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Pro Build

Garage and Shed Building, Garage Doors, Decks and Porches


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David S.
garage doors, garage builders
  + 0 more
I would never recommend this company to anyone. This is now "Builder's First Source" as Pro-Build sold them their stores and thus, they have been renamed. Below are the issues I encountered working with Greg who oversaw the project for them and from my research, has worked out of Sioux Falls for that store there and oversees all the Pole Shed projects for this company in our area. 1. Building crew arrived at 7:30 AM and rushed through the job trying to get it done in one day, which, they did under the use of spot lights until 11:30 PM. The last two hours of work was done in the dark was not done of quality and they were more concerned with getting this done in a day than they were the quality of the finished project. I later learned the building crew was subcontracted and chosen by Greg out of Corsica SD. My neighbors were not pleased that air wrenches/drill drivers and chainsaws were being operated until 11:30 PM at night, and I don't blame them. 2. The building crew left a MESS behind them (see pictures). Within walking two steps in front of the building the next morning, I found three screws. I purchased a magnetic sweep to sweep the area for screws and nails (see picture below of what I gathered) this should have been done after they were done and is a standard construction process. The whole reason for me building this building was to park a 35 foot camper and a truck inside. Had I not swept for nails and screws there is a very good chance I would have had numerous flat tires. Please note, the photo below is AFTER Greg came out and swept himself with a magnetic sweep after I called and complained to him about how the building crew left the job site. He put minimal effort into trying to get the screws and nails picked up. Greg never apologized to me for them working so late and keeping half the neighborhood awake either. 3. Greg came out to pick up the mess his subcontractors left behind. He came in a truck with no trailer and proceeded to jam my dumpster to the hilt with the mess the builders left behind. I have a 6 cubic yard dumpster that gets dumped once a month. The dumpster was so full and having two weeks before my next scheduled pickup I had to call the sanitation company and have them come and dump it early. This cost me 243.00. Add in the cost of a 45 magnetic sweep I had to pay an additional 300.00 roughly, out of pocket on a job that they should have done correctly to begin with. When I informed Greg that I would be reducing the 3rd and final check for the building by the aforementioned amount, he pointed to a clause in the contract and threatened me with a collection agency if I didn't pay in full. At this point in dealing with him it wasn't worth the argument or headache, so I reluctantly paid the final installment in full. This however, speaks volumes about this company and this project manager. 4. Three different times the day the door was going to be installed changed over a two week period. I never once got a call before the day I was told the door would be put in telling me the door installation was delayed. I took days off work to be home in case the crew needed access to power etc. and only after I called or texted Greg was I told "they won't be out today, got pushed back to tomorrow". Basically, I wasted vacation days for nothing due to their lack of care in customer service and their desire to communicate with customers. 5. When the door arrived on site, the door they had brought with them had the wrong shaft, delaying the door installation further. I would never recommend Builder's First Source to anyone. There is a reason this company keeps changing ownership and names. They seem to build up enough of a bad reputation under one name, the only way to try and hide from it is to sell and rename and re-brand again. If this review saves one person the headache and hassle and the half witted quality of construction, it was well worth my time to post it.
Description of Work: 25x40 Pole Shed with industrial automatic door.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    1705 W HAVENS AVE, Mitchell, SD 57301


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    Service Categories

    Garage and Shed Building,
    Garage Doors,
    Decks and Porches


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    Contact information

    1705 W HAVENS AVE, Mitchell, SD 57301