Response from Universal Home Experts
I want to thank this member for the opportunity to inspect his home. I am not sure where the $175 came from, because the Angies List Big Deal is $74 for a whole house electrical inspection and was conducted over a 2 hour period. Their technician my have had a bad day, but is also applauded on many of the A rated reviews from Angies LIst members. I am glad this member had their breaker panel replaced as we feel that that is imprtant for the safety of your home. Hopefully the electrician they used is licensed and insured and is providing a ten year warranty like we do. We find that since most electricians do not offer comprehensive safety inspections for all customers regardless of how much work the have done, many homeowners need to come to us to provide a real education of theri electrical system. Whether they have us do the work, is according to their budget and thier commitment to their home and to anyone who may purchase the home from them. Another reason we have over 150 A rated reviews is that we our upfront and honest with our customers: I am not sure where $18,000 came from. I looked at our bid and this is what I found: Performed home inspection and found that the furnace circuit needs to be redone, main breaker panel needs to be replaced, GFCIs not found in all required areas, open splices in the attic, replace a burned outlet in the office, install surge protection, client would like to add a freezer outlet in the garage, install a ul bracebox for a ceiling fan in garage, install ceiling fixture in breakfast area, install a 110 outlet for a fixture in the living room, install a floodlight with motion sensor inside of the house. rewire the fixture in front of the house, install ceiling fan in the garage. Total: $5817 1. 60 amp circuit for furnace heater - $817.00 2. 60 amp disconnect for the furnace upstairs - $237.00 3. 150 amp main breaker panel - $1,868.00 4. Main grounding system w/ intersystem bonding - $586.00 5. GFCI in all required areas, garage, kitchen, bathroom and outside outlets @ $119.00/ea. (6) = $714.00 6. Open splices in attic that need j-boxes installed @ $119.00/ea. (2) = $238.00 7. replace outlet in office area - $59.00