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Florida Impact Windows & Doors

Windows, Doors, Stucco,

About us

With Florida Impact Windows and Doors you’ll find reasonable prices combined with over 30 years of window and door replacement experience. We have a partnership with our manufacturing division which makes us more competitive than any other window distributer on the market. We offer impact window and door installation for commercial and residential use. Unlike other companies we do not have sub-contractors or hidden fees. We treat your home like ours and make sure you are pleased at all times with the service we provide

Business highlights

20 years of trusted experience

Services we offer

Windows, doors, structural work, engineering, kitchens & baths, drywall, stucco, block, trim work, flooring, cabinets, design & build.

Services we don't offer



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American Express

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4.255 Reviews
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Showing 26-55 of 55 reviews

John A.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
Excellent ! Quick and clean!
Description of Work: 2 impact doors, 7 impact windows

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Mirtha B.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
Not in my budget
Description of Work: Window replacement

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Heather V.
  + -1 more
DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! Impact doors have not been able to pass inspection! Keep asking for more $$: have spent an additional 10,000 then the original quoted price of 18,000. Sales guy Scott did not do his du-diligence, left out a lot of important details in the sale- they cut holes in my ceiling, did not install the windows with the proper screws, and needed lights installed over the locations of the doors which was never discussed in the sales process and cost me more $$. Absolutely horrible and they take advantage! Should not be allowed to do business, been a whole year since paperwork was signed and doors are still not completed. Absolute nightmare and stressful experience.
Description of Work: Multiple sliders, French doors

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
We love to invite new customers to read complaints made by people who want to blame the very same company that is trying to help them because they have no one else to blame and do not understand anything that has taken place with their job. This person who is not even our direct customer says: Do not use this company which is very easy to say, instead of actually knowing any factual data concerning this job or with having any knowledge of construction. We do not have this customer in our database for nether a quote or contract, in addition this person has listed their personal address as our showroom address which is obviously wrong. This person making the complaint is not even the person under contract and is a family member of the person who actually doing the job with our company. The person who has made this complaint likes to accuse the company their family member hired for the building department's multiple mistakes which has costed their family member more money. Of course any customer can easily go online and make a company sound like the worst company in the world. That is fine if the company deserves it. The actual customer has had problems with their final inspection for 2 reasons. A building department that has made multiple mistakes on plan review, and a Florida room that was changed from its original permit design without a permit after their inspection in 1975 and prior to us doing work in that room. The room was permitted as a sunroom in 1975 which does not require much of anything. After the room was inspected many years ago, someone converted the room to habitable space with non-pressure treated lumber, no electrical outlets, no plans submitted, no inspections, etc. Florida impact had to deal with all of these issues from 1975 because of now putting impact doors and windows on a room that was never permitted to be used as habitable space. The family member says: did not do his du-diligence, left out a lot of important details in the sale. Nice cover up by the customer but no one is buying it. Florida impact does not know the history of someone's home and it is impossible to know what each building department will require when it involves permitting a room that was built without a permit. Our company is a window company. WE ARE NOT A COMPANY TO FIX YOUR EXISTING NON PERMITTED BUILDING PROBLEMS. WE INSTALL WINDOWS. WE DONT BUILD HOMES, DO ELECTRICAL, OR OTHER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION. The customer is the one that left out the important details not explaining that to the company they hired. Florida Impact has helped this customer in a major way due to the room never being permitted properly from the beginning. Because this room was built without a permit, Florida impact walked into a terrible situation of having to get special engineering for walls built from 20 years ago without pressure treated lumber, hire an electrician to wire the entire area with switches, outlets, fixtures, bring other areas up to electrical code, create an entire as built set of plans with an architect and much more. All of items which we normally do not do as a window company but did it as a courtesy so the homeowner would not have to go find other companies to deal with these existing problems. Yes there was a charge for each item that needed to be addressed because no company does work for free. The customer had to freedom to hire anyone else to fix this non permitted mess but wanted us to deal with it so we did. The existing conditions of the customer's home not being built to code is not the responsibility of the company they hire to do a totally different job. We do not evaluate if your existing electrical work or existing walls are up to code as there is no way to give that evaluation years after the work is done and completely covered with stucco and drywall. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS INSIDE OF WALLS WITHOUT XRAY TECHNOLOGY. Not even the city keep accurate records on this. When customers get upset and they don't understand construction they blame the easiest people to blame even when they are not at fault. In this case that was our company BLAMED FOR NO REASON WHEN ALL WE DID WAS HELP IN A MAJOR WAY. They should be blaming the person who made their Florida room habitable space without a permit and the building department for coming up with new reasons on each and every visit to fail an inspection that was never mentioned on any prior inspections or plan reviews. Florida Impact can only correct what is told by the building department. If it is not mentioned or required on a prior inspection then there is no way to know that it will be required on the next inspection even with a license as a general contractor or a certified engineer or anything listed in the building code book. All municipalities are allowed to go beyond the requirements of the building code book as they deem necessary which no company or individual can determine what will be required. If this customer needed a builder, they should have hired a builder and not expect a window company to fix all of their problems. The claims from this person are of no value or knowledge blaming us of something bad of cutting holes in the ceiling. Yes we cut a hole to do an exploratory examination of how the roof was built which is what any engineer requires. This person acts like none of this was explained when the building department rejected the permit the first time for putting windows into a non permitted structure. I would like to hear exactly what this customer would have done to complete an entire cadd program without knowing where any structural components were inside of a flat roof with no access holes to anything. Claims of wrong screws? Ridiculous. They should get more familiar with what is really going on instead of making false claims. 14 years in business and we don't know what screws to use? What we have done on this job the person making this complaint will never be able to ever grasp the complexity and engineering that was needed to be done to do this job the correct way and fix all existing issues.

Damaris B.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
Very responsible and professional.
Description of Work: They installed High Impact Windows in my house 6 or 7 years ago.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you! it was a pleasure to work with you!

Ariel R.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
On time. Nice quote. Will consider.
Description of Work: Doors and windows.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank You, [Member Name Removed]. We look forward to working with you!

David L.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
This is by far the worst experience I have ever had doing business with a company. We signed a contract on February 4th to replace all our windowns and doors, and were told it would take 5-6 weeks. It's now May 11th; so it's been 13 weeks and the work is still not done. After about 8 weeks I called every few days to get an update and demanded the owner Scott Altman, with whom I signed the contract with and who personally promised me a 5-6 week timeframe, call me back. I asked 3 times to get called back. Only after I wrote a nasty email did he call me back. The explanation Scott Altman (the owner )gave me was laughable and full of contradictions. He said these jobs are rarely delayed. In the next breath he tells me that if they called every customer for a delayed job, they would need to hire more staff to do that. So you rarely have late jobs, but have so many late jobs you need extra staff to alert your customers? He told me his time was better spent scheduling installs and dealing with city permitting than communicating with customers. He actually said he’s better off not contacting customers when jobs are late, and prefers to focus on doing paperwork. Let that sink in. Never in this conversation did he apologize or offer a solution to make it right. When I asked for a partial refund due to the job taking twice as long as promised, they showed me a part of the contract that says they have no responsibility to adhere to a timeline. When I asked them to do the right thing, the owner Scott Altman said no and wanted to hide behind his contract. Lesson learned: never sign construction contracts without late penalties. Two sets of doors have been delayed which is why the job is taking so long. When I ask them to follow up with their SOLE supplier, they say the supplier doesn’t call them back. I have an idea – use multiple suppliers. I asked them to install what they had in stock for me, but conveniently forgot to mention the window screens were also backordered. So now my home is full of windows that I can’t open due to no screens , and I have to leave the protective film on the windows so they will pass inspection. Their lack of follow up was terrible, and they have no concern for being accountable. How they have such a good rating on Angie’s List is beyond my comprehension. Under no circumstances should you use this company.
Description of Work: We contracted Florida Impact windows and doors to replace all our windows and doors with hurricane/impact rated windows and doors. We signed a contract on February 4th and were told it would take 5-6 weeks. It's now May 11th, so it's been 13 weeks and the work is still not done.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
05/11/2017 – [Member Name Removed] This is by far the worst experience I have ever had doing business with a company. We signed a contract on February 4th to replace all our windows and doors, and were told it would take 5-6 weeks. It's now May 11th; so it's been 13 weeks and the work is still not done. This customer signed a contract with our company on 2/8/17 for the installation of 8 windows and 5 doors, we submitted customers permit application the next day on 2/9/17. We received approval from the City on 2/16/17 and all of the materials were ordered the following day on 2/17/17 from two different manufacturers. We typically allocate 2 weeks for permits to get approved and then and additional 4-5 weeks for the windows and doors to be delivered into our warehouse. Unfortunately there was a delay from one manufacturer (completely out of our control) which caused 2 French doors to be on back order since their initial normal delivery date on 3/24/17 which is 6 weeks after contract signing which is a completely normal initial delivery date. The backordered doors were not actually received until 3 weeks after the regular delivery date which was 4/17/17. On this date of 4/17/17 when the doors did arrive, they came with unrepairable scratches. We took photos of the damage, emailed pictures of the damage to the customer, let the customer know what our company was doing about it, documented the problem, and sent it back to the manufacturer on the same day. At Florida Impact Windows & Doors, we do NOT accept any deliveries that are not in good condition, so this door was refused by our warehouse coordinator which is standard procedure. We apologized and thoroughly explained the situation to this customer. Our company does not start jobs that are missing materials. After the situation was explained to the customer, the customer requested our company to install what we did have delivered and come back at a later date when we received the rest of the materials in good condition. This first part of the install was then fit into the schedule only 9 calendar days later on 4/26/17. We also adjusted and communicated a new payment schedule requesting only the material and labor cost for doors and windows that were able to be installed at this time. At this point of accommodating the customer’s request of installing only part of his materials, and while we are still waiting on the correct products to be delivered, this customer decides to make a negative review on Angies List about our company while only helping this customer every step of the way but then tries to make it look like our company is negligent or non-responsive. Our technicians came on time, explained the project, and completed a professional and clean installation on of all of this customers windows as well as 3 doors (out of 5). We even have emails from this customer stating how good of a job our company did. We also have emails sent to the customer showing pictures of the doors that came in damaged as soon as it happened because we knew this customer was not as patient and reasonable as all of our other customers. We kept open communication with this customer regarding the status of their project and relayed information as we received it from the Manufacturer. The last two doors and all screens were delivered in good condition and accepted by our company on Friday 5/12/17 which was 25 days of our company waiting on the manufacturer to redeliver the doors in good condition and sending numerous emails to them requesting a delivery date which we have on record. Our technicians were scheduled to go back and finish the rest of the job on the following Tuesday 5/16/17 which is only 4 calendar days later. Our installers returned on the following day which was Wednesday 5/17/17 to put in all the screens that were still at our warehouse and finalize the customer’s job. Per the customer’s request, final inspection was scheduled for Friday 5/19/17 which is only 2 calendar days after completing the rest of the installation process. Florida Impact Windows & Doors did everything for this customer that they were supposed to do and notified the customer only when they had information to give to the customer from their suppliers. This was not good enough for this customer as this customer was very impatient and demanded things beyond our control and beyond his contract. This customer has failed to mention his screaming over the phone to employees of our company, purposely writing checks for the wrong amount, not signing a different check (on purpose) later on that they gave to the installer, and demanding installation dates without us even knowing when his material was to be delivered. This is totally unheard of. This kind of customer’s actions would be similar to a small child’s temper tantrum when they do not get exactly what they want. This customer has also refused to acknowledge the reality of the situation and the proof that our company has showing the complete opposite of what this customer claims is such bad experience. After about 8 weeks I called every few days to get an update and demanded the owner Scott Altman, with whom I signed the contract with and who personally promised me a 5-6 week timeframe, call me back. I asked 3 times to get called back. This customer signed a contract with Florida Impact which is a company. They did not sign a contract with Scott Altman. Florida Impact has proven in the aforementioned statement that Florida Impact did everything that they were supposed to do. Scott Altman did not promise this customer 5-6 weeks. This customer signed a contract with Florida Impact which does not have any promises listed on it. The customer should refer to their contract. Only after I wrote a nasty email did he call me back. The explanation Scott Altman (the owner) gave me was laughable and full of contradictions. He said these jobs are rarely delayed. In the next breath he tells me that if they called every customer for a delayed job, they would need to hire more staff to do that. So you rarely have late jobs, but have so many late jobs you need extra staff to alert your customers? The reason Scott Altman had to call this customer back is because this customer was not listening to what everyone else at the office was telling this customer as if they were lying to him. This customer thought by talking to Scott Altman that they were going to get a different response as to all of the other information that had already been provided to them. Some people just don’t get it and some people do. This customer had already been given the information about their job but that was not good enough for this customer. Depending on what the personality of this customer is would depend on what is exactly laughable and full of contradictions. Jobs are rarely delayed. When they are delayed and your customer throws a temper tantrum, there is nothing that Florida Impact can do let this customer realize that we are doing everything we are capable of based on the information given to us to finish their job. From what this customer thinks he heard and what was actually said is 2 different things. As aforementioned, it is all documented in emails showing no negligence or lack of communication. He told me his time was better spent scheduling installs and dealing with city permitting than communicating with customers. He actually said he’s better off not contacting customers when jobs are late, and prefers to focus on doing paperwork. Let that sink in. What was told to this customer was that we were working on getting them scheduled and that calling them every 5 minutes like they prefer would delay his job even more as we would not be focusing on getting information from the manufacturer because we would be on the phone with them repeating what we already told them many times. Due to their impatience this customer has no basis for this complaint or their misunderstanding of what was told to them. Keep in mind this customer has our office number and can call anytime to get an update. We are open Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm. Even if they did not know that, those hours are on our recording. This customer just wants to be called constantly which is unreasonable. Never in this conversation did he apologize or offer a solution to make it right. When I asked for a partial refund due to the job taking twice as long as promised, they showed me a part of the contract that says they have no responsibility to adhere to a timeline. When I asked them to do the right thing, the owner Scott Altman said no and wanted to hide behind his contract. Apologizing for doing our job or making solutions to get something installed that we don’t even have in our possession is preposterous. Asking for a partial refund because we are waiting on the material to come in is preposterous. The job did not take twice as long and Florida Impact did everything that they were supposed to do. Contracts are enforced no matter where you go in the United States of America. No one co-hearsed this customer to sign a contract. Lesson learned: never sign construction contracts without late penalties. Two sets of doors have been delayed which is why the job is taking so long. When I ask them to follow up with their SOLE supplier, they say the supplier doesn’t call them back. I have an idea – use multiple suppliers. Lesson learned for this customer was not to be impatient because the next company might not tend to their impatient and unreasonable needs. Late penalties are not on any window contracts due to weather permitting, supplier delays, hurricane delays, or other delays that cannot be controlled by the company. Customers idea of multiple suppliers is great but obviously been implemented a long time ago. There is other suppliers who might have not had a delay but all of this would be speculative data. I asked them to install what they had in stock for me, but conveniently forgot to mention the window screens were also backordered. So now my home is full of windows that I can’t open due to no screens , and I have to leave the protective film on the windows so they will pass inspection. Screens were installed only one day after the remaining items were installed but again patience is a virtue. (Conveniently forgot) is a personal opinion and not considered factual data. If you want your windows to pass inspection then yes you will have to leave the film on the windows. No customer can open the windows with the film on them anyways. Another sign of this customer being impatient. Their lack of follow up was terrible, and they have no concern for being accountable. How they have such a good rating on Angie’s List is beyond my comprehension. Under no circumstances should you use this company. This customer’s opinion of follow up is to call them constantly with no new information. The reason why there is not customers like this making false accusations, is because the rest of our hundreds of customers are not impatient, unreasonable, and unrealistic like this one. The rest of our customers recognize that we are doing what we should be doing, and are not impatient like this customer who just wants to hear himself rant and rave about how bad his experience was. What’s “laughable” is that none of the emails this customer sent saying how much of a good job we did, or any of the good things our company did to help this customer are mentioned anywhere. Accountable for something that is done wrong is when you actually do something wrong and are held accountable for doing such. Florida Impact Windows & Doors did everything on time, installed everything to the customer’s satisfaction and to code, and completed all other aspects of work listed on the contract. It was a terrible experience doing business with this customer to the very end as even when the job was finished this customer refused to pay for extra permit fees that they owed.

Daniel S.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
Be aware that this is a very slow process, especially if you live in a condo complex. Here's what to expect: 1. Initial payment and signature that you want the service (9/1). 2. YOU must apply permission from the Condo association to have windows installed. 3. After letter of permission from Condo Association has been received, the permit is applied for by FL Impact ($ included in quote). 4. Manufacturing of windows and doors (this can take 4-5 weeks) and in my case, the product came broken so it had to be re-ordered. 5. FL Impact will call you when materials are received and correct to schedule your installation appointment. 6. Once the date of installation is approved by you, FL Impact, and the condo association, you must confirm the installation date and have the second payment ready that morning. That was rescheduled 3 times. Be prepared to take the entire day off of work! 7. You must wait for the city inspector to make an appointment to check the window installation (1-2 weeks) and that's an additional cost that you pay the inspector. Also, you have to coordinate that FL Impact be there when the city inspector is that's another day you have to take off of work and pray that the inspector and FL Impact installers show up at the same time on the same day. 8. After the inspection, you write your last check to FL Impact for the final payment and they install the remaining "casings" after passing inspection. If you live in a condo, you then have to send the completed work forms to the condo association. Don't forget to send you homeowners insurance company the greatly reduced my insurance premiums. are the one in charge of coordinating everything and making sure all documents are submitted and permits are paid. FL Impact does a great job helping you do this but they won't do it for you. It's a long process, but reasonably cost for a quality product and professional installation. Be ready to take 2-3 days off of work, however. And make sure you have a couple extra checks for various inspection and permit charges. I wasn't aware of these extra costs and the time it took....It was finished a week before Christmas...So 9/1-12/20 from start to finish. I gave FL Impact a "B" for punctuality only because I wasn't told that the product was broken on the morning of the initial installation date...which was a waste of a sick day for me. Other than that, I am very happy with the product and quality.
Description of Work: Florida Impact Windows and Doors replaced my 2 old picture windows and balcony door with the most up-to-date Miami/Dade code enforced hurricane/impact windows and doors. They did a great job but be aware of the process before you decided to upgrade your windows and doors. Negotiate! They are willing to work with you on cost

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Caridad B.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
The only issue we had were a couple screens were missing but they took care of everything and reordered them
Description of Work: Scott came out to give us an estimate on replacing all our windows and doors except for our front door, 34 in total. He took care of all the permits and paperwork. The only thing not included was fixing any unseen damage, if there was any. Turns out we had hidden water damage under 2 upstairs windows. He brought a contractor in specifically to deal with the issue the extra charge was fair.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you for using our company for your impact windows and doors. We appreciate your business.

Anthony R.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
They were great! They competed the job with 2 days of labor with 4-5 workers. They cleaned up really well. I have referred them to maybe 10 people now!
Description of Work: They installed 13 huge impact windows and 2 doors.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you so much for the business and the referrals. We really appreciate it.

Karen L G.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
They did an excellent job! They owner came right out for the estimate and got the doors ordered quickly. Right after they got the windows in, they came out to install. The job took 2 days.
Description of Work: They replaced every single window in the house with impact windows and 2 big huge slider doors.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you for taking the time to explain your experience with us. We appreciate it.

Helen D.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
It went very well. They are very professional. I would recommend Florida Impact Windows to anyone who needs new hurrican windows and doors.
Description of Work: I purchased new windows and doors.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you so much [Member Name Removed]. It was a pleasure working with you on both of your properties.

Michael B.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
They did what they said they would do, when they said they would, and they did it well. They were straightforward with the price and they were one of the lower bidders. They were the most qualified low bid. It was a fair price and they were a quality company. The workers were nice people. They cleaned up after themselves. They took care of all the issues. They can be hard to get a hold of though because they are a small shop.
Description of Work: Year ago, they installed 13-14 impact windows. They also installed a front door.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you for the business and your kind words. We appreciate it.

Tina P.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
It worked out fine. They completed the job within a month, but we had ordered during the holidays which may have extended the time frame. Their pricing was competitive.
Description of Work: They installed about 8 impact windows.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you for using our company for your impact windows.

barabara H.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
They are wonderful! They did an excellent job. The foreman I had and workers themselves were excellent. They went above and beyond. The job took about a week.
Description of Work: They removed the old sliding glass doors and installed new impact doors throughout the house. They also removed and installed new windows.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
We appreciate you taking the time to state your experience with us. Thanks for your business.

philip D.
doors, replacement windows
  + 0 more
They were really good. They did the job in about 2 days.
Description of Work: They installed about 12-13 heavy-duty impact windows and a door.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
Thank you for your business. We appreciate it.

Eric B.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
It takes awhile to get the permit from the city, and then manufacture, so keep that in mind. We ordered in August and it was available in October. Staff was knowledgeable, efficient, and half the cost of another quote I received from another company. Very happy with the door, will do the windows at some point....
Description of Work: We had a new hurricane double glass slider door put in.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
We appreciate your kind words and hope you will keep us in mind in the future for any further projects.

Anthony P.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
They inspected a bathroom cabana door, a full size bathroom exterior entry door and a French patio door. They provided an estimate. We chose to go with them. We gave them a deposit. They applied for a permit with a day or two. The permit was initially rejected (which is very normal for the City of Coral Springs), but they resubmitted and obtained approval within a couple or three days. The cabana door and the French patio doors were not normal size so were special manufacture and delivery. They took a couple weeks to come in at which Scott and his guys started installation. The installation and clean up was done in two days. The City inspector passed the work but mentioned one small item which needed correction. They fixed that one item within a day. The two exterior bathroom doors were both full length frosted impact glass and the French doors were impact glass. Overall they were great. I am sorry I took so long to write this review. I came across a scanned receipt and realized I had never written one. I highly recommend them!
Description of Work: They installed a cabana bathroom door, a full size exterior bathroom door and French patio doors.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Roger B.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
Everything turned out well. They did the work as promised, the price was reasonable, and they did a good job with the installation.
Description of Work: I hired them to install two sliding doors and a set of windows that were hurricane-proof.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Joao C.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
Everything went well with the service. They arrived on time, did a good job with the installation without leaving a mess, and were very nice when dealing with us.
Description of Work: They installed hurricane-proof windows and doors in our house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Michael S.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
.this company took $30,000 from me for impact windows and doors....the job was completed...AND I THOUGHT EVERYTHING WAS OK...then the rain came and the water comes right through the windows...i've tried to get them to fix it for over a year.....first they said it wasn't convenient for them because the house is in miami..then they said a guys was coming to fix it that never showed they won't take calls. I am warning anyone who comes in contact with this company to not walk away, from this company. this is the worst mistake I ever made in my life. I am trying to go after Scott Altman, the owner, before he shuts down and opens under another name. SO BE CAREFUL!!

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


russell B.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
From the beginning, working with Scott was very easy. He clearly explained the general process - drawings and permits, ordering, installation and inspection - and he also recommended the best products for our purposes. His quote was competitive although not the lowest. Scott was up-front about contract terms but willing to accommodate us in order to ensure a high level of comfort and trust on both sides. His willingness to "meet us half-way" made the process painless. Since we live out of state, timing for the window/door replacement was crucial, and Scott scheduled the installation perfectly - no delays, everything ran smoothly. His crew was punctual, professional, courteous and clean. We couldn't have been more pleased with the results.
Description of Work: Project: Replace existing windows and sliding door with impact-rated products.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Michael B.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
The quality of the work was excellent. Work was performed as per contract with no unexpected extras, on time and professionally. There were two sliding glass doors and 10 windows replaced in all. Two of the windows were difficult to remove and replace due to their configuration. The contractor anticipated the problems and resolved them with aplomb. This is a knowledgable contractor with good customer service skills. Additionally, his stucco patch work was excellent. Once I painted the patched exterior portions, it was impossible to tell that the work had ever been done. Good job! Please note that I am a licensed construction professional and not at all easy to please.
Description of Work: This contractor removed and replaced all of my exterior doors and windows with impact resistant units.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

ike T.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
I think the work itself was ok. However, they misrepresented one thing. They told me they would Schlage locks, but they ended up installing a cheaper lock, which I didn’t appreciate.
Description of Work: I had them install new windows.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Richard S.
replacement windows
  + -1 more
Their work turned out great. They were very professional, and gave the best price. The crew who performed the installation was courteous, efficient, knowledgeable, and cleaned up after themselves very well. Overall, I’m a happy customer.
Description of Work: I hired them for window installation.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Jacqueline B.
replacement windows, doors
  + 0 more
In Oct 2010 I receive an estimate on Impact Windows. I answered an ad that said I would get 25% off with the mention of that ad at the time of estimate I was told: "we don't feel like we have to honor that because our prices are low enough". I foolishly let it slide because their prices were lower by about $1000 than the other estimates I had received previously. After thinking about this more, I can see that if the discounted price was included within the estimated price, the overall price would exceed any estimate from any other company by almost 2000! Then on the contract he put $250 for a permit. I said I didn't think a permit cost that much and was told repeatedly that I would get the difference, they just charge that one amount because the price for every city was different. After asking him twice to put that in writing, I was repeatedly assured that it would be refunded and I had nothing to worry about. In Jan. 2011 when I was given the permit prior to inspection, I asked for my refund and was told "we had to use the other money for other things pertaining to your permit, so we have no $ to refund". I was never told that there would be "other things" to consider in the amount of the permit. I trusted this statement - another mistake! Another fact that bothers me is that after the workers left I noticed a $150 drill missing from my garage and other minor things in my house. The company denied that any of their workers could have taken them. I have my suspicions as I found one of the workers roaming around in my garage (where I kept the drill) just before he left. I had wondered why the worker's supervisor told me to stay out of the way of the workers. I thought it was so they could concentrated on their work, I now think it was for another reason. The police was later notified and then asked the company for the workers complete names and this could not be verified in full. The lawyer I spoke to agreed with me that it indeed looks suspicious.
Description of Work: He was suppose to insert impact windows and a door that I ordered.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Florida Impact Windows & Doors
We have included 24 pages of supporting documentation to prove our company has completed a job well done, abided by all contract terms, stayed in close contact with the customer from start to finish, offered excellent customer service, offered a great installation, and completed the job in a timely fashion. Member signed a contract agreeing to pay $9,354.64 for windows and doors. The total included the material cost, installation cost, and permitting fees. Member was charged $250 for permitting. I have attached the receipt for all our permitting fees which totaled $294.14, therefore she was actually undercharged. In regards to the alleged theft, a police report was filed and the police have not found any wrong doing on our company’s behalf. I have questioned my installers and they have no knowledge of the property that Member has reported missing. My installers have worked for me for four years, and I have never had a customer’s belongings go missing. We understand that people naturally misplace things and forget where they might have put them, but it is not right to start blaming people that have no bad intentions and are there just to do their job. We have met our terms on the contract. Please see the attached signed contract along with all correspondence emails and permit receipts to prove no wrong doing on our behalf. There is nothing in writing to support any of member’s claims and I would also like to point out that all of the emails attached show excellent customer service and a job well done. The customer signed a contract that clearly stated what would be done along with the price it was to be done for. If the customer did not agree with that contract, or if they wanted something additional added to the contract, we would have included it with no problem. It is a little peculiar to complete an entire job and then have your customer argue the contract price or permit fees two months after they signed the original contract. Especially if everything is correct and documented. Also, throughout the whole two month process, nothing is ever mentioned about any faults of our company. If you need additional information please contact us. Scott Altman 5/24/11
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Contact information

1126 S. Powerline Rd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Service hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM




Eco-friendly Accreditations

LEED Accredited Professional
Energy Star Partner
EPA Lead-Safe Certified
Use Green Products or Work Practices
State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Structural Engineering,
Egress Windows


Florida Impact Windows & Doors is currently rated 4.2 overall out of 5.

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

Florida Impact Windows & Doors accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,MasterCard,Visa
Yes, Florida Impact Windows & Doors offers free project estimates.
Yes, Florida Impact Windows & Doors offers eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Florida Impact Windows & Doors does not offer a senior discount.
No, Florida Impact Windows & Doors does not offer emergency services.
No, Florida Impact Windows & Doors does not offer warranties.
Florida Impact Windows & Doors offers the following services: Windows, doors, structural work, engineering, kitchens & baths, drywall, stucco, block, trim work, flooring, cabinets, design & build.

Contact information

1126 S. Powerline Rd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Service hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM