It hasn't gone very well. Originally they kept $715 out of our $1800 deposit and they've only said they'd reimburse us for $226.
Description of Work: When it comes to returning the rental deposit, they are unfair and unreasonable. I requested to meet with them several times to show them evidences but they ignore my requests. I was told by one lady to not email her anymore after two emails, In the 1st email, I requested one meeting date to discuss the charges, she told me her entire staff would not be in that day so I sent a 2nd email requesting a different day and was told by that same lady that they would not be in the office the same day she had told me before and totally disregarded the alternate day I requested then told me that no more emails were needed. I had to go over her head. The only thing they consider "normal wear and tear," are a few small nail holes for hanging pictures on the wall. I was told by a different lady that any small scratch, scrape, crack in the paint (even after 7 years of living there and it had been painted before we moved into the rental house and previous tenants lived there for several years) are considered "damage," according to Texas Law. They obviously did not look at the Residential Lease Inventory and Condition Form (RLIACF) before sending our refund check because they charged us from "broken blinds," which weren't actually broken but they did have cracked blades and they had been there since we moved-in because they were noted on the RLIACF. They said they will reimburse us but we haven't gotten the money yet. Why didn't they check that form before sending a refund of deposit? They also charged us for missing shelves in the master closet that their third party company that did the move-out report for them (that we were not allowed to be there for), must have assumed were supposed to be there. Thank goodness I had move-in photos with the date on them of that closet from 2010 that proved they were not there when we moved in. They said they would reimburse us for those too, but we haven't received the money yet. We were told by a TRG agent that we should have fixed the small nicks, scrapes, and scratches and the only way to have done that was to paint them. But that is not stated to do so anywhere on Number 16 Move Out, on the Texas Association of Realtors Residential Lease we signed, or under "Deductions and delays in returning security deposit:" and it would be prohibited according to 17 D Prohibitions: (6) replace or remove flooring material, paint, or wallpaper. We honestly thought they were considered "normal wear and tear." On the itemized sheet we received of what all they took out of our deposit, they hand wrote that 2 blinds were replaced for "sun damage," and that has baffled everyone that has read that because you put blinds up to help keep out the sun. They sent us a copy of the third party company's report that had photos with arrows that pointed to what they called "damage." Several of the photo arrows pointed to nothing we could see, not even my friends of facebook could see anything, but whatever it was, they called it "damage." Arrows on some pictures pointed to a tiny spot that you could barely see, and again it was called, "damage." I don't see how anyone could live comfortably in one of their rental homes, you would need to put felt pads on everything, including yourself and any children or pets you have. Most people are going to get little scrapes, scratches and nicks in the wall paint over a period of time, especially if they have kids, but it you do rent with these people, you'll have to paint the walls on their rental property to fix the little blemishes that might occur (even though according to the Residential Lease Agreement 17 D (6) it is prohibited to replace paint) or you'll have to pay for them to do it. I just want anyone considering renting a property from this group to be aware of what can happen at the end of your lease. So Beware! If you do rent a property from them, then note on the Residential Lease Inventory and Condition Form every nick, scrape, scratch, chip, smudge foundation crack whatever you see as a blemish on the wall, ceiling, door, door frame, countertop, cabinet, closet, carpet, tile, or wood flooring on the inside including the garage and also note every blemish, scratch, scrape, chip or smudge on the outside walls of the house, doors, and doorways, the driveway and mailbox too. And take photos of everything you note and keep multiple copies for yourself and turn in a copy with your form. I care about people and some people struggle and need their deposits back so I am writing this to help people. Photos attached show move-in 2010 and move-out 2017 master closet, kitchen, living room, and dining room, photos of what third party company pointed to with arrows as "damage," and photos to show move-out condition cleanliness. TRG never mentioned to us how clean the house was at move-out. And so you know, the 7 years we lived there, we paid our rent on time every month.