Response from Masonry Arts
I was very busy at the time & booked with 4 stucco jobs already. I still drove out there to see the project & was eaten alive by mosquitos- never seen so many. He was a nice man & I really wanted to try to help. The stucco work to be done to the existing house on pier & beams was a mess as far as how to go about ensuring no cracks in the future, attaching, etc.,etc. There was going to be many complications & with no way to guaranty how long it would last without cracking, of which, we would be responsible for. I told them that a carpenter would be needed to fill in the skirting 2'-3' opening all around the house. Therefore, I said that they are way better off & cheaper, to have the same carpenter add Hardie-board to those new stucco areas instead, & paint that, & with a band of wood, etc separating the stucco to the additional skirting with a different color. I showed my stucco man the pics & he said that it was going to be difficult to price, then warranty, & he was too busy to go see it. I got very busy & never called back, & was hoping they would save money & take my advice. If they would have even called back to see how the estimate was going, showing interest still, I would have, again, recommended a cheaper & longer lasting alternative such as the Hardie board instead. I did not want to have to guaranty that job doe to many conditions. Sorry, but I hope they find a solution or a different stucco man willing to attack it. I can't at this time.