Response from Dayton's Pest Control
First, I want to thank for choosing Dayton's to inspect her home for termites and provide a Termite Letter for the sale of her house. To help clear up some misunderstandings here are some fact as I understand them: (1.) Dayton's inspected her house on 11/7/14 and found termites underneath the front porch, as noted in the graph, additionally, the garage had been finished leaving an inaccessible space under the floor that couldn't be inspected (TWO REASONS THAT DAYTON'S REQUIRES TREATMENT WHEN ISSUING A TERMITE LETTER FOR THE SALE OF A HOUSE), therefore Dayton's quoted Amanda $797.00 to treat her house for termites and issue a clean Termite Letter Report, (2.) scheduled treatment to be performed on 11/19/14, but she canceled service on 11/13/14, (3.) Apparently, found another Termite and Pest Control company to issue a clear Termite Letter (stating that NO visible termites were found upon inspection of her home), (4.) It also, came to my attention that had a relative that worked for a National Pest Control Company that either provided the Termite Letter and/or provided her guidance, (5.) Finally, Dayton's charges $40 for Termite Letters, the fee is included with the treatment when a termite treatment is required and is charged otherwise, Amanda never paid the $40 fee. I appreciate the opportunity to state Dayton's Pest Control's case, since we have been on the Angie List's Honor Roll for many years. Dayton Hylton, owner