A quick note before our response to this specific review (scroll down a bit for the review itself): I can demonstrate all of the things I have said here, and would be willing to do so to any earnest inquirer. My personal mobile is 571-721-9840 for anyone interested in working with a seasoned business person who (a) will tell you the absolute truth, (b) can provide you dozens, yes dozens, of referrals who have known me for decades and will attest to my character and (c) takes ownership of his work, both failings and otherwise and will address concerns. If anyone truly does want the other side of the story, I will tell you where I think we could have done better and the truth about the rest of this review without any disparaging remarks toward my few unhappy previous clients. We strongly recommend that the Angie's List community have a look at our other reviews. Aside from a handful of reports which came at a time when my father's decline and ultimate passing was a very protracted time period, frequently calling me away from my work, all of our reviews prior to that were A's and occasional B's. And the background to most of these reviews includes the fact that no one, NO ONE, was harmed or damaged in any way. No one lost ANY money. Angie's List collected the $59 fee and immediately refunded anyone who requested such. Please keep reading for our response to this review: This type of review is interesting in both what is reported to you, the Angie's List community, as well as what is omitted. So, let's begin looking at a few facts: 1. Interesting that the member lists $39,000 in the price field. Certainly adds some impact, does it not? But did you know she actually spent $3,900, NOT $39,000? 2. Next, she seems to have forgotten to mention that she and her husband had the contract in their possession for months prior to them telling us they were ready to proceed and wanted to move as quickly as we were able. Yes, that's the first flag indeed. But not in the way that they are intending. We NEVER deliver a contract to anyone and ask them to sign quickly. And the member has neglected to tell you that we even told them to be sure to take their time reading it over and asking any questions at all that came to mind. "Take all the time you need" we said to them and say to every client. So, they had the contract for months, no, I'll back that up to weeks just to be completely certain that I'm totally correct in what I'm saying. But the point is this, they were not rushed about the contract in the way they are trying to make this sound. Between the time that we first delivered the contract to them and the time they told us they were finally ready to sign (it had been roughly a year since our very first visit to them with many visits in between), we met at least twice to discuss the contract in detail, looking over the project, discussing terms and conditions, what-if's, etc. This assertion that we rushed them to sign is of questionable intent at best but is certainly not grounded in any kind of truth. Again, where the vitriolic nature of some of these reviews comes from is quite beyond me but I'm honestly getting a wee bit weary of being unjustifiably beat up over wrongs we did not commit. But I digress, back to my response... 3. With regard to the bathroom work, do you find it odd that no details are given, just "poorly supervised", "numerous issues", "only got excuses in return". Have any of you Angie's List members ever been accused of such in your work? If the member would like to explain specifically what she was unhappy about, I'll be happy to respond. But that won't happen and both she and her husband and we know why. We did good quality work on their bathrooms. They were unsure to what extent they wanted to take the bathroom minor updates and wanted to keep the budget very limited. That's perfectly fine. We were happy to accommodate. But once things were not everything they had hoped for but had not communicated to us, they accused us of poor supervision. By the way, twice, when called by the member, I was there the very next morning to address her concerns. We did not bill her for time that was a lack of communication and her and her husband's part just to show good faith. Apparently I can chalk it up to unrequited customer love. To the issue of the major portion of the project, the member, her husband and my brother (my business partner) and I had discussed on numerous occasions that if the excavation, foundation wall repair and all related happened, even as late as fall, that that could be a good thing because the grass would have recovered more quickly. After many, many months of discussions, emails, some phone calls and a number of meetings, when it finally came time that they were ready to sign, we simply told them that the primary excavation contractor that we preferred to use for this had several very large municipal projects on his calendar and would not be able to tell us when he would be available once he started either of those jobs. We simply conveyed to the member and her husband that there was absolutely no pressure about signing, BUT, if they wanted to get the project done right away, we needed the contract and deposit back quickly so our contractor could begin. We had only a week or two to work with, which would have been just enough for him to get done. We normally would not have said this but as the member and her husband had had the contract in their possession for a very long time and that we had discussed it in detail, we thought it merely a matter of going through the motions at this point. They were not signing something with which they were not intimately familiar. For whatever reason, they did not execute the contract and deliver the agreed upon deposit in a time frame that safely allowed us to proceed so we were now, through no fault of our own, forced into the time frame of simply waiting. This was not our doing, plain and simple. There is so much more I could share with you. Let's just say this, anyone can take any story and tell it in a way as to convey almost anything they want you to believe. I suggest that you are probably smarter than that.