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Tukwila MaidPro

House Cleaning, Floor Cleaning and Waxing

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Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly or one-time cleaning, it's time to discover the magic of MaidPro. Your home will be cleaned to your highest expectations by trained professionals at surprisingly affordable rates.

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House cleaning including bathrooms, kitchens & floors.


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Kimberly M.
house cleaning
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On 2/27/13 Jorge broke our floor vase. I have been in contact with the office manager, Bilan Aaden, the past 2 months and the claim is still not resolved. I have voicemails, emails, and documentation where Bilan stated she was going to have insurance cut us a check. MaidPro Breakage and Loss Policy reads: MaidPro is fully bonded and insured. Our liability limits are set at a maximum of 10 times the cost of the service charge on the day in which the breakage/loss occurred. Notification must be made within 48 hours of service. The cost/value of the vase was $517.75. The service charge on the day of the breakage was $93 (10 times this cost would be $930). The office was made aware the day of the breakage by Jorge 2/27. Bilan left me a message 2/28 acknowledging the breakage. I tried contacting MaidPro 2/28, 3/1, 3/2, before hearing from Bilan 3/4. Bilan is now claiming since she failed to get in contact with me until 3/4/13 it is considered outside of the 48 hour window, which is unethical. MaidPro was made aware of the breakage and cost within 48 hours, which clearly meets the Breakage Policy. 2/27/13 - Jorge broke our floor vase when cleaning. He left the broken pieces and a note on our kitchen counter. 2/28/13 10:02 AM - Bilan left me a message saying Jorge told her he broke our vase and that they could deduct it from our cleanings or provide reimbursement. 2/28/13 6:11 PM - I received Bilan's message. I left Bilan a message to call me back so we could work something out. 3/1/13 - I called the MaidPro Tukwila office at 7:40 AM, 8:02 AM, and 7:33 PM, but I kept getting directed to a message that the MaidPro mailbox was full and not accepting messages. 3/2/13 - Bilan still did not return my call from 2/28/13, so I sent an e-mail through the MaidPro website at 9:21 AM and received a confirmation at 9:24 AM. 3/4/13 9:57 AM - Bilan finally called me and left a message that they wanted to reimburse me for the vase. 3/7/13 7:41 AM - I called Bilan and she said she was working with insurance to reimburse me for the vase. 3/11/13 10:41 AM - Bilan called me while I was in a work meeting, but I took her call because I was having so much trouble getting in touch with her. Bilan told me she spoke to insurance and they needed photos of the vase in order to issue reimbursement. She asked if I happened to have a receipt and I told her I didn't because it was purchased over 5 years ago. I told her there were two price stickers that I could send her photos of. She said it was fine as long as she had photos of the price sticker still attached to the vase to give to insurance. 3/11/13 7:53 PM - I sent Bilan 5 photos, including every angle of the vase, broken pieces left on our counter, price tags, serial/UPC, and letter from Jorge. 3/12/13 11:23 AM - Bilan responded to my email saying she was going to send the photos over to her insurance agent and would keep me posted on reimbursement. 3/15/13 3:16 PM - Bilan called me saying she decided she did not want to report the vase to insurance since it was under $1,000 and asked if I would consider deducting the amount towards cleanings. I told Bilan that was fine, so she didn't have to report it. I assumed the issue was resolved. 4/8/13 8:57 PM - I emailed Bilan telling her we needed to change our schedule from bi-weekly to monthly and spelled out the payment schedule, so we were all on the same page. 4/9/13 2:47 PM - Bilan emailed saying she now decided to have insurance cover the cost because they were changing owners of her office and thought it would be easier to just cut us a check. I responded within a few minutes, confirming the check would work and to let me know when to expect reimbursement. 4/18/13 6:49 PM - Bilan emailed me saying she just had gotten off the phone with insurance and they wanted to know the make and model of the vase. She said once she gave them the information they may ask for the vase to be shipped to them, but she would let me know. 4/18/13 6:49 PM - I emailed Bilan telling her the only reference I have of the make and model would be the photos I provided 3/11/13. 4/19/13 12:47 PM - Bilan emailed me asking if Jorge could come pick up the vase that afternoon. She said she must get this taken care of this weekend and to call her if I had any questions on her cell. 4/19/13 7:18 PM - I saw Bilan's email and called her right away. She then told me she needed to give the vase to insurance to close the claim. I asked if she would be in the office the next day and offered to drive it to her. She said she wasn't going to be in the office and may be able to drive to our house to pick it up. I told her I would be happy to meet her halfway to give her the vase for insurance in return for reimbursement, so she could close the claim before the new owners took over. She said she would call me right back. Bilan never called me back. 4/20/13 12:01 PM - Jorge called and asked if he could come pick up the vase. I asked him why Bilan wasn't coming because I thought she was going to provide reimbursement in return for the vase to give to insurance to close the claim. He said Bilan instructed him to get the vase, so they could take it to Macy's to try to find a like item to replace it with. I told him that was never discussed and was uncomfortable just handing over our vase since I was told the vase was requested by insurance to close the claim. This was the first I heard of Bilan's intention not to use it for insurance purposes, but to take our property to shop for what she would consider a comparable vase without my knowledge or consent. I told him I sent photos over a month ago (3/11/13) and was told several times in writing that Bilan was working with insurance to provide reimbursement. Not once had she said anything about a replacement. He looked it up in the system and confirmed what I was saying was true and did not realize Bilan did not tell me of her intention as to why she wanted the vase. He said he was only doing what he was told to do, so he was going to call Bilan and tell her to call me. 4/20/13 12:17 PM - Bilan called and spoke to my husband. She initially told him she needed to pick up the vase for insurance. My husband informed her that Jorge told us she was intending to use it to try to shop for a like-item. She then got very defensive and rude. My husband politely told her the insurance agent was welcome to take a look at it, but we were not comfortable handing it over to the cleaner. She hung up on my husband. 4/20/13 1:10 PM - Bilan sent me an email telling me to give them the vase to try to replace it. She said if they don't have the item on hand or a response from me within 48 hours, she was considering the claim withdrawn. 4/20/13 1:42 PM - I responded to Bilan's email saying "Per our emails you were going to cut us a check. You requested to pick up the vase yesterday for the first time for insurance purposes. We NEVER discussed replacing the vase, so when Jorge called me and told me your intention not to cut a check, but to find a replacement I informed him that is not what was discussed. I have documented everything and have been more than cooperative, so I do not appreciate being deceived of your intention vs what you and I agreed to. I have provided pictures of the vase, letter, price, UPC, etc. for insurance over a month ago". 4/20/13 10:14 PM - Bilan responds, "Hi Km , Thats fine, I am willing to replace your item but no cash will be given to you. Its so suspicious to me why you are not co-orporating, since our insurance clearly wants the item on hand. Like I said, I will be giving your item to insurance, but it seems to me you are trying to use this as a way to earn cash, the sticker price does not mean what you paid for it, it does not even tell me much. I have tried to work with you, but this is out of my hands and apparently yours, I don't talk to third party. Bottom line is, either send us the vase, or we will not issue a claim. Period. The Item was broken 3/27/13 and you sent me a feedback 3/4/13, outside the 48 hour window. I am going to consider this claim withdrawn if I don't have a vase by tomorrow." 4/21/13 2:06 PM - I respond via email, "Hi Bilan, I do not appreciate you attacking my character. I have voicemail, emails, and documentation confirming you requesting to cut us a check to finalize the matter, which we agreed to. Not once did you say anything about replacement in any of our correspondence until yesterday. Now, nearly 2 months later, the story has changed again and you accused us of being suspicious, not cooperating, and trying to use this as a way to get cash. I am both surprised and offended at this behavior since I have been professional and more than fair throughout this entire process. I provided you with photos 3/11/13, which was sufficient for the claim process until all of a sudden 5 weeks later (4/20/13) it's not. As noted previously, the insurance company is more than welcome to come out to see the vase or take it upon reimbursement. It was never discussed or brought up that you intended to take the vase to simply replace it at your discretion, which was indicated by Jorge and your emails for the first time yesterday. We feel taken advantage of and deceived, so naturally we are not comfortable handing over our property under these circumstances. All I am asking is for you to honor your word, so we can all move forward. I expect this to be resolved in a timely and professional manner." We have had to repair damaged walls and clean footprints which I am not seeking reimbursement fo. They have missed cleaning bathrooms and not shown up twice when I still had to pay to board our dogs those days, which Bilan is aware of. All I am asking is for MaidPro to honor their word and reimburse us for the vase that they have been promising for 2 months now, so we can all move forward.
Description of Work: We hired MaidPro Tukwila to clean our home bi-weekly.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    572 Industry Dr Bldg 6, Seattle, WA 98188

    Service hours

    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM




    Eco-friendly Accreditations

    LEED Accredited Professional
    Energy Star Partner
    EPA Lead-Safe Certified
    Use Green Products or Work Practices
    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    House Cleaning,
    Floor Cleaning and Waxing


    Tukwila MaidPro is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.

    Sunday: Closed

    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Saturday: Closed

    Tukwila MaidPro accepts the following forms of payment: Check,MasterCard,Visa
    Yes, Tukwila MaidPro offers free project estimates.
    Yes, Tukwila MaidPro offers eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Tukwila MaidPro does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Tukwila MaidPro does not offer emergency services.
    No, Tukwila MaidPro does not offer warranties.
    Tukwila MaidPro offers the following services: House cleaning including bathrooms, kitchens & floors.

    Contact information

    572 Industry Dr Bldg 6, Seattle, WA 98188

    Service hours

    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM