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Stateline Reliks

Upholstering, Antiques

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The two owners of stateline reliks, run the business. We have 10 Antique Dealers.

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I stopped by Stateline Reliks after getting a referral. I spoke with Richard and he explained that he re-finishes furniture and Carl Re-upholsters. I then emailed a picture of the sofa and chair I wanted reupholstered. The following is the response from March 5th. Hi June, Thank you for your inquiry. We can upholster your sofa and chair for you. This will include stripping of existing fabric, tightening of any loose joints, re-tieing springs, adding new jute (burlap straps that hold springs, these dry rot over time) adding stuffing/foam/padding where needed, clean and touch-up any exposed wood (i.e. legs) recover in the fabric you supply. You will need 18 yards for both sofa and chair. All of this for $1300 for virtually "new" furniture Allow 3-4 weeks for completion from time of delivery to our store. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions your may have. The sofa, chair and fabric was picked up. They also offered to re-upholster a small ottoman and took this as well. I am not sure the exact date the furniture was picked up but do recall asking for a more specific estimate of the date the furniture would be completed. I explained that my husband wanted a more specific date but we were not in a hurry. I had special ordered 1 and 1/2 yards of fabric for pillows and dropped this off with the 18 inch pillow forms to be covered at there store on March 23rd. I knew that there would be left over material and I ask that it be returned. At that time I was told my work would be done the following Friday, March 30th. On Monday, April 2nd they called and said my furniture was completed and they would deliver that evening. First they showed me the pillows, I received a 16 and 18 inch pillow. Instead of 2-18 inch pillows. They explained the fabric had been cut incorrectly for a 16 inch pillow and claimed at that point there was not enough fabric to make 2-18 inch pillows. I then looked at the ottoman. It had been pieced together with scraps and hand stitched together it was not acceptable. The style looked nothing like the original. Carl agreed that he was not happy with the finished project either. I immediately saw issues with the sofa and chair. I mentioned the welt cord placement, multiple seams in the front and the attachment of the welt cord to legs. I pointed out where the fabric was not smooth on the chair. It just did not look right. He offered to correct the chair corner. Carl offered to order more fabric to make me another 18 inch pillow. He also offered to re-upholster the ottoman with fabric I had on hand. He asked for partial payment, I wrote a check for $1000 since I believed they would fix the issues. I gave them some chairs glue since we had discussed this before. The chairs that they glued were fine. We noticed that evening that the fabric placement of the sofa and chair was not smooth. I called the next morning at 10am and spoke to Carl and he agreed to fix the puckering. At that time I told him that he did not need to re-upholster the ottoman or make the pillow. The pillow stripes did not match. I decided it would be less frustrating if I simply did the work myself. The more I looked at the furniture the more mistakes I found. It was apparent that either they did not know what they were doing did not care. I did not actually sit on the couch and chair while Carl and Richard were in my home. When I did, I realized that when I got up, the cushions did not remain stationary. So the cushions constantly have to be adjusted. The cushions weight did not feel the same. They felt light as a feather and are too thin. I contacted the last upholsterer and was told that the original cushions contained Marshall units. Maybe he was mistaken. But, bottom line the materials used are inferior and the workmanship is poor. On closer examination, two of the four cushions are covered completely in Dacron and two are not. Two different thickness of cheap craft foam was glued together. This is not furniture quality foam. Apparently, they were having problems with the sewing machine (seams are covered with notebook paper) as the stitches are not consistent in size and are skipped in places. On April 5th I sent this email: Do you have the Marshall units that were in my sofa and chair cushions? If so, I would like those returned so the cushions can be redone using these units. I expected that my items would be re-upholstered using the same quality of materials and workmanship as the original .Here are a few other items that need correction: Seams restitched in places Puckering eliminated Padding reworked in back of sofa and chair so it is smooth. Stitching in back of sofa and chair removed and redone so stitches are invisible Welt cord seams moved to cushion backs There are other items that need attention too and I'll point them out. Thank you. I began calling other upholsterers to determine what it would take to fix the problems. I Followed up with a phone call and I thought Carl agreed to fix these issues. But an email received before they returned my chairs just mentioned that they planned to address the issues. On April 10th they returned my chairs and other items. We attempted to discuss the other issues. We did not have the opportunity to go over the list I prepared. They challenged every issue I brought up. They stated they were not going to fix all my items. When I pointed out the visible stitching -they told me it was actually staples. Neither should be visible. When I pointed the visible staples and uneven seams under the arms of the sofa and chair, I was told no one looks under the arms. They told me I was too picky when I told them the welt cord should be uniformly placed in a straight line. They did not see problems with anything I pointed out. We were told the styling was changed because of the different fabric used. The only item that they specifically agreed to correct was the welt cord in the cushions. They kept repeating I would never be happy. I agreed since they did not see any fault with the work. We had to assume they did the best they could. It was puzzling to me that Richard continued to make comments on the upholstery when I had been told Carl was the actual upholsterer. Richard even criticized the previous upholstery work. I began to wonder if Richard actually did the upholstery work and this was his first project. They also indicated the workmanship was my fault because I rushed them. At no point did call to see when the work would be done or in any other way indicate I was in a hurry. Since the upholstery was not completed per the terms of the agreement and we did not have any reason to believe it would be corrected to our satisfaction, I refused to pay the remaining bill. Richard mentioned we were just attempting to get them to agree to lower the fee. He stormed out of the apartment saying he was going to file a suit. I sent an email the following morning containing a list of all the issues. In this email I asked what items they would be willing to correct. There was no response. Here are some of the items listed: Padding/stuffing/foam not used, or not used sufficiently, upholstery is not smooth and fabric is puckering. Hand stitches (and/ or staples) should not be visible. Welt cord seams should be in back of cushions. Welt cord around legs should be secured. Cushions should retain shape, be stationary, and be uniformly covered and smooth. Two of the 4 cushions were completely wrapped and two were not. Cushions should be same size and same material as originals. Foam should be same thickness as cushion. It appears as if two different types of foam were used. . Welt cord uniformly placed (in straight line when appropriate) and uniformly secured. Seams under arms should be straight and smooth and staples should not be visible. Padding/stuffing/foam missing from band (or decking). Pleats improperly placed. Fabric application directly below seat cushions in corner not consistent with original pieces. The fabric is folded over instead of secured to frame. Exposed wood not touched-up. Seams coming apart and stitches are catching. Pillow stripes do not match. Fabric should be pulled tight in corners (where back meets seats) and secured. My furniture is not acceptable. I was promised that my furniture would be virtually new. New furniture does not have the issues identified. And, clearly some of these issues would not be identified without close examination. Since my furniture was returned, I've had four experienced upholsters exam it. All agree to restore my furniture to its original state (pre Stateline Reliks) would require that we start over and the cost will range from $975 to $1400, plus fabric which is approximately $400. The highest quote required the least amount of fabric as they were going to reuse a lot of the fabric. A couple of the comments from other upholsterers "pitiful! "I am so sorry, this makes our industry look bad, no one will want to have there furniture reupholstered". Clearly, Stateline Reliks does not have the skill or desire to correct the issues and professionally re-upholster my furniture. I believe I am entitled to a full refund so I can have the job completed properly. The furniture is scheduled to be re-upholstered in the middle of May.
Description of Work: Re-upholstery of sofa and chair.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Stateline Reliks
She is blowing her issues way out of proportion. We delivered her recovered sofa and chair on Apr. 2, 2012. While we were still in the parking garage of her building I explained the mistake with the pillow size. I told her that the seamtress had miscut her fabric and went out and bought a 16" feather insert instead of the 18" (member) had asked for. I then told her that if she wasn't happy, we would make another pillow for her once we ordered more fabric. This little error seemed to set her off on a "witch hunt". Before I brought the foot stool in, (I offered to cover that at no charge "if there was enough fabric left") She said she didn't like the way it was done, I told her that I had very little fabric left and had to piece and seam it. She then told me that I should have called her, that she held back some of the fabric at her home. I then offered to take that fabric and recover her foot stool. She agreed to this and gave me another yard of fabric that she held back. (member) then spent about 10 mins looking over the furniture in a very diligent manor. She pointed out an area on the back of the chair that had some loose fabric. I told her that I would repair that. She then stood back and admired the sofa and said "it's beautiful". (member) then directed our attention to her dining room table and ask Richard about refinishing the top. He saw all of the scratches on it from the cats (3 I believe). He said he could refinish it but it would just end up the same way from the cats and their claws. (member) then asked if we would take her 6 dining chairs and repair/reglue then at the joints. I then wrote on the contract that I had with me, That I would repair the flaws she had pointed out when I returned with her chairs. I also wrote on the contract that I would charge $12 per chair for the repair. I asked for a partial payment on the upholstery and the balance when I returned with the pillow, foot stool, her dining chairs and to repair the loose fabric she had pointed out. She responded " is a $1000.00 ok for now?" I responded "yes, I will get the balance when I come back with the other stuff". Giving me more work after I delivered the sofa and chair to her and paying me $1000 of $1441 is not what an unhappy customer would do!! The very next morning, I had called the fabric store and ordered the new fabric for the pillow and started stripping the stool to recover. Shortly after that, (member) called and asked me not to do the pillow nor recover the stool. "She said I was kind enough to do it originally at no charge, I shouldn't have to do it again and she would make a slip cover for it like she had on it previously. Later that day she emailed a list of percieved issues. The main one being "Marshall Units" that (member) insists were in the cushions. Less than an hour later, she called and asked if I had read her email? I responded I had just read and will look at her "issues" when I returned with her chairs and other stuff and at that time repair the loose area of fabric on the chair. Her tone was very aggressive on the phone. I can't see what she is talking about through an email or a phone call, so I emailed back that I would address the "issues" when I returned. This was Tuesday April, 03 2012. I then went on repairing her dining chairs. On Friday I emailed (member) to tell her that her dining chairs were done and that her fabric had been delivered for her pillows. She didn't answer until Monday afternoon. We then delivered her chairs to her along with her stripped foot stool, and replacement fabric for her pillow. We had intended to repair the chair and look at her other complaints. When I started to talk to her about her "issues", (member) became very excited and would talk over me each time I would try to respond to her questions or concerns. (member) was insisting that there was Marshall Units in her cushions. (Marshall Units) are connected springs similiar to what you would find in a bed mattress. I tried to explain to her that there was no Marshall Units but deteriorated very old foam, that was clumping and turning to dust. ( I have many witnesses to the condition of the cushions, I was showing it to others in the store, as they were in such deteriorated shape.) When foam deteriorates to this condition, it can be toxic and the dust can cause eye and lung irritation. I replaced this very old crumbling foam with ECO friendly 4 inch foam. The same size that was in there. (member) told me that a friend of hers had upholstered the sofa 10yrs prior, and he said he had put in Marshall Units. When I said that her "friend" who did the upholstery, actually didn't do any more than wrap the 40 year old foam in more batting and recover them. I told her that he may have duped her. (member) got even a little louder and more aggressive. She started over to the chair and started pulling and tugging on the welting very hard, trying to point out something she said was wrong. (member) starting attacking every aspect of the job. If there were this much wrong with the work, no reasonable person would have paid $1000 after looking over the work and then give us additional work to take with us. I acknowledged to her that a few things on her list did need some attention, and I was willing to do them that evening. I had brought my tools along with me. I was denied the opportunity to make any repairs and was told that they were going to have someone else re-do the job. When we asked what we had to do to make her happy? Her husband responded " There is nothing you can do to make her happy" (member) rambled on while pulling and tugging very hard on the welting to try to point our fault. Richard then stated that if they didn't give us the opportunity to do the repairs and refused to pay the balance, we might have to take it to small claims court. (member) then responded with "go ahead and do it" With that, Richard then got up and walked out of the door, out of frustration. We spent approximately 40 minutes trying to talk to (member) only to be talked over by an by a very aggressive and excited (member). She finally wrote a check out for the amount of $78 to pay for the chairs we had repaired. As I was walking down the long hallway to the door, Ms Stark followed, still talking over me. And with each step she took toward me, her husband would step in front of her, as if to protect me from her. The very next morning she sent a laundry list of things she said she wasn't able to go over. This lady is impossible to deal with and denied me the opportunity to fix any of her issues. I have written an email to her, telling her that I am still willing to repair some of her claims, but they will have to have to furniture brought to me. I do not feel secure about going back into her residence. As to the pictures she has sent. Two (same problem, just taken from differant angles)is of the loose fabric that I agreed to repair. Two other pictures (same problem differant angle) are of the stitches showing. I agreed to repair that too, but was denied the opportunity. As far as the pictures of the cushions, if you look closely, these were staged and the cushions pulled out of place. The "craft" foam that (member) said I used, was mentioned earlier in the email, it is upholstery foam that is Eco friendly. I guess because it had been dyed green by the manufacturer, she thinks it is craft foam. The paper that (member) found inside of the cushion seams is used between the feed dogs of the sewing machine to help keep the fabric from bunching. When you have 4 or 5 layers of fabric to put together, which is usually what is done when making cushions with welting, the paper is used to help the fabric glide without bunching. There was nothing wrong with the sewing machine. The only thing that this shows, is that (member) has actually dismantled the work to try to find fault! Between the way she has pulled apart the seams and dismantled the work and tugged on the welting, it is no wonder there are problems. And she wants to blame me for everything, instead of herself. With the damage on her other furniture, she pointed out to us, that was caused by her cats, who knows how much damage was done to the couch and chair by her cats.

    Contact information

    4119 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412

    Service hours

    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM


    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

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    Stateline Reliks is currently rated 1 overall out of 5.

    Monday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Thursday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM

    Stateline Reliks accepts the following forms of payment: Check,Discover,MasterCard,PayPal,Visa
    Yes, Stateline Reliks offers free project estimates.
    No, Stateline Reliks does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Stateline Reliks does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Stateline Reliks does not offer emergency services.
    No, Stateline Reliks does not offer warranties.
    Stateline Reliks offers the following services: Antique store.

    Contact information

    4119 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412

    Service hours

    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM
    10:00 AM - 6:00 AM