Description of Work: We were scheduled to have a heat pump and furnace replaced by Reliant on 3/7/15. We were told they'd arrive around 8-9:00 am and that the job would take until 3-4:00 pm to complete. Two technicians showed up before 8 am. which was fine for us. Fortunately they spoke fluent English. Part way through the job we received a call stating the guy who had come out to give us the estimate didn't notice the furnace we had, wasn't wired up to code and that an electrician would have to come out on Monday to wire the new furnace to code at a cost of $200 to us and $500 that Reliant would pay, since their estimator missed this problem and hadn't added it to the estimate. We agreed to that and then later in the day we were told the supervisor who stopped by briefly a couple times during installation, was able to rewire and an electrician wouldn't be needed. At one point during installation, the one tech shook black spray paint in our hallway repeatedly and used the paint to paint upwards, above his head, into an opening where a new vent was being installed. This resulted in black spray paint splattering onto a bedroom door in two places, a doorway, and all over the tile flooring beneath him. He never noticed or if he did, made no attempt to clean it up before it dried. By the time I noticed it, the paint had dried. After 10 1/2 hours of these two guys working on this installation, my wife and I needed to leave our home. We had a dinner engagement. My wife swept the hallway they'd worked in and washed the floor down from all the dirt that was tracked in and I swept our garage in order to get them on their way. My wife asked the tech who splattered paint, to come in so she could show him what he'd done and he tracked mud all down the hallway she'd just washed, because he was wearing company provided covers for his shoes, do to the mud around our heat pump. He'd failed to remove them to enter our home. Our driveway was covered in mud from him and we had mud clods stuck to the floor of our garage in several places, for us to dislodge after we swept up their mess. When we arrived back at our house approximately 2 1/2 hours later, the thermostat they'd just installed, wasn't working, neither was the furnace or heat pump. We called and a technician came out at 10:30 that night, do to our insistence that we didn't want to go without heat on that end of the house as it's still in the 40's at night. He spent 45 minutes here and said the installer had crossed two wires on the furnace when he installed it. Monday morning, (two days after installation), the digital thermostat had a message on it stating the auxiliary heat had turned on when it was over 50 degrees outside and we should contact our Carrier Contractor. We set up an appointment to have the Installation Manager, Matt, come out on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. to go over everything and to determine why the aux. heat went on, on this new system when it was over 50 degrees out. At 10:40 a.m. on Wednesday morning, there was no sign of Matt nor had we received a call stating he was running late. My wife called Reliant and was told by the woman who answered the phone that she'd contact Matt. She called back a few minutes later and said he was running late. When my wife asked when he'd be arriving, she said in 30 minutes, which was 45 minutes after our appointed time to meet. We were told at some point during all this that we'd have two free visits by Reliant to check out system out during the free year and free filters would be replaced at those visits. To be completely honest, we have no faith in having anyone from Reliant, check the system out in that manner based on their performance so far. I have paint to sand off a door in my house and a door frame as well as spray paint on the tile in the hallway, to try and remove and then repaint the wood. Try repainting wood or drywall that the paint is a few years old on. The same paint will show up as a different color because it's not aged like the wood that's been on the surface for years. Their installer brought out antibacterial wipes to try and remove the spray paint drips and splatters, when we pointed it out to him. Since when does an antibacterial wipe remove dried spray paint? There hasn't been one person from this company who has done a complete and thorough job when they've been on our premises and we've paid $7000 for that.