There is plenty of room on this website to discuss why I would never do a project for the Member again. I am very disappointed that the Member made these comments on Angie’s List. Not only did their garage apartment design and finished product turn out great, we came in on budget with no extra cost. You can see a video of their completed project on Even though we had some problems, like all construction jobs involving multiple trades, I felt like they should have been happy at the end. I met the couple about a year before we even started, and gave them a FREE design and a detailed proposal. They called me after they had a new baby and wanted to finally get started. After having some problems with their loan, because of their equity, we had to go back and forth on the scope of work to “back in” to a plan that they could afford. We did this for FREE, not knowing for sure whether we would even get to do the job. We never asked for a deposit. Because we were building out an existing garage apartment shell that someone else had built (the shell was built without a City of Houston permit years before), we asked that the garage and apartment be cleared out. The POD they rented did not hold all of their belongings, and they did not want to pay for another, so they left a considerable amount of shelves, tools, and lawn equipment in the garage that we were forced to work around, cover up, and move in and out of the garage for FREE. Also, we had to keep it locked, and/or rely on the husband to let us in on a daily basis (he was unemployed and staying at home). This created a problem, because things keep coming up missing/misplaced, for example the remote for the HVAC system, which I replaced at my expense, only to be found later behind something in the garage. Also, on two occasions, they went out of town for a week, shut down the job, and locked us out of the project, because they were not available to let us in everyday. I should have made them rent another POD, instead I wanted to be helpful and was mindful of their tight budget. The demo, framing and siding went okay except for the wife’s obsessive fear of someone tripping on a single board or any item left in the yard. This created numerous unnecessary phone calls and emails, however we stepped up and did extra cleaning that we would have not done on another project--again an extra expense on my part. During the contract phase, the owners told me that the sewer connection and water line from the house were already in. After my inspection I found the sewer connection, but not the water connection, so I included a budget to add a water line from the house to the apartment, in case we could not find it after digging. During the plumbing phase, we discovered the sewer clean-out was not to code (remember the existing shell was bootlegged without a permit), so I convinced my plumber to fix it for FREE. My plumber dug out the clean-out and fixed the clean-out to code. (This involved digging a 3’x3’x3’ hole, and moving some small hedges to fix it.) Also, the water line was not there, as I suspected, so we also had to dig an 18” deep x 12’ long trench from the house to the garage for the water line. This made the wife furious, because we would not restore any landscaping, per our contract. She claimed it cost “thousands of dollars” to replace the 2 or 3 hedges and plant grass. We had already fixed the clean-out for FREE. Also during the plumbing phase the plumber noticed a severely corroded and dangerous gas line by their gas meter, that we also fixed for FREE. If I had known that she was going to be so belligerent about the grass and landscaping I would have charged her for these extra items, per our contract. It seemed after this point that it was the beginning of the end, to be able to make the Member happy. The husband was an unemployed electrician. The electrician that we used was not doing exactly what we asked, and was taking forever. This, combined with the husband looking over his shoulder all day created a nightmare. When a city inspector would come by, the husband would question everything, and wonder why we did not do something another way, and it made the inspector nervous, so the inspector picked us to death. The inspector also started questioning, and making us re-do the existing electrical in the garage which was “grandfathered in”, so we ended up re-doing a bunch of items in the garage for FREE also, that should have been left alone. Knowing what I know now about the husband being an electrician, I would have gone with one of our “higher end”, more expensive, electrical sub-contractors to do the job, so we could budget time and money to meet and debate with the husband, and the inspector better. At no fault of the Member, we had a lot of problems with the sheetrocker. The sheetrockers were taking too long, and the finish was so poor that we ran them off and got another sub to finish. We simply got the “C” team sheetrock crew, and we took care of it right away. But, because the Member were still mad about the landscaping and the electrical, there was no pleasing them, and the rest of the job was a challenge. In conclusion, I felt like these guys barely had the funds to do this project and were in a constant state of frustration, and arguing with each other. They had never had any other work done by any contractors in the past, so I also felt like they sincerely did not know what to expect. I am especially upset, because this is the only 1 of 2 negative reports on Angie’s List from somebody that we actually did any work for. All the other reports were from people that we did not call back, because when I met them, I could tell they would be unreasonable, hard to please, or too far out of our neighborhood. I have met at least 1-3 people every week for the last 8 years, so if there are 5 people that complained that I did not call them back, I can live with that. We have done over 200 projects in 8+ years. I can’t go to the grocery store or any local restaurant, or work in my yard, without seeing a previous client, and they are all happy.