Many college-educated parents push their kids toward higher education because they see it as the best way to achieve success, but the reality is more nuanced.
For generations, the path to success has been seen as a straight line: graduate high school, go to college, and land a good job. But with the introduction of AI and the rapidly changing career landscape, it’s time for parents to rethink this one-size-fits-all approach. A growing number of Gen Z professionals are finding fulfillment and financial stability in trade professions, which may be a smarter move than the traditional college route.
Financial Freedom: A whopping 70% of Gen Z trade professionals believe their job provides enough income to support their lifestyle, surpassing the 62% of college grads who feel the same. And this isn’t just about making ends meet—trade professionals are often entering the workforce debt-free or with minimal loans, unlike their college-educated peers who are frequently saddled with student debt.
Debt Dilemma: Speaking of debt, only 47% of Gen Z pros with student loans expect to be paying them off for more than three years. In contrast, 54% of college grads anticipate a longer financial burden. The trade path allows young people to start earning earlier, avoid massive loans, and achieve financial independence sooner.
Less Stress, More Satisfaction: The pressure cooker of a traditional career isn’t for everyone. 81% of college grads report feeling stressed about work at least sometimes, while only 73% of trade professionals say the same. And when it comes to mental health, the numbers are even more striking: only 21% of Gen Z pros say their job negatively impacts their mental health, compared to a troubling 37% of college grads.
Tangible Rewards: 30% of Gen Z pros always feel a sense of accomplishment from their work, compared to 24% of college grads. This sense of fulfillment often comes from the tangible, hands-on nature of trade work—something that many desk jobs simply can’t offer.
As the world continues to change, so do the paths to success. Trade professions offer financial stability, lower stress, and greater job satisfaction—all without the crushing debt of a four-year degree. It’s time for parents to recognize that college isn’t the only way to achieve a successful and fulfilling career. Instead of automatically steering your kids toward college, why not explore the trades as a legitimate and potentially more fulfilling option?
This survey was conducted online by through Pollfish on August 12th through August 26th, 2024. 800 Gen Z individuals, aged 18 to 27 were surveyed among them, 400 are employed in the professional services and trades industry, while the remaining 400 are college-educated or higher, working in fields outside of professional services and trades.