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Evans Garment Restoration

Drapery Cleaning


1.01 Reviews
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John S.
drapery cleaning
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Our home received smoke damage and Evans was recommended by a general contractor we were speaking with at the time of the incident. Liberty Mutual Insurance stated that they would pay Evans directly for their services, so we were not charged for the 'soft goods' cleaning that they performed. We inquired if they had the expertise to clean draperies and were told, "Yes, we can clean them. This is not a problem for us. We are experts at cleaning them." The first set of drapes came back for our master bedroom and the pleats were entirely crooked and wavy, as if they had been ironed improperly. We sent them back to Evans who stated that they would take care of it. The draperies came back after they had supposedly fixed the problems. We were shocked to discover: * The draperies had been exposed to chemicals and high heat which resulted in uneven shrinkage. This shrinkage made setting the correct pleats virtuallhy impossible. Hence, the draperies required expensive alterations and repairs - and would never be the same. * One set of draperies in our living room and dining room were 'antique satin' and had also been mishandled, resulting in the draperies being shrunk unevenly as well as the fabric sheen being removed, and the integrity of the fabric being conpromised. These draperies were essentially ruined. All told, around $5,000 in draperies were 'cleaned' by this company, and rendered clean and no longer suitable for display in anyone's home due to the uneven shrinkage and destruction of the pleat lines. Evans is not an 'expert' at drapery cleaning. They can clean your clothes and your shoes, towels, etc. BUT DO NOT LET THEM TOUCH YOUR DRAPES NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU. There are much better companies who legitimately specialize in drapery cleaning, such as 'KemTex' in Dallas. One final, revealing note - when the draperies came back the second time we immediately called our Evan's job coordinator, Phyllis Barron. Evans prides itself on 100% customer satisfaction. There was no answer on the company phone, so we left a message requesting that they she back right away as the drapes appeared to be improperly pleated again and we were very worried and concerened. She did not call back. So we called our agent at Liberty Mutual. He told us that Evans had already called him to 'explain' the situation. Well, that was nice. No call from Evans, but they took the time to call the insurance adjuster right away. Shows you where the priority is at Evans Garment Restoration, and it is NOT with the customer, it is with the money. Our only recourse is that the insurance company will pay to have the drapes repaired and/or replaced. It is not very fun to have your drapes down for two months in the hot 100 plus degree summer.
Description of Work: Evans was contracted to clean the 'soft goods' in our home, including the draperies, which they stated they were 'experts' in cleaining. The need for this extensive cleaning by a 'restoration' company was due to smoke damage in our home.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

    Contact information

    1628 W Crosby Rd Ste 104, Carrollton, TX 75006


    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

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    Drapery Cleaning


    Evans Garment Restoration is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.
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    Contact information

    1628 W Crosby Rd Ste 104, Carrollton, TX 75006