Contacted CRC online for an estimate. My request was not acknowledged and no one ever came out and performed an estimate. I can only assume they don't want business so you might as well find someone else.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Dear Member. I was very upset to see your post this morning and apologize for any break down in communication. We pride ourselves on customer service which includes responding to each and every inquiry that comes in. In fact, we are told all the time that we are the only company that responds to requests. We have an office with CRC team members that anwer the phone and schedule estimates all year round. So this was a real puzzle to me. As far as we can see, we have no record of any request coming in under your name or your address, We keep records of all requests - phone, e-mail, website, etc. - and where they came from. In addition to our internal records, I checked the Angies List e-mailed requests and again, nothing there. I also checked with our website provider that handles our website requests and, nothing there. So if we did not respond to your request, it appears it is because we did not receive it. I would love to find out what method you used to communicate with us so we can figure out what happened. If the problem is on our end, we would like to remedy it immediately. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience, but it appears that maybe your request was not made or did not go through. Sincerely, Patricia J. Petersen

Timothy W.
  + -1 more
Received a quick quote and they answered a lot of questions. They were not the cheapest, but were the company I felt most comfortable with. However, they were also very busy at the end of the summer and I did not follow up with them immediately. It ended up being about 3 months before they came to do the work, which was longer than I had expected. I am satisfied with the work so far...time will be the real test (since I have never had this done before). But they have a good guarantee/warranty.
Description of Work: They raised and leveled the front step, sidewalk leading up to the step, and the driveway.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
We are very pleased that you are happy with our work and thank you for your business. But, we are a bit disappointed that you feel we are not responsive - you rated us a C. When you called for an estimate and wanted us to take a look at your garage (we need access) in addition to the other areas you needed raised, we scheduled a visit around your schedule - after 7 p.m. in the evening. Then, when you indicated that you wanted to get the work done, we immediately put you in queue after being informed that we were 7-8 weeks out on our schedule. We received your signed agreement on 8/27/12 and we completed your project on 10/19/12 (less than 2 months later). In addition, we tried to reach you twice prior to doing your work to schedule the work when you could be there as we promised on the contract that we would "Drill hole in garage floor to check for void N/C" and needed access to the garage. You did not respond. This summer/fall has been extremely busy and we are working 6 days a week 10 hours a day to try and get our customers taken care of this fall (before the snow flies). We attribute this being our busiest year ever to two things: 1) The 2012 drought has caused problems for many people throughout Chicagoland and the midwest. This includes subsoil shrinking and concrete falling or sinking; and 2) Customers have figured out that mudjacking - using a mud slurry or limestone slurry - does not last and they are looking for something more permanent. Ask us why we're not your grandfather's mudjacker! We have a good reputation and pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and our responsiveness. We appreciate your business and if we weren't as responsive as you would have like or expected, we apologize. We're just not sure what we could have done differently other than to put you ahead of customers that committed before you did. Although we do accommodate emergencies, non-emergencies are scheduled according to date of commitment along with location (fitting in a route). Thanks again for your business. If we can help you with anything in the future, please call!! Sincerely, Patricia J. Petersen

Robert P.
  + -1 more
The service was performed without any problems. The crew was efficient, polite and knowledgeable. They cleaned up the muck. I chose the CRC as they claim to use a mixture of cement and clay to make the repair permanent. The price was a bit higher than traditional mudjacking but not by much. Make sure you stick around to watch as the huge slabs of cement are raised effortlessly by the slurry. Impressive!
Description of Work: Two cement slabs needed to be raised at the ends of circular driveway as they dropped below the curb level making it difficult to drive over. Also, a slab in fron of the stoop caved in allowing rain water to flow under the stoop and under the foundation. CRC raised the driveway slabs so it matches the curb's height. The slab in fron of the stoop was raised to close a crevice. The material was also injected under the stoop filling the empty space underneath, stopping the water from flowing into the basement.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much for the detailed report and the nice comments. And for you confidence and your business! I love to share customer reports and comments with our employees and they appreciate the input. Our price is almost always going to be higher than our competitors (mudjackers that use a mud or limestone slurry; even those who say they use cement in their slurry but it is so minimal) but that is because of the costs involved in the product and the service that we provide and that allow us to give our customers the longest and best warranty in the industry. Our favorite slogan is "We're not you're Grandfather's mudjackers!" Ask us why and we are always happy to tell you. Thanks again for your business!!

basement waterproofing, concrete repair
  + 0 more
They were very good. The leak they fixed hasn't leaked since. They're very courteous & nice people. When I called about the second leak recently, they came out right away to see if they could fix it on the spot. They didn't charge me for this visit because he wasn't able to take care of it right away, because there was an obstruction that needed to be taken care of first. They're just extremely pleasant to work with - no issues what so ever. I'd use them over & over again!
Description of Work: They fixed a wall in the basement with a crack from top to bottom that was leaking. I'm having them back out for another leak in wall in the basement.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
Thank you so much for the nice comments and report. We try hard to do a good job and we love when our customers have a great experience with our company. We look forward to continuing to service you.

Frank G.
  + -1 more
CRC was on-time and did a great job leveling the areas that needed it. We saved a lot of money from having to replace all the areas that where repaired. Before the repair we had to almost hop up to our front door landing.
Description of Work: CRC raised and leveled concrete slabs on my front service walk, 1 driveway slab, and concrete slabs under my garbage cans.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from CRC Concrete Raising & Repair
No more hopping for you! And thank you for taking the time to write this report. Concrete raising can definitely save you a lot of money over replacement - and we know that is important especially these days. We are so pleased that you are happy with our team and the work we did for you. Thanks again for sharing your experience.

Contact information

470 Keller Dr, Park City, IL 60085

Service hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 AM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 AM




Eco-friendly Accreditations

LEED Accredited Professional
Energy Star Partner
EPA Lead-Safe Certified
Use Green Products or Work Practices
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Concrete Leveling,
Basement Waterproofing,
Concrete Pouring and Repair,
Foundation Repair,
Concrete Driveways,
Decorative Concrete,
Pavers and Hardscaping


CRC Concrete Raising & Repair is currently rated 4.3 overall out of 5.

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Saturday: Closed

CRC Concrete Raising & Repair accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,Financing Available,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, CRC Concrete Raising & Repair offers free project estimates.
Yes, CRC Concrete Raising & Repair offers eco-friendly accreditations.
No, CRC Concrete Raising & Repair does not offer a senior discount.
No, CRC Concrete Raising & Repair does not offer emergency services.
Yes, CRC Concrete Raising & Repair offers warranties.
CRC Concrete Raising & Repair offers the following services: Concrete raising & stabilizing-sidewalks, patios, stoops, steps, pool decks, garage floors, industrial floors, streets, curbs, & driveways.

Contact information

470 Keller Dr, Park City, IL 60085

Service hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 AM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 AM