Customer, I apologize that you believe you had an experience with Porter Roofing that was not to your standards. From our records, our estimator Jake did go out to the property to meet you on October 22nd to provide you with a quote, and from your submission it shows that work was completed on the 1st which is not the case because work has never been performed, only an estimate was given. After receiving this review we looked at it from all angles to make sure that nothing was missed. Our emails show that the bid was sent to your email address that was provided to our estimator on October 22nd, at 2:50pm in the afternoon. He did not have record of any calls that came in that were not returned, and actually believed that we would move forward on this job and was surprised we did not hear anything from you. If the case was a lack of communication, or miscommunication we do apologize but per our procedures it does show that we provided you an estimate, which was then emailed per your request. We would be more than happy to email the estimate again and go over any detail regarding the bid, and would love the opportunity to do work with you. Regards, Porter Roofing, Inc.