About Aquasana
Aquasana is a leader in water filtration. Our filters are marketed in nearly every country around the world. Our mission to make whole-body ‘water health’ as easy, accessible and economical as possible.
Aquasana drinking water filters strip out more than 99% of the chlorine, lead, herbicides, pesticides, industrial solvents and cysts found in tap water while preserving its healthiest elements, which include calcium, magnesium
and potassium.
Aquasana shower filters remove nearly double the amount of chlorine required for certification without sacrificingshower height or water pressure.
Aquasana whole house filters remove 99% of chlorine from a household water supply and can also be customized to tackle customers’ specific water challenges. The filters produce the healthiest and best-tasting water available.
Health-conscious consumers know that it is critical to filter tap water before they drink it, cook with it or bathe in it because it is loaded with harmful chemicals. Only 91 contaminants are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, yet more than 60,000 chemicals are used within the U.S.