At PC Laptops, every desktop and laptop computer is proudly hand-built for you in the USA. When you call PC Laptops we will take the time to find out what you need and prescribe the best solution for you so that you will not get some pre-built box of cheap, low quality junk that most companies offer. You will have the security knowing that you just acquired the best computer on the planet! We have found that offering real human beings to speak with builds a lifetime bond with our customers. We will help you find out exactly what you need and take care of you just as good as we would our own family and friends. Call us right now at 1-877-596-SAVE(7283) or visit any one of our and speak to an actual human being, not in chumbawumba but, right here in the USA!! Remember at PC Laptops we love you!
This exclusive PC Laptops Desktop Computer lifetime warranty is the best warranty on the planet! It covers all your service and parts. That means if your hard drive dies 10 years from now it’s covered! Your processor, ram, DVD drive, motherboard, power supply!!, It’s covered forever! Only at PC Laptops!!! Now that’s peace of mind! How can we offer a LIFETIME parts and labor warranty on our desktop computers? Because we build the best computers on the planet and we’re so confident in the quality of our desktops we cover them forever!!! So get into PC Laptops right now because there’s nowhere else to go!