Stone lake lumber is a veteran owned business serving all of the North Western part of Wisconsin, We have three businesses all in Stone lake which will help in any project you have dreamed about, Our Lumber yard is a full service lumber yard with the best quality materials in the area, we strive to be priced below all lumber yards and very competitive with the big box stores but with the best service and quality,Stone lake Home center has all your hardwood,laminated flooring and tile and everything in between.Our in house designers can design your dream kitchen,doors and windows and we have hundreds of contractors that work very well together to complete any size project you have In 2018 we expanded and put in a 6000 sq ft paint and hardware,feed and seed store.. we stocked this place high so you have everything you need to fix anything... stop in its a great store.We are a family owned company who are proud of our community and wouild like to help you in any way