Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists, a family owned and operated business. We specialize in residential and commercial cleaning.
Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists services include: construction clean-up, exterior home power washing, gutter cleaning, and carpet spot cleaning. Now serving Roswell, Artesia, Carlsbad, Las Cruces, Alamogordo, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas!
Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists use a systematic team cleaning approach that will be cost effective as well as consistent and efficient. Respectively, every project is different and Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists accommodate the needs of our clients accordingly.
Allow Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists to Bid your project today! Call us at: (915) 235-7896
Why Choose Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists?
Our Pledge
Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists believe that the Janitorial industry lacks what our years of customer service training in corporate America provides, namely: Professional, Reliable, Intuitive, Detailed and Efficient cleaning services. Over the years Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists have exceeded these objectives with an impressive 99% customer satisfaction rating. Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists would like the opportunity to serve you with PRIDE!
Our Mission
Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialist's mission is to view your business relationship as a team effort to help your company maintain its high image. Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists understand the importance of your company's image and office appearance.
Our Values
Tidy U Up Cleaning Specialists train their cleaning professionals to provide you with the highest level of performance, honesty and reliability on a consistent basis.