Response from AQUASENSE
At Aquasense we schedule all appointments for a set time. Unlike the cable guy, we don’t give people a 2 or 4 hour arrival window and then either show up at the last minute of the window or call up at the end of the window to say we can’t make it. Instead we set all appointments for a set time. This is not easy with a service business as repair times vary greatly. In addition to scheduling an appointment for a set time it has also been our policy to call people if we are running late or early and give them a heads up – again so we don’t waste anyone’s time. The crew leaders all carry cell phones so if they need to call someone they can. With that said we are not perfect and occasionally do mistakes or someone forgets their phone. In this case I was out of town and it was the Monday morning the day after Seafair and temperatures had been in the mid 90’s over the weekend. One of our crew leads who has not missed a day the entire year was sick. As our office staff does not arrive until 8:30, they were not able to call the customer to give her a heads up. When we finally were able to call her back we offered to come out on Thursday as that was our next available route for Seattle. The customer was very unhappy and said that she had already made other arrangements.