Description of Work: In my view, a striking characteristic of this company is its adversarial nature--the customer is the adversary. Their pricing is aggressive and high, and it was made clear, at least to this customer, that objections to, or questioning of, the pricing or quality of the work was not to be tolerated. | |I asked BMP to come to my house for purely maintenance work: to replace an existing kitchen sink filter and filter cap (I supplied both the new filter and the new cap--labor charge for 25 minutes to install, $186); and to flush out two water heaters, one of them a tankless (instant) hot water heater. | |The biggest problem was with the instant water heater, which had been working perfectly. I was seeking only routine maintenance flushing. Day one, the BMP plumber told me that he found a water leak, requiring replacement of the water heater (parts and labor, $559) and isolation valves (parts and labor, $372). Day two, after installation of a new heater and valves, the system no longer produced fast hot water delivery. Now it was 7, 8,or 9 minutes of full flow cold water before hot water came from the house faucets--a waste of water and dismaying change in the system. Day three, after several hours of BMP's trying this and that, the system seemed to be working better but not fully back to working perfectly, as was the case before BMP. Then, on the following day, I found that my shower hot water faucet produced barely lukewarm water throughout a long shower. | |On Monday, I phoned BMP and was told that the system might need a new fan, or perhaps new cartridges, or perhaps something else, and that any of those repairs would be a probable additional $600 dollar charge, plus a $117 "diagnosis" charge, plus a vehicle surcharge, despite the fact that I had consented to BMP installing a new pressure regulator ($349 dollars) in order to ensure a valid warranty. I was told the warranty did not cover these additional charges. | |I am left with a system that no longer works, or I take a chance that BMP will rack up another $700 or $800 in charges--with a question still remaining of whether BMP could ever get the system to work again as it had before BMP. | |I decided I had had enough. I will have to find a plumber who can fix the damage done by BMP. | | |