Response from H-Towne & Around Remodelers, Inc.
Hello Everyone! JR Smith here with H-Towne & Around Remodelers Inc. PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE PRESTIGEOUS ANGIE'S LIST SUPER SERVICE AWARD once again setting the record straight; Fact #1 WE DID NOT WORK FOR THIS PERSON, EVEN THOUGH HE CLAIMED THAT "YES" SERVICES WERE PERFORMED....THEY WERE NOT. (Angie's list will be hearing from me on this) Here is what happened, and from the exact words of my very credible lead estimator/designer. " Received this appointment on Dec 4, 2014 via email from JR Smith. I called the customer at once to confirm an appointment time. Spoke to (member name) at work to confirm a time to meet. I asked him if 12/9/14 at 1pm would work. His response was "it works for now" I informed him that we need to work out an exact time. He hesitated and then asked me to call him before I came out. I honored his request and called him the morning of the 9th. He actually picked up the phone and then hung up??? I texted him back and asked him to call me as I would be driving over an hour to his house. Later that day, while in an appointment (who we actually DID work for) he texted me " I did" As soon as my appointment was over, I called him back with no response. To this date, I have not been to his house, estimated his project or performed any work at his residence. Mike Sweeney H-Towne & Around Remodelers Inc. So there it is folks. It never ceases to amaze me when dealing with the general public... There are some folks who would rather complain about something rather than to just try to resolve it. This same segment of people also believe that their time is worth more than ours, even though we are providing them with an estimate at no charge to them. As I have said before many times, we love our Angie's List Customers, we will absolutely bend over backwards for them if they give us the opportunity, our reputation means everything to us along with our SUPER SERVICE AWARD status with Angie's List. As a business owner always trying to do things "the right way" it infuriates me when members place FALSE information on the website that is read by millions such as claiming that work was performed when it wasn't. For those of you folks that are looking for a professional contractor we would love the opportunity to look at your project, but watch out we are EXTREMELY DEMANDING..... We do require that you actually meet us at the project site at a pre-arranged time, because our time is important to us too. So, if you can handle that very strict request of ours, please give us a call. Thank you for taking the time to read BOTH sides of the story. Regards, JR Smith