couldn't give it back because they had miscalculated how long they would need equipment, how many dumpsters they would need, and how long it would take to do the work! I told him those kinds of errors are on the contractor and not the customer.. In #8, he stated that he expected to have the wall done in 3 days, but at 4 weeks the wall needed to be torn down again . Ben and Jim have no idea how to bid a job or what is a contractor’s responsibility. 5) Jim stated several times that he had worked with a contractor in Georgia, and that is where he had experience in this type ‘hardscaping’ One of the guys in the crew is who Jim said he worked with in Georgia (well, the guy was from Georgia! – so I guess that counts!) 6, 7) Wrong Ben! I had NEVER heard of this type stone, or Super Landscape (wish I could still say that!) and Jim was excited that he had found a deal on some great stones. We looked at them and questioned their use for a retaining wall. We described the wall, yard, and water issues to Robert, salesman / co-owner. He assured us that it would be fine for that height, with 57 stone installed. There was NEVER any other product presented or discussed. We trusted Jim and didn’t realize he had no idea what a retaining wall should be. 7) Their ‘stone expert’ was the salesman. His way of assuring me that their wall was ok was to push down on a stone and tell me ‘that rock won’t move with the rocks tight on either side of it. They will hold that whole wall in place.’ If Gravity Based Wall is his idea of a retention wall, he never heard of Hydrostatic Pressure either! He refused to stand behind his product when he was proven wrong! **They should all be aware of the fact that the wall immediately started sliding and bulging and we watched it get worse with every rain; and we had LOTS of rain. Our only choice was to remove it quickly before it blew out and caused greater damage. These stones weigh between 50 -120 pounds and would cause great damage to our property when that wall would have blown! Pictures will prove this also! 8, 9) Ben’s plan failed for several reasons. Poor planning, misuse of improper equipment, & inexperience were the main problems. The end of week 1, we had an issue with a neighbor. However, we then had a week of rain, and we all commented that it was a good time not to be working; while I started dealing with the issue! Ben’s comments prove they continued to work on the wall, they hired a subcontractor to do the grading and irrigation, and work continued. Obviously we did NOT tell them to halt all work! 11) Do they really think minor flowerbed changes could make a difference of 2500 square feet of sod?! Their contract states 15 pallets of sod, my husband kept saying that was not correct. Ben’s comment that we installed smaller beds is why we needed more sod is ridiculous! The beds we installed are very close in square footage to what Jim planned. We paid Ben $500 for plants. We have spent $2,700 with almost 60 plants, and have very spacious beds. I repeatedly asked Jim to please be sure of his measurements, because we were very concerned after all their other costly errors. He told me he was absolutely sure and probably didn’t even need 15 pallets! We actually used 20 pallets in the front yard only, a huge difference to what Jim had measured. We asked Jim to check other sod vendors because we had heard many negative comments about his supplier, Super Landscape. Our concerns were; inferior quality and cutting. Jim said Super Landscape told him they were slightly cheaper because they have an average of 10% waste per pallet! Jim & Ben agreed with us that it would be beneficial to purchase a better quality sod. After their termination, Ben came back and asked for $377 more for the increase in better sod!! This proves that he knows we paid for the 15 pallets sod in the deposit; and he had never purchased any sod! (See 18) 12) Another example of their incompetence! We learned that Jim’s estimate of 2 irrigation zones was way off when Ben hired an irrigation specialist to do the job right. Jim apologized several times, and said they would work with the contractor and the price, since it was totally his error. They had a contract with the irrigation contractor, who performed all the work satisfactorily. 13) Motivated? I don’t think so! They started when the biscuits were gone and they usually left by 3:30 -4. There were few days they were still here when my husband got home at 5:00. (Proof is in the pictures!) 14) Contract states: Grade front yard to eliminate hill. Ben was aware of the pieces of the stump that were part of the hill area. Jim said they could remove these pieces with their equipment. After trying several days we called a stump grinder. He insisted someone be there to clear grindings so he could see where he had to work. When Ben was raking, the guy asked him to stay out of the way of the blade. That made Ben angry and he refused to help anymore! When the guy left he said he hoped he had gotten it all, but with no help, he couldn’t be sure. We paid him, and then Ben was mad because there were stump pieces left! Jim assured me they could get those pieces out with the bobcat, but after more days of failure, and the irrigation installation still on hold, we called another grinder. We had to pay double for what they said they could do. 15) THEY HIRED THE SUBCONTRACTOR. When nothing was getting accomplished in the front yard, and there was little progress with the wall, Jim & I had a conference call with my husband. We expressed our concerns about many things, especially the lack of progress. My husband again talked with him about a wheeled bobcat being inappropriate for this job. There were at least 4 experts that saw their equipment and said it was not suitable. Jim said he realized that, but the rental company only had a wheeled bobcat available! Jim agreed to looking into different options; another rental company, or even considering a subcontractor with better equipment. We had a friend, Jerry that did new home construction that might be able to help, ONLY IF he wanted us to call him. Jim agreed to that and said he would call their irrigation installer; because he had used the type equipment needed, and he was still waiting to finish the irrigation. By the time we got through to our guy, Jim had already contacted their irrigation installer. Our guy was not available until the next week, so Jim & Ben made the decision to rehire their subcontractor. That decision was TOTALLY THEIRS to make, as was indicated to Jim in our conference call. 16) We certainly had lots of inclement weather. We dealt with enough rain & damage to show Ben & Jim that their wall design was faulty for our situation. However, they brought in their ‘expert’ and they believed his nonsense. The issues with our neighbor were aggravating and frustrating, but of no concern for them doing their job. They should have concentrated on their mistakes! (See 1-15) 17) Contradictory to himself! Ben has proven that he was well aware of our concerns. In accepting this project, they knew they needed to put in a product that would retain and control water & mud, they knew they were dealing with a sloping yard and water flow was a major issue. We discussed this every time we had rain and we saw how much mud came into the wall area, then the garage. They kept reassuring us they would make this wall exactly what it should be. Per item #3, every time they took out any part of the wall and rebuilt, we talked about the fact that even though these stones were ‘freeform’, they had to be fitted snugly & reinforced securely. We asked about securing the wall, and Jim assured me it could be done. He did say that he realized it would be harder than he thought originally, but it would be done correctly. At termination only, Ben did offer to tear the wall down, and rebuild it, but out of the same stones. NOT anything we wanted. We had already wasted too much time and money; we had lost all confidence in their abilities and competence. We knew we could not trust them to be honest and do what was required on this project. Why would we repeat the same actions and expect different results? 18) False! Contract does not state a ‘specific price’ for sod. It does state: Install 15 pallets of zoysia sod in front yard. We expected to pay the increase in price between the sod we paid for and the better quality we preferred. But for Ben to ask us for that money AFTER termination is ridiculous. And yet it proves that he is well aware that we had paid for the sod in the deposit!! He would have expected us to pay for their mistake in measuring wrong too! 5 pallets would have been another $1200+ error! Ben’s response proves Lack of Integrity and careless disregard for customer relations. Ben made no attempt to offer definitive solutions to our concerns. Ben needed the assistance of an employee to defend their procedures and dispute our concerns. We had to ask Ben to deal with us personally, as he had for the last several years in our relationship. Ben really had very little to say in defense of their work, and accepted and agreed with many of our listed concerns. 2 days later Ben refused to look at the contractor’s responsibilities, and kept repeating that he spent all the materials money on ‘other stuff’ and didn’t have it any more. We have not harassed Ben in any manner. We did expect Ben to respond to 4 courteous calls in 3 ½ months, trying to resolve a bad situation. Ben’s refusal is both rude and bad business. If he truly wished to reach an agreement, he would certainly be open to conversation. One of the 4 calls was to let Ben know we would not pay his subcontractor’s invoice. (See 12) We can only consider Ben’s final statement to be false as well, since he is certainly not interested in resolving this issue, or wanting the best for a client. He has lost our business, and our respect.
Description of Work: Ben and Jim Gantt, owners of Cornerstone Design, also d/b/a Grassroots Landscaping were supposed to install a retaining wall along our 120' driveway, grade front yard, install irrigation system, provide a large bedding area, and purchase and lay sod. They started project on 01/07/13. They immediately removed sod with a sod cutter, and completely tore up the front yard with a wheeled bobcat, leaving huge deep ruts. They tore down the existing 4' retaining wall, didn't bother to put up silt fence, and made a muddy mess out of our driveway. We could not use our drive or front door because of all the mud and debris! Things got much worse from there. They suggested a tumbled rock wall as a 4-5' retaining wall, saying they would secure it, but then used NO drainage or support systems. They built a portion of the wall, decided it was wrong, tore it down, rebuilt it again, and saw that it still was wrong when the water & MUD poured through the wall and flooded our garages. The only work that got done correctly was by a subcontractor they hired for the irrigation and grading! We terminated their contract on 2/3/13. They have refused to return any of the money that was designated to buy materials, including sod and plants. We were familiar with Ben Gantt through another business he owns, Grassroots Landscaping. Ben and brother Jim approached us about expanding their business, into hardscapes, walls, etc., which we needed. We had recently removed some huge trees, prompting us to make necessary grading changes and improvements in our front yard and driveway area. Jim said this was his field of study, and had worked for years in Georgia in this area of landscape design. Unfortunately, we trusted them and gave them a huge deposit so they could buy all the materials needed for the project. Jim found a 'great deal' on tumbled quarry stone, and the loud salesman at Super Landscape Supply assured us that it would be suitable for a retaining wall. Total Lie! We spent a whole lot of money on 10 tons of stones that were beautiful, but definitely not appropriate for this kind of wall. Ben, Jim and crew started tearing down the existing brick wall - by hand. They also removed all the grass, saying they would lay sod by the end of that week. (never even ordered it) The dumpster and bobcat finally showed up the next day. They finished tearing down the rest of the wall, but didn't bother to put up silt fencing to hold the exposed 4' wall of dirt! They also made a huge mess of the front yard with the wheeled bobcat, which was wrong equipment for this type work. We discussed that many times... They spent several days trying to figure out how to assemble this type wall, tearing out and rebuilding... many of our neighbors asked why 3 of the 4 guys were usually just standing around and it was taking so long... It became obvious they didn't have a clue how to do this correctly, wanting to use brute force and chisels to make the stones fit. Ben would go off and pout when it was suggested they measure to find the right size stones! They thought it was a waste of time to keep measuring ...and the rocks were just too heavy to sort through. They knew how heavy they were when they bought them. After weeks of this, they just back-filled the wall with dirt, deciding they didn't need any back-fill gravel, support, or a drainage system at all. When Jim admitted he had never built a wall like this, we realized how much they had misrepresented their experience. Jim was also completely off in his measurement for sod in the front yard, which we kept asking him to recheck. (He said 15 pallets, we needed 18). He also told us we would need 2 zones of irrigation, and we needed 5. These extreme errors were very costly to us, but Ben & Jim didn't seem at all concerned. They were not motivated at all to correct their errors or find better solutions to problems. We realized we had a serious situation with them and their lack of knowledge, experience, and concern for quality. We had to deal with 6" of mud in the driveway (several times), muddy water flooding our garage, and 10 tons of wrong product wasted, but Ben & Jim really didn't understand why their wall and progress was totally unacceptable! When they finally hired another contractor to come in and install the irrigation system, we saw one part of the project done correctly!! Unfortunately, the irrigation contractor couldn't complete the system in a large area of the yard because of the destruction made by the wheeled bobcat trying to remove a stump. We finally had to call someone and pay them ourselves to come in and do the stump grinding! Jim decided to bring the same irrigation contractor back because he had the proper equipment to do the grading for them (after they buried the bobcat a couple times trying to do it themselves!) For weeks, we kept trying to work with them, looking for some improvement, and hoping they would get a clue... That Never Happened! We knew after a month that we were in worse shape than when we started. We had no yard, no plants or sod, a mud filled driveway and muddy garage, and a wall that was already sliding from the pressure of the mud and water behind it. We asked several other contractors and experts, each one verifying this type stone would never hold back a wall of dirt and water, but Ben & Jim just would not accept that! Nor would Super Landscape Supply stand behind their product. We have heard horror stories about them since this happened. Ben & Jim suggested they should rebuild the wall, but wanted us to tell them how they should do it properly...a question they asked repeatedly while standing around for several days. We terminated Ben & Jim Gantt, based on their lack of experience and knowledge, and requested our money back for all the undelivered materials we had paid for up front. They said they had already spent our money on 'other things'. They expected us to pay for the extra bobcat and dumpster rentals! After they were terminated, they even had the nerve to come back to us asking for more money, for the increase in sod price ...which they had not even ordered, and we had already paid for! Because this stone was useless as a retaining wall, we had to pay another contractor to tear down the wall and we are still stuck with all 10 tons of the stone. They claim to be strong Christians, even bragging about Ben's ministry. They abused our good faith in them. They cheated us out of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS because we trusted them, and they are now refusing to return our many phone calls. We offered to work something out, but they say they will NOT refund our money because they already spent it on other things! That is their only Lame Excuse. We were recently told: "Remember this about Ben & Jim Gantt ... GANTT - CAN'T!" We say, Amen to that! UPDATE: Ben has again provided false information in his many contradictory statements. 1, 7) Contract stated removing existing wall, & Install New Retaining Wall next to driveway. Wall was 42” above ground, and would require additional footing to be done correctly. Simple math dictates how tall the retaining wall should be (4’-5’). Wall has been a retaining wall for a sloping front yard for over 50 years, & elevation between the road and house/driveway could not be drastically changed. They never indicated wall would be anything but a retaining wall. Retaining – holding back a wall of dirt/mud/rain with water drainage being a primary issue. We never heard the term “Gravity based wall”, and that is as ludicrous as it sounds! That term was never stated, and they repeatedly assured us this material was good for a retaining wall. We knew the wall needed reinforcements; their expert said it didn’t, and they foolishly believed him. Do they really believe gravity pull (down) would hold a wall UP against the force of hydrostatic pressure? 2, 10) There is NO WAY we would have considered a wall that had to ‘drain freely’ and do they really want anyone to believe they would install that kind of wall system under such adverse conditions? It was obvious how much rain & mud was coming through their wall. We asked them to prevent water damage while the wall was being built, but they didn’t even put up a silt fence or other deterrent to keep water/mud out of garage. They showed up to dig out behind the wall, so they could install the 57 stone they forgot! Ben’s misleading comment failed to say that the ‘part’ of the wall filled behind with dirt only was the Retaining Section. This gross error caused extreme damage to our property, flooding driveway with several inches of mud and garages with thick mud and filth, causing damage to many stored items. At that point in time (end of 4th week) we could not risk keeping them on the job. 3, 8) Build the wall in 3 days?! It took them2 days to tear down the old one! This is a 120’ curved retention wall. Yes, I would ask them to rethink certain stones anytime it was obvious they weren’t paying enough attention to how they were installing them! Jim said the wall looked ‘really bad’ after the 1st week, (only 15-20’ had been done) and that was the initial teardown. There were 10 TONS (over 300) of these heavy stones, and I repeatedly suggested they measure to ensure better fit. Should they need to be told that repeatedly? Whether they liked it or not, we wanted the job done right. 4) We agreed that a contract was necessary, and they found a generic one online. Ben & I inserted & initialed specific info where indicated or needed. It clearly indicates on Pg 1, ALL Materials are included in $11,000 deposit. Ben said it would ALL be ordered within the first week. I have messages from them proving this amount was to cover ALL materials. When we terminated the contract, we indicated that we would appreciate Ben returning the money we had given him for products he never purchased. 2 days later Ben said he
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Rating out of 5
Response from Cornerstone Design
[member name removed] has misrepresented the facts in the dispute of our work. My goal through this letter to present the facts clearly. As far as for the customer’s opinions, I am truly sorry for the way she feels. I will correct as many of the facts as I have room for on this form. #1 The tumble rock wall was designed to be 3 to 3 ½ feet high not 4-5 feet. There is no way this wall could stand that tall without geosynthetic reinforcement. The wall was designed to be a gravity based wall not reinforced wall. This was clearly stated. #2. Since the wall was built out of tumbled boulder, it was designed to drain freely without an entire drainage system installed. #3. I never tore the wall down and rebuilt it because I thought it was installed wrong. The customer wanted different rocks changed out of the wall as we were building it. So, the wall was torn down to accommodate the customer’s request. This was done 3-4 times per customer request. #4. I was asked to return money from the contract that was already paid as a down payment, after being terminated. Every penny of the $11,000 was spent on materials, rental equipment, dumpster fees, ect… for the job up to the point of termination. The contract does not say that the $11,000 buys all materials. Had the customer allowed us to finish our contract, we would have been able to provide the remaining materials to finish the job. #5. Jim never worked in Georgia or said that he did. #6. The customer stated very clearly that she wanted a specific rock wall built. Jim took her to Super Landscape Supply to look at the stones. The customer picked out the kind of material she wanted for the job. #7. I had a stone expert come out to the job site to inspect the wall and he approved the wall design and was correct. #8. My plan was to finish the retaining wall in 3 days. Due to the customer’s request to continually change out rocks in the wall, we were unable to finish the wall in the allotted time. We never ordered the sod because we did not want the material sitting on the yard for any extended amount of time before installation. Also, we were not able to finish the wall in the time allotted because of a land dispute between the customer and her neighbor. The customer told us to halt all work until the issue was resolved. #9. We never used an y wrong equipment on this job. The yard sat in puddles of rain for several days. No equipment could have been used properly in the yard. #10. Although part of the wall had been filled in with dirt, I told the customer that I had planned to remove all dirt and back fill the wall with a coarse aggregate (57 stone). The following day I was terminated from the job and never given the chance to do what I had said. #11. The original drawings for the job included only 15 pallets of sod. This was because the planting beds in the front yard were designed to be much larger than what another company had designed when they installed the customer’s sod. The yard was measured multiple times to confirm if numbers were accurate. #12. The customer never paid for any additional zones of irrigation. Jim did miscalculate the number of zones needed, but I personally paid for the extra zones (I have all receipts to prove). #13. I was in daily contact with the customer making sure she was satisfied with work progress. I was on the job site every day possible (inclement weather excluded), motivated to finish this job. #14. Our contract never said anything about grinding out stumps in the customer’s yard. The customer had contracted another company, approx.. 6-8 months earlier to cut down the trees in her front yard and grind up all the stumps. The customer’s complaint should be with that company, not mine. I tried to use a front end loader to dig up the remaining stumps so that the customer wouldn’t have to be bothered with having the other company return. #15. The customer requested another company to do all of the grading in the front yard. Our contract specifically states that the customer is not allowed to bring any other subcontractor onto the job site. I allowed this because I was trying to accommodate the customer’s request. That was my mistake. #16. The reason that our contracted job took longer than expected, was due to days of inclement weather and land line disputes with a neighbor. These things were out of my control. #17. The customer claimed that we would not accept the fact that the type of stone would hold back dirt and water. The only time the customer made mention of this was on the last day that we were contracted. I told the customer that if she wasn’t satisfied, we would tear down the wall again and build whatever she wanted, even though the customer had picked out all materials that she wanted for her yard (retaining wall included). #18. I told the customer that we would have to make an amendment in our contract for different sod that she now wanted. Our contract stated a specific price for the sod we were going to install. When the customer chose a more expensive sod to install, we were going to need to collect additional funds. #19. I did not return any of the phone calls with the customer after being terminated from the contract. There was simply no need to return phone calls. I tried to reach an agreement before termination. Once terminated I received harassing phone calls about the contract I was terminated from. It was not my decision to be terminated. But, since it happened, I was no longer bound to the terms of the contract. I am truly sorry that no agreement could be reached. I wish only the best for the customer in the future.
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