Description of Work: I had a clog in the main line from my house into my gravity fed septic tank. This began shortly after I dislodged a large hairball from the second floor shower of my home, and unfortunately went all the way down but apparently not far enough. I spent lots of time on the problem, bought a 25 foot snake, and on my own tried to get it open by snaking through two different toilets, two different tubs, and a bathroom sink. Nothing I did worked, and the fact that the djainfield was not backing up pointed to the fact that the problem was as I described, between the house and the gravity fed septic tank, which is 10 feet from my house. | |I live on a very wet property, and separate from this problem, is the fact that my gutter drains were also backing up and a spring of water was gushing next to my house closely adjacent to the tank. But that water was so crystal clear I knew I was not dealing with sewage, it was unrelated to the septic problem. I used a pump to get that all under control and convince myself it was a separate problem. I weighed my options as far as the clog was concerned. I knew I needed help, but calling one of these highly advertised services meant I would probably get someone who didn't know much, didn't care, whatever; I was just imagining it would be regrettable. I liked that this service was family run, close by, etc. It was worth waiting 2 days, as far as I was concerned, to get trustworthy people, and I think they are a trustworthy outfit as far as that is concerned. | |The day they were scheduled to come, I decided to take off from work. My neighbor asked me if she would like to stay around so I could go to work, but I wanted to make sure they had the whole story straight. I was concerned they would get distracted by the active spring if pristine water and somehow think it had something to do with my sewage problem, which anyone who has dealt with a sewage problem knows that if a sewer line is crushed or leaks or backs up, it backs up sewage. | |So they came, Father and Son which I liked. They flushed a few things and did this and did that, I followed them around giving them as much of the story as I could, how it started and what happened next etc. Their assessment concluded exactly as I had suspected. They looked at the pool of water coming from the spring and said my property was so wet and water logged, my whole system was backing up. There was nothing they could do, my property was too wet, and I likely needed a whole new sewer system. They didn't want to try anything, they were basically preparing to leave. However, we had already inspected the septic tank and it wasn't overflowing, it was accepting everything that was presented to it. The "D-Box" where the tank distributes to lines in the drain field showed any sewage presented to it was draining fine. I told him for this reason, he had to be wrong, and that the problem was in the 10 feet between the house and the tank. He listened and quickly responded "where is your inlet cover" I showed him the 2 separate areas where I knew how to get into the septic tank, which is the outlet cover and the main cover. He said there is a third spot where sewage flows into the tank. He pointed to the approximate spot, and we scraped about an inch of dirt with a shovel from the top of the tank and there was a little round cover in the tank. We opened that cover and there was a big clog right under there. DONE! | |So I appreciated the help, and they helped me get it figured out. It was worth the money, even if they were only there 10-15 min. So why would I not call them again. The first is obvious, I am a homeowner, they are professionals. It should not be up to me to explain to them they are wrong, in order to flush out the true problem. I had the benefit of wrestling with the problem for days, but they made a premature assessment and it would have cost me a ton of money and heartache to go with their original opinion. Most homeowners who have been left with the impression they needed an excavator and $25,000 for a new system. I dodged that bullet only because I prepared myself to counter their opinion, and I felt a bit awkward doing it. Everybody makes mistakes but I think they are working off a model of being super busy which made it hard to slow down and be curious enough to assess the problem properly. | |The second thing is that I have tons of plumbing issues that are not emergencies. I'd like to replace the main shut off valve on my house. I have drains and filters that leak from time to time, could use some replacement on a non-urgent basis. It would be great if I had some folks whom I could trust to quote some of this stuff, and come out during non-peak times in their schedule. I would like to prevent emergencies and get stuff done right, when it is not an emergency. in spite of the fact I had them booked for an hour, they don't have a real strong interest in working with me to spec out some of these other jobs for a return visit. I pointed out some of these specific areas, and I would have preferred if they quoted the work as opposed to simply "ok, call us". Umm, I just did. Another 5-10 min with a clipboard and I'm sure I had $500 worth of non-urgent plumbing work that needs attention, but I don't feel comfortable offering it to a provider without much curiosity to say even something simple like, "yeah, we should replace that valve, would you like me to order one up for you?" or whatever. | |So for urgent stuff, it took 2 days and I had to work (too) hard to help them help me. |For non-urgent stuff, i'm not clear they are interested in that.