, et a refund.their work.
Description of Work: I hired this team to do a kitchen and bath remodel almost a year ago ( 8/2011), after meeting their crew, who had delivered and assembled some IKEA purchases, and who had done a great job. I was told that I would first work with their designer, and that then I would receive a detailed bid for each of my projects. I would not have chosen to work with this group if I had not been promised detailed line item bids. I was also told that the crew I had met , would be the ones who would perform my job; ie, that I was hiring their team to perform the work. ( I did not, however, get this is writing, which, in retrospect, I should have) . I decided to work with them SINCE I had met and been impressed with their crew. I then signed on for the first phase, which was the contract for the design piece. I met many times with their designer, Sarah, who was a pleasure to work with when it came to the design part. She was my liason with the team, and she re-assured me numerous times that I was going to get a detailed bid for each job, and that their team was excited about doing my job. I did receive a fairly detailed bid for the kitchen, but it has some mistakes in it, and is not yet correct and complete. I have a guest cabin on my land, and sould not have to drive back and forth each day. She told me repeatedly that once the designs were finished, the team would schedule my jobs, my total kitchen remodel, and three bathrooms, and some other smaller jobs, for one stretch of time, so that I would only have to move out of mhe even told me that their team wanted to live in my cabin once they commenced work, which would save me some money since they wy house one time. I was very excited to have found a group who worked in this manner. I asked Sarah many times if this was still the plan, since it seemed almost too good to be true, and, over time, she stopped getting back to me in a timely manner fairly often. I suspected that something was up, but did not know what, and when I asked if something had changed, she re-assured me that it had not. She re-assured me each time I asked, that her team was still going to give me the bids, that they would be detailed, that they were still going to do the work, that they were still going to come up and do all the work at once, (which is also going to save me money, since, for example, the dry wallers could do the kitchen and the baths at one time.) Sarah was very personable, and fun to work with, but as time went on, she started to take a very long time to get back to me, and not follow through with the tasks she had told me she was going to do. She also was not aware of some standard code issues, and made some mistakes, such as placing cabinets in front of an electrical panel, which I now know if not allowed by code. She was non-responsive, as was the lead contractor, Nick, when I emailed about this issue. At this point almost a year has gone by. I was not getting responses to my emails and calls, even though Sarah and I were not finished with the designs, Sarah was not getting back to me about scheduling time to finish. I finally have heard back from them. They are now asserting that they had never promised me that they would give me detailed bids,They also now assert that, since I live so far away, they will not be able to use their own crew after all. (Please note that I have not moved.) Nick said in his email, that he would have to hire an all new crew here on Whidbey Island, where I live, which is not a reasonable plan in my opinion, since finding a whole group of subs who are reliable and available at the same time on this small island, is not feasible. It is also not what I signed up for. My educated guess is, that over this past year, this group has changed the focus of what they do. When they signed me up, they were not busy, and they had time to come up to Whidbey and complete all my jobs. In the interim, they have decided to just do kitchens, and no longer are willing to travel. The problem is that they did not inform me of these changes. My problem is that the only contract I signed, was the one for the design piece. On paper it looks like I paid for their "kitchen design package" and some additional hours of design work, but there is nothing in the design contract I signed that specifies that this design package is the first phase of their design/build process that they had verbally , and repeatedly , promised me. I cannot prove that they promised me that they would do the work, or that I would get detailed bids, even though common sense seems to be on my side. They specialize in desgining kitchens, and previously, baths, utilizing IKEA products, and do advertise as providing both the design and build piece. I do not think that one usually expects to need contractual proof that a design / build business will provide the "build" piece after they finish the 'design" piece by their designer. Nick now states that he will only give me square footage bids, and these will be high since he will need to use all new, local subs, and he cant forsee how much they will cost. He is now suddenly and unexpectedly unwilling to use his own crew. He says this is due to where I live, but, as I have explained, I have not moved. When I emailed him that I do expect them to follow through on what I was promised, that I get detailed bids, and that they use their own crew to do the work, he responded by printing out the design contract I signed, and ignores what I was told over and over verbally. He is refusing to do the work, and will not give me a refund for the designing I paid for. The designs are useless to me and i do think that at the very least, I should get a refund. I dont have any exact measurements, I believe they may be in Sarahs computer, but I dont have access to them. If I have to use another contractor, I have to start all over. I cannot get back the year I lost but I would like to get a refund. Also, Sarah promised me that she would be involved with the project ongoing, that she would be advising the crew about design issues that we had discussed and decided. Clearly I lose all that input if I have to use another contractor. I was not surprised to read on this site, that I am not the only customer who is not satisfied with this company. I believe they should have told me that they were becoming unable to follow through on promises they originally made, and given me the option to go along with new guidelines, or, find another design/build team. They choose to string me along so that they could keep taking my money for the additional design hours I was paying for, and then to bail when it came down to actually working out bids and getting ready to schedule, without any compensation for my lost time, or designs I can no longer utilize. If I had just wanted to hire a kitchen/bath designer, why would I have choosen their designer, who designs specifically for them? I would be very wary of this business. Sarah is very nice, and is a good front person for this business. It is easy to trust her, and not think about getting everything in writing. I was stunned, really stunned, after working with her over the course of almost a year, to discover that she went along with being less than truthful when push came to shove. I think they are over-extended, and do not have good ethics when it comes to doing the right thing by their customers.