Response from The Gutter Man
Thank you giving us the opportunity to earn your business. We do let Members know right away that a back-log is in place, so AL can refund their money if they can't wait or find another provider for them. We apologize for the delay in regards to scheduling your job, however with bad weather and this being the busiest time of the year...well we do the best We can do. We've reached out to the Member in regards to a service request for the downspouts. It 's covered under a cleaning warranty. If your downspouts are connected to underground drains and they are clogged, it will greatly affect the gutter system. We clean out the gutters and downspouts...however the underground drains (if clogged) will need additional attention from a plumbing company. We highly advise Members with this type of installation to install covers on their gutter systems...otherwise after a through the future the bulk debris will flow directly into the underground drains clogging it, backing the system into the downspouts. The discounted cleaning is good for up to 250 linear feet of gutter and downspout combined for a system that is secured ( not needing repairs the gutter or downspouts ). Any additional footage over the allotted limit, is given at a discounted rate. Repairs are not included, however, given at a discounted rate as well. All repair work must be approved by The Member, and if the cost is more than they wish to incur, they can get a refund right away! This coupon is designed for an average size home 2,500-3,500 sq. ft. This particular residence is a two story home, 7,321 sq. ft.... with 600 ft. of gutter and 250 ft. of downspout. The additional charge at the discounted rate for the extra footage was $252.00 A total of 20 ft. of gutter needed to be reattached to the fascia ( falling off ) before the cleaning. Also two (2) downspouts were not secured. Due to liability reasons this must be taken care of first, to prevent further damage to the system while adding weight (water from rinsing out the system) and the vibration (removing bulk debris & drying out the system) from a blower. The repairs that need ed to be done before the cleaning could be completed was $90.00 and approved. The Member contracted TGM to do additional work after the cleaning as well, including resealing four (4) corners and adding 30 ft. of drip edge flashing. All work was done at a discounted rate coming with a warranty.