Don't trust them to deliver. If you do have them deliver, insist on your schedule since you are paying for it ($75 per load), and insure you are present to make sure they drop it where you need it not where they want to drop and run from. If you are not there, they don't drop and run. If you have them deliver, MARK the boards you pick out, and insure they are what actually get delivered so they don't switch out your good choices for their waste products. If they advertise a webspecial, and you print the page documenting it, do not accept their "switch out" "better deal" offer, insist on what they advertised. My original redwood deck lasted 14 years in the hot Texas Sun on Lake Travis. With this crummier, cheaper cedar wood, I'm having to seal all the knotholes, seal all four sides of the boards with expensive paint to insure the boards don't warp out and fall into pocked mark surfaces due to the knotholes which had already shrunk out and left holes through and through. Sealed those with epoxy wood. Then sanded several grits to prepare the surfaces. Bottom Line: Wasted days and days, a lot of extra work, materials, and unknown lifespan for the deck, because of them. What a downer.
Description of Work: First, they had a website page with a "special price" for redwood, I printed it out, they acknowledged the ad, but denied they had any available redwood available but made me a "deal" for on-hand cedar. Days later this same page was still up on their site, a classic bait and switch technique. So I ordered a number of their high-quality cedar which when delivered, I discovered to have many splits, knotholes, and warpage preventing me from using them without creating a lot of joints where I had not wanted any. So I bundled a number of the worst of them atop my van, drove the hour to the business, and made a nuisance until they agreed to allow me to swap them out for decent boards. They charged me for delivery but waited several days to do so, till they could combine multiple deliveries in my vicinity, saving them the cost. So my job was delayed. I specifically marked in my yard (underneath a 3-story deck I was replacing) where to drop the load of lumber using police yellow tape and 2x6 by 6' long red boards forming arrows to the drop point. Even though the "boss" said "perfect, he'll be able to drop it it right where you want, the driver ignored these and dropped the first load whereever he felt like. SO I had to move these boards to the desired drop point myself, one board at a time, wasting a day of labor to move them, then hoist them up three flights. I had to get a second load delivered, and this time I personally picked out boards that were not full of knotholes and warpage, splits, and flaws. With a person at the yard, he and I picked out 20 acceptable boards, and they used a forklift to set them aside for delivery to me. Once again they waited extra days to actually deliver, charged me 75 to deliver it anyway, so I could not get the job underway, and once again they showed up at a non-agreed time, dropped the load nowhere near where the yellow tape and boarded arrows indicated (I had complained and explained to the "boss" about this and was assured the tape was perfect for marking where they would leave the load of boards. Nope. THen, as I was moving the boards to the point where I could hoist them to the third floor deck, I discovered board after board was completely NOT what I picked out. They disregarded my chosen stack and sent me boards from the undesirable leftover stack, knotholes galore, warped boards, cupped, serious trashy stuff. My next set of boards will come from someplace like Home Depot or Lowes, because the 2x6 boards from this outfit are a real ripoff. So they web-priced good redwood prices, surprise, no got any in the yard to sell, but hey, here's some less-quality cedar that's a little cheaper than what the redwood would have cost me had they honored their advertisement and we can deliver it right away.... Bait and switch. They delivered crap. They delivered it AWAY from where it needed to be dropped, wasting several days to move them manually. When I moved them I discovered the good boards I picked out had been substituted for really crappy stock, this after I had complained about the quality of the first load, as well as the stupid drop location of the delivery. I guess they decided to really show me that they could be even worse the second time around. I'll file a complaint with the BBB as well. This kind of treatment should not go unrewarded/unrecognized. They cater to professional carpenters and contractors, I guess, who don't care what kind of job or wastage is incurred cutting out the crappy parts, but for the do-it-yourself type this place really costs lots of extra bucks for inferior product.