Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant

Plumbing, Water Heaters, Drain Cleaning,

About us

Super Service Award winner 12 years in a row! Reviewed on Angie's List for 12 solid years! We return all emergency calls within 15 mins, 24 hrs day, 7 days wk. Why? You're our #1 priority as without YOU, there is no US. It's really that simple. The big difference is we CARE. We GENUINELY care. We always will. Please visit our website for our rating statistics at: www.Servant or touch link above and see how we walk it when we say you're number one to us, and not just talk it as so many companies do.

Business highlights

37 years of trusted experience
Family Owned & Operated
Emergency Services Offered

Services we offer

SUPER SERVICE AWARD WINNER 12 YRS IN A ROW. NO SERVICE CALL CHARGES EVER ALWAYS FREE ESTIMATES. From Garbage disposals to water heaters to clogged drains to complete re-pipes to leaky faucets to toilet rebuilds, if it's plumbing, we do it.

Services we don't offer



Free Estimates
Emergency Services

Accepted payment methods

American Express

Photos of past projects


4.9538 Reviews
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Showing 26-538 of 538 reviews

Michael B.
water heater repair
  + -1 more
After this experience, I came close to canceling my account with Angie’s List. The new owners of Servant installed a $1425 tankless water heater with close to $4,000 of Labor. To say that we were ripped off is putting this mildly. They wanted $500 more to remove the water heater from the attic, which I agreed to pay, since we were across the country, but my neighbor refused to give them any more money. He told them to take it down if they wanted the balance owed. They left open holes in the ceiling of my garage, and just generally, their work was no more than OK. And, yes, I’ve had to call someone else in to fix a few things regarding this job.
Description of Work: Our water heater was failing due to electronics. Servant was called in for options. We were leaving the following day for a college graduation, so a neighbor oversaw the work. We opted for a tankless water heater. Since they did not do electrical, they recommended someone ( who didn’t do quality work).

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
There is so much incorrect information here that it will take a lengthy response on my end to explain it. And It is very hard to sit here and defend something when the allegations are simply not true. We did this job almost a year ago?? AND this is a third-party. From the VERY beginning it was the neighbor who caused the problems trying to act like a protector because we had no problems with the homeowner but they were out of town and we were forced to deal with the neighbor and he was the one who was causing problems then and is causing problems now. Trying to impress his neighbor with how handy he was and how he is a jack of all trades and he knows something that the 35 year expert doesn't. This is especially upsetting because we gave a FREE ESTIMATE. They accepted the price. They authorized the work AND gave us a deposit and told us to proceed. We did the job for the EXACT amount of money that we quoted and now a year later they say we Ripped them off? Says who? Based on what information? Your NEIGHBOR right? Huge water heater in the attic of a two-story house on piers (4 floors up) and we had to relocate EVERYTHING from the attic and install a tankless unit on the exterior side of the house that required two men on 20 foot ladders working all day and this is a ripoff? If so then why did you accept our price? This was a 3 man job. Then I particularly love how the review says we left them with open holes in the ceiling?? Yes. Yes we did. As was explained. As was quoted in the price. Because your waterlines are behind the wall and the ceiling. And in order to access it we have to cut holes. This was EXPLAINED to you in detail and WRITTEN in the estimate and you FULLY understood it as any person would understand that in order to gain access to water lines that are in the ceiling we have to actually cut a hole in it and you were informed you would have to get someone to make those repairs. So to say we left you with open holes in the ceiling isn't quite telling the entire story. And yes i am sorry. You see we are plumbers. We are not in fact electrician and we don't go into electrical panels, install breakers and run electrical wire all over your house because we are in fact not licensed to do that work. This also, as the sheet rock, was explained to you in detail and you fully understood that you would need to get an electrician. Obviously. It was also explained to you that we would relocate everything but because the opening was too small (installed preconstruction) to pull the water heater out without ripping apart the pulldown stairs that it was best to leave it. That there was no need to remove it to begin as it wasn't causing any harm and it was completely drained it was capped off. Then later your neighbor (Who was holding the check for final payment for us) insisted that we remove it and we told him it would be a $500 charge because it would require 3 men to bring it down 4 stories and the opening would require taking the pulldown stairs and the framing and the trim apart and reinstalling it. This "good" neighbor then held our check hostage and demanded a RANSOM and said we would do that work for free or he would not give us the check, even though the homeowner had agreed to leave it in the attic??? Well we did it for free, didn't have much choice, if we wanted our $2500 balance. Then when it's all said and done a year later they leave us a review and so WE rip THEM off?? Somebody definitely got ripped off here but it wasn't them... Sorry to be so blunt with this response normally I am nicer and much more professional but in this particular instance they simply don't deserve it.

Nick F.
  + -1 more
Read before hiring...A water pipe busted in my attic and I needed it fixed ASAP. They were the only plumbers I knew. I called them and they responded quickly. I asked them their professional opinion, they came back with I needed my entire home re-piped and it was going to cost $10,500. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do. I asked if there was any other option. They said no. I asked again, can we just repair the broken pipe and wait to replace the rest of the house. They said no and we have to get started. They really put the heat on that I needed to get this done. Being a new home buyer, I didn’t think I had any other option. They began cutting 2 walls apart and digging a very small trench in my front yard. By trench, I mean dug up the grass. They left after an hour. I began to process what had all happened and called a few other plumbers in the area. All 6 plumbers I called urged me to not do the re-pipe of my house. They said if I wanted to do a re-pipe it by no stretch should cost $10,500. It should be closer to $4k-$6k range. I called Servant Plumbing back that night and canceled service. They called the very next morning and offered to do the same job as the day prior for $7. The went from 10.5k to 7 overnight. I still couldn’t do it. After I denied the work, they then said they could just patch the broken pipe. WHAT??? Why didn’t they tell me this Day 1? To make matters worse, they charged me $750 to tear two holes in my wall and dig up my grass. I will warn anyone, they do good work BUT WAY OVER CHARGE. Had a drywall guy come replace/fix the drywall...he asked if the guys cutting my walls knew what they were doing? It was bad. $750 for nothing.
Description of Work: Re-Pipe Work

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Wow. Sorry to say but I SO disagree with this customers version of events. And normally I don't disagree. I just refund them and move on. Which actually we did... and yet still seem to get no credit for. But I take exception with his story because he cherry picked certain facts while leaving out the backstory to purposely make the situation look much worse than it was. I apologize now this will be a long read. But I can't stand idly by while this customer tries to make us look like a bunch of crooks and impugns our reputation. 1st) We didn't reduce the price from $10,000 to $7500. The original price on this job was $8000, we ONLY discounted it $500. And only then took $500 off the job because he kept insisting that he could get it done for $6500 (now he conveniently says prices of $3,000 and $4,000) Once we commenced the job we found out that we couldn't tap into the existing water line and in fact had to run a complete new waterline from the meter to the house, which included crossing a concrete driveway and informed him that it would be more money. It was that additional amount of money that we WAIVED and we offered to do that ADDITIONAL work for free! That's far and away not the same thing! 2) It was this customer who insisted that it had to be done immediately. And honestly it did! But now he's pulling the babe in the woods routine acting all innocent like he was just a clueless homeowner and the rough tough plumbers came by and stuffed all this work down his throat. We had already done work for this customer previously and told him MONTHS ago that his CPVC pipe were extremely brittle and every time we tried to cut it (other related work) it would snap and break off and that he needed to re-pipe his house. He ignored us. Fast forward months later and he has a surround stereo guy come out to his house and while this guy is doing work he broke the pipes not once, not twice, but THREE different times because the pipe was so extremely brittle that he would be barely touch it under pressure and it would literally explode! Yes it was that bad and again was previously warned of this problem. He ignored it. So now we are being called out and then emergency situation. The surround guy fix the pipes the first time, we fixed it the second time and while we were on site he broke a third pipe. Thank God we were there at this customer's house or he would've been flooded and we were able to shut the water off and fix it in short order. So three times a repair was made so to say that WE told him it couldn't be fixed??? well, sorry, but that's a bold face lie. What we did tell him was 3 breaks in 24 hours and there's no sense to keep fixing them. It's time for repipe because one day it's going to break while he's not home and he's going to get flooded! But it did NOT have to be done immediately. It was this customer after seeing three different sections of pipe break and flood his home that HE was very insistent that we drop what we are doing and start this re-pipe immediately! And we charge extra for that yes, because anytime we already have work scheduled and we have to now get on the phone and reschedule two days worth of work, trying to explain to her our customers that are pre-schedule appointment time could not be honored, because we had an emergency come up it will take us a couple days, trying to pull off a miracle on short notice, we charge a premium price yes. Important to note this was that customers decision not ours.. 3) We had WRITTEN contracts on this job, and he had that night to discuss it with his wife, and they decided to SIGN the contracts and give us a 50% deposit. Once we received the deposit, I spent several hours on the phone rescheduling work for the next 10 days, desperately trying to fit in the next two days worth of customers we had to cancel on. Again, that was because this customer insisted it had to be done NOW. We then went out and worked for a few hours with 2 guys. We commenced cutting holes in the sheet rock, we had a trench dug from the meter to the house, in other words this job had already commenced! 4) A price was quoted, the price was accepted. Authorization was given and contracts were signed. Not like we were sitting home eating dinner and watching a movie when this guy canceled an hour later and we wanted to hold $750 of the deposit back because we are jerks! 5) Once he signed that contract we were under NO obligation to refund him his deposit. That is the entire purpose of the deposit. It's not because we are broke and need cash flow. It's not because we need money to buy materials because we are poor. It's to solidify the job and make SURE the customer is serious so that we don't waste several hours rescheduling 20 or jobs that are already scheduled. It's so we don't schedule a 2 full day "block of empty time" and then have the customer cancel and we are now left with no work for two days in which the company doesn't make any money and my poor plumbers who are trying to feed their family don't go without work! So yes, it irks me when we we are given authorization to proceed, we sign contracts, we get a deposit, we rescheduled all that work, we now have two days of no work for three guys, we actually show up on the job late in the day to star, went to work and spent hours on site doing that work and THEN??? I get a call that night after we leave and the customer just acts like he can nonchalantly cancel a written contract and ask for his money back simply because someone else came out (why is he even calling other plumbers out to the house when he has given us the deposit and we have a signed contract and we have already started the job to begin with?) because he found someone who is willing to do it for $6500? Like he can just walk away from it with no repercussions and not charge him anything??? Insanity to me I'm sorry. Now I'm sure when we told him it was going to be more money to install a new line from the meter to the house is when he started double thinking this and probably decided to get another estimate. OK, I understood that, I understood that he wasn't expecting that additional expense. So being the great guy that I am, I said OK, we won't charge you anything extra to put in the water line from the meter to the house. We will waive that $2000!!!! That's one heck of a lot of money to just flush down the toilet but we have empathy and we understood that he just didn't have the money and so I felt sorry for him and decided to do that for free of charge. Here we are trying to keep somebody extremely satisfied but it still wasn't good enough for this gentleman! That's why I don't believe there was ever any one else or ever a cheaper price because notice he never got the "cheaper" work done did he? Even IF that is true, what are we comparing here? We give lifetime warranties on our repipes. We only use the BEST materials, solid brass quarter turn shut off valves everywhere, stainless steel supply lines. I don't know with this other guy was using? There are tons of plumbers out there that are using the much cheaper plastic CPVC pipe and cheap 20 cent fittings to do them. We easily spend an additional $1500 on materials for all of our repipes over and above what most companies use. Price isn't everything.. And of course this guy was hypothetically cheaper anyway, we already had holes cut in the house, we already had the trench dug from the meter to the house (Love how the customer said "just the grass") and this guy didn't have to worry about doing this job under the guise of it being an emergency and stopping what he's doing to commence it. We had already shown up previously when it was an emergency situation and fixed the pipe, we had time writing custom contracts, rescheduling work, where was this guy all that time.? Yeah I would say he's going to be a little cheaper... Funny anyway how he's insisting that we start the job now because it's an emergency, but then all of a sudden, this customer decides to call another plumber to do the work at a later date? Meaning he has time now to shop around? So make note that as far as I'm concerned the entire story about someone else doing it cheaper was just a handy excuse for him to get out of the job because he decided once again to just fix the pipe instead of spending the money to get it done right, because note by his review that he NEVER got the work done to begin with??? He just fixed the pipe that was broken and then says we told him that it could NOT be fixed? After we fixed them ourselves??? So all the stuff he says about calling a dozen different companies, having them quote blindly on the phone without going out which is absurd, and now going from $6500 he told us, to prices of $3500 and $4000 but yet? So let me understand this. You find other plumbers willing to do it, hypothetically for HALF the price of what we were going to charge but you STILL decided NOT to get it done? Come on. I've been around too long to buy that version... Bottom line we were under NO obligation to refund him anything of his deposit back once we started that job. But we are NOT crooks and we are not like everyone else. We gladly and with a smile told him OK, whatever, you feel like you can sign the contract, watch people come out to your house and start the job and then simply call me at TEN OCLOCK that night when I've already got everybody scheduled to go back out there in the morning and just cancel it on a whim, fine, here's your deposit back, whatever. I'd rather not do work for someone like you anyway. But we're going to retain $750 for all the work we have ALREADY done, for now having two days with NO work for our company or my employees. And he STILL complained about that being too much money? SMH! That will be a first for me in 35 years of doing business. Just amazes me at the way that some people think. I apologize for my response not being my usual smiling and friendly type response. As you can tell, this particular customer really got under my skin and cost us thousands of dollars and then has the nerve to write us a bad review on top of it all? Really hard to remain a good Christian man when you read these kind of falsehoods about you and your company!

Lilly L.
  + -1 more
Very professional, Very nice , Kept us informed of every single thing he did . Just a straight up honest and nice guy . We have definitely found a plumber guy from now on . Were most definite my use him again at from here on out .
Description of Work: Replacing the faucets on the shower

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you so much for a wonderful review! :)

Steven T.
  + -1 more
Very well. They showed up early and performed the task in a professional manner. Will definitely hire again.
Description of Work: Water damage from unknown source

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thanks so much for taking the time to log on and give us an excellent review!! :)

Beth B.
  + -1 more
Both repairs were completed easily and quickly. The added bonus was how thoroughly they cleaned up after themselves. What a pleasure!
Description of Work: They replaced my garbage disposal, and also the cartridge in my shower so that my water now gets hot.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you for a wonderful review!

Jon P.
  + -1 more
Everything went smoothly once we initially got hold of him.
Description of Work: Replaced pipes under the kitchen sink, along with garbage disposal.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you my friend for an excellent review!

Robert C.
  + -1 more
The work work was done on time and in a fully competent manner. No complaints on the quality of the work.
Description of Work: I needed two toilets installed including replacement of the supply shutoff valve. Also, I asked them to tighten two faucets in the kitchen. The price charged was, however, too high. They charge $485 for installing one toilet. I would encourage folks to consider Servant Plumbing, but also get a second opinion.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
After 30 years of being in this business I can honestly tell you that sometimes it's just totally unpredictable when it comes to customers :) I was personally involved in this job so I can't say that this was one of my servicemen which leaves doubts. LOL. But I just don't understand it all the same. We always but always give you an estimate BEFORE we do anything and this estimate was presented and the customer accepted it!!! Then when we finished the job he was extremely happy and excited. The office did a customer satisfaction called and he responded then that he was extremely happy!!! Then I read his review and apparently, all of a sudden, he is not happy. At least about the price. I explained to him, as we do all of our customers when it comes to new toilet installs. You have two options. The cheapest option and the way for you to save the most money is to go pick out the toilet yourself, buy it and have them waiting for us on site. OR we can be your shopper. We can go out and buy the toilet, pick them up and bring them out and install them. But that is the more expensive option and if you want us to do that for you, here's what it will cost. He accepted that cost. And now he is complaining about that same cost, and worse, telling me he was happy when we did it and telling the office he was happy when we called later, and then posting on Angie's list to say how we were too expensive!!! LOL. I don't know what to say. I just don't understand it. But I will contact this customer and see if maybe I can try to understand it :) $485 for a brand new toilet, parts and labor and tax, supplied and delivered and installed, not that bad of a price! There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes the customers never sees. Customers do have a natural habit of only calculating the time you knock on their door till the time you close it. They just do not see or factor in the time it takes to drive to the supply house, wait in line and buy a new toilet and load it up. Nor do they ever see the time involved when we leave ( we give them the option of saving money and leaving the old toilets behind) because then we have to find a place to properly dispose of the old toilets. There are only two dumps in Charleston that will allow you to get rid of these and you have to stop what you're doing and go there directly. If not, every single job you do for the rest of the day? You have to pull those toiltes on and off the back of your truck because they are blocking all of your tools and materials for your next job! This is specifically why we give a cheaper price to leave them behind. And again, the customers themselves do not want to go through the trouble and labor pains of picking out and bringing home the new fixtures, nor do they want to go through the trouble of disposing of them afterwards. That's fine with us, we do not mind at all, we are in the customer service business :) But if we tell you AHEAD of time it's going to cost this much more money to do so, and you say great, let's do it, it is simply not fair to give us a bad review on the price when you had the option of not being charged that much.

George G.
  + -1 more
First of all I got a call within 15 minutes of contacting Servant Plumbing. I described my problem and they suspected it was the septic tank being full since the toilets were not flushing. They recommended that I contact a septic tank cleaning services. I did find a septic tank cleaning services and they fixed my problem. I am very appreciative to Servant plumbing for troubleshooting my problem over the phone and it turned out to be the case. Thank you so much for providing free advice in my situation, but that will translate to return business down the road when I do need plumbing services again.
Description of Work: I used Servant plumbing for my condo work, but I had a problem at our beach house where the both toilets would not flush after using a toilet snake.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
I have to admit, every Angie's list review is like getting report card in high school, DAILY :)

John K.
  + -1 more
On time. fixed. professional. Resolved cost question quickly.
Description of Work: Fix pipe leaking in wall.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you, an A review always make me smile, even to this day after receiving close to 10 years worth of them on Angie's List!

William H.
  + -1 more
Josh and his guys are exactly what we needed -- reliable and knowledgeable. He has the most upbeat personality and made a challenging situation turn around for us quickly. I will use him again and again!
Description of Work: Our master shower handle and valve had cracked and loosened to the point that it was falling off. It was time to replace the whole valve assembly. Josh was able to work a miracle with getting me on the calendar and a new valve handle installed. He went in through the sheet rock and did a great job.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you so much for a wonderful review!! I appreciate you taking the time to leave one :)

Joanne W.
  + -1 more
Ended up paying $285 + $75 for the "$100 worth of plumbing services." Claimed he had to replace the inlet tube, flush mechanism (almost new) and bolts, etc. because that's required as part of the work. Give me a break. $25 worth of parts at best. Was here about 20 mins. Guy was nice, but seriously the price wasn't. Quoted me almost $800 for a toilet & install. Called Lowe's and they do a new toilet & install for $315.
Description of Work: Needed a new gasket on my toilet tank.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
I am not sure why customers who are upset about a situation won't pick up the phone and call me FIRST and talk to me about the job before rushing off to Angies List to post a review. To me, you should always give the company a chance to rectify any situation and if you don't give them an opportunity to do so, then no one can help you. It's not worth getting into why she is incorrect in thinking the way she is thinking because all that matters is I had someone that was NOT happy and it's not worth my reputation to debate with customers and try to explain to them why that is so, lose lose :) So we refunded her the ENTIRE amount and she seemed shocked and very pleased and was not expecting us to do that. That is who we are, if you're not happy, I will make sure you are one way or another, including going above and beyond and refunding the entire amount even when there was no need to do so. However, it WOULD have been nice of her to alter her review and make note of the fact that we refunded her and I see that she did not take the time to do that for us.

Timothy H.
plumbing, water heater repair
  + 0 more
They replaced our hot water tank with an A.O. Smith commercial grade hot water tank, which from a qualitative point of view, was excellent. Our hot water tank was ten years old. They are very competitive, very professional. We’ve used them four times. Their quality is excellent. The hot water tank they used, they weren’t cutting any corners. They were very punctual and they arrived when they said they would. We’ve had others that kind of show up on their own schedule. Their responsiveness was excellent. They tell you they will contact you within so many minutes, within the hour or whatever on the voicemail, when you leave a message with your name and number. Their punctuality is very good and their professionalism is very good.
Description of Work: They replaced a hot water tank for us.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you so much for using us for your plumbing work! And for taking the time to post a review as well :)

Timothy H.
  + -1 more
They had to remove a hot water tank to get access to the shower valve. After they fixed the issue, they had to re install the hot water tank. There was two people. We had people leaving and when had people coming in the following day. They were done by 1 o'clock. I had a quote from them for both the hot water tank and replacing the shower valve. The price was obviously higher from the last 3 years, but I wasn't priced gouged. They give you a six year warranty.
Description of Work: They fixed a shower valve. Replaced faucets, shower heads.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Very much appreciate your review of us!

Deborah H.
  + -1 more
They've actually done a lot of work for me. I had the lines from my washing machine got blocked underneath the house.God only know the last time those were snaked out. It was not expensive at all. They're super responsive. They're great, really great. I love those guys.
Description of Work: The unblocked washing machine lines under the house.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you for your repeat business! The ultimate sign that a customer is 100% satisfied is when they use us again :)

Matt Q.
  + -1 more
They did a great job and completed the work in a professional manner
Description of Work: This was a great company that helped install a booster pump at a property I manage.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you for your trust in us to complete this project for you, it was a sizable amount of money! It was a pleasure and we thank you very much!!

lizbeth L.
  + -1 more
Chuck was very professional. He detailed the different options we had to insure that the leak would be fixed. He also had options of a new surround available for viewing on his phone along with an assessment of each model. With his expertise, I was able to choose the perfect surround for our master bathroom. He was also very clean as he worked and left us with available water to use. The job took ONLY two days. His work is competent, professional, and sound. We had Servant plumbing install a new water, also, when we moved into our condo. They are worth every pennyl
Description of Work: the master bathroom shower surround was leaking behind the wall. Chuck diagnosed our leak immediately.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
:) Sounds like you liked Chuck! LOL. Thank you very much for your review, mean an awful lot to us when our customers take the time to post!

Michael B.
  + -1 more
They looked at the drain and faucet, explained what needed to be replaced and finished the job. Then, installed the Nest. Work is excellent. Will call again
Description of Work: A faucet and drain in one of our showers needed repairs. Also, wanted a Nest thermostat installed. Called Servant and Josh called back several times and we were able to schedule a time.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you! Good reviews always make me smile, always. I NEVER take them in stride.

Frank F.
plumbing, drain cleaning
  + 0 more
Called Servant, left a message. Josh called back less than 15 minutes later. Told him what I needed and he coordinated the time with my tenants. They diagnosed the issues, made recommendations and gave me a price. A new faucet was needed. Communication was excellent throughout the whole process and my tenants are very happy and so was I. Very professional.
Description of Work: Low pressure from kitchen faucet and slow drain in bath tub

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you so much for your review it was a pleasure doing work for you!

william W.
  + -1 more
Everything was just about perfect, and this project involved cutting through at least 6 walls to access various hook-ups and supply lines, and a lot of time was spent under our house. In the past Josh has done most of our plumbing, but this time he sent out Charles Miller, a relatively new employee with Servant Plumbing. Charles is a young man; he is honest, extremely competent, and has an incredible work ethic. I'm certain someone else would have taken much longer to do every-thing Charles accomplished. Charles is the type of person one would invite to stay for dinner, which we did, although he had to decline. Regarding price, I gave a "B." because their quotes "seem" a little high. However, I have been so pleased and confident with their work that I have never sought competitive bids. In my case, past experience is more important than price and I feel I will come out better in the long run.
Description of Work: Replacing a toilet; re-doing all plumbing lines in the house; installing new fixtures in 2 bathrooms; replacing and/or moving all outside spigots. Over the past 15 or so years, Servant Plumbing has been our only plumber and has in the past replaced 2 other toilets, a garbage disposal system, and I'm sure other things I can't recall right now. I can recall one instance when something minor had been overlooked or needed to be adjusted. I called Josh, and he was out here within only a few hours and corrected the problem - at no charge of course. I need to mention that we originally found Servant Plumbing on Angies List - as we have most other craftsmen (roofing, guttering, etc.) - no problems with any of them.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
First and foremost, thank you for being a repeat and loyal customer, as being called to do work again is the highest compliment of all! Thank you SO much for taking the time to go in depth with your review. It really helps me to get a better idea how we did and how my customers think :) We are definitely not the cheapest company around. But by far not the most expensive either. We charge what we have to, not a penny more, to ensure we will be around for another 30 years! Some of the plumbing companies currently on this list are new companies with no track record whatsoever, leaving you with doubt as to whether they will still be around a couple years from now. In fact, two of the companies are ex employees of ours that recently went into business and duplicated our way of doing business. One of them even stole our 15 min call back promise and promotes it heavily. But hey! It's always nice to be emulated lol. But who really knows if they will make it or not is my point and too many see a few A's and think they are safe. You appreciated the fact that when it comes to plumbing, going with the cheapest plumber is not always the best way to go. When you're dealing with something as profound as pressurized water lines inside your home, do you really want the cheapest guy? LOL But one thing you do know for sure is this, 10 years from now if you have an issue with that work, we WILL be around to stand behind it, because we are still standing behind work we did 10 years ago. I thank you again!

Kevin D.
water heater repair
  + -1 more
They were courteous and professional. The were very responsive, I called them and within 10 minutes of calling them they were at my home. The next day they came in and replaced the water heater. The quality of work was great.
Description of Work: Water Heater Replacement

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Wow! Thank you for an excellent and splendid review. Yes, when you have an emergency situation like that we make every attempt possible to drop what we are doing to get to you! Thank you for being a customer :)

Janice J G.
plumbing, drain cleaning
  + 0 more
There was additional moneys for the drain. He was very down to earth and I liked that he was a local company. He was very very nice. He came out in a very timely fashion. I left a message and he called me back in ten minutes. He was very punctual. It was well appreciated. I thought $150 was little high to install a toilet.
Description of Work: He serviced the john upstairs and took care of cleaning the drain in the guest bathroom sink.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Jo Ann T.
  + -1 more
It was awful. In fact I had text where some of the people that work for him and they were equally awful. He's an old junk man and he has since sold it to somebody else, it's in transition. He was just awful. I have to text and text and texts that are just awful. One of the guys, he pays the workers to give Angie's List great reviews. He threatened me. I can't even stand him. In fact I haven't even had my plumbing fixed. I have no shower because it was really bad, financially and emotionally. It was horrible .In fact, I don't even use Angie's List because of that. My mom was like, why haven't you fixed any leaks. They were supposed to fix one bathroom and gut it. They came in and tore up the walls, it was dust everywhere. It was dirt, they got it through the house on the hardwood floors. I told the guy that I can't have them here without me. They were insistent that they be here without me. They didn't come when they were supposed to come. He threatened to sue me, I just didn't want to deal with it. Jay he was certain there was asbestos in the bathroom. I was just one of the worst experiences. It's so hard to find a contractor you can trust. I'm not using Angie's List and even personal referrals. My mother had referred them. She had them come out and change the plumbing of a toilet or something. I have plastered walls from the 1920's or 40's there's huge holes in my wall. It's dreadful, and my ceiling of course from the leaks. It is an old house, and I think it was more than what they could have handled, and they should of said so. They were very precise. The work was horrible. They were very responsive. They were not answering questions.
Description of Work: .

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Ya know, its very hard to rationalize an irrational act. To try and apply common sense and logic to someone who's being totally illogical and unreasonable, doing things out of the normal realms of reality that we live in. So responding to this review would be trying to do exactly that. However, I feel as though my hands are tied and my reputation being falsely slandered, so I MUST respond with a lengthy reply regardless. I am sorry for all the words! There is no way for me to be able to portray just what an absolute nightmare and horrible situation this was with this customer and I am not trying to create drama. The truth of the matter is this and I apologize ahead of time for these words, but I just honestly dont know a more diplomatic way of putting it or a more polite way of saying it, when its to the very "Twilight Zone" extremes as this customers behavior was. But she has some major issues. I mean in all honestly, shes just not right in the head. And come to find out (this all occurred well over 6 months ago) we're not the only company that's experienced these issues with her. The previous company she also fired went through this with her AND she fired the company that came in after us to finish the job that we were doing. The new company was not only fired but she stiffed them as well refusing to pay them. BTW, She ONLY paid us $2,500, not the stated $6,000 and that is a perfect example of the things we dealt with concerning her. Some things are a gross exaggeration. Other things are a gross fabrication. We pride ourselves on giving world-class service and catering to the most finicky people on earth. But I have NEVER dealt with an individual like this. Her actions were so utterly and ridiculously bizarre, so irrational and illogical in nature, that there left no doubt she has some issues. But if anybody doubts those words then you only have to ask yourself this? Why would a company that's been on Angie's List longer than any other plumbing company, 9 years, a company that has more reviews than any other plumbing company, 500 plus reviews, a company that has won the Super Service Award every single year we have been on Angie's List, 9 years in a row, a company with such an impeccable reputation and unheard of rating that's second to none, suddenly and mysteriously, out of the blue, out of left field, just randomly decide to stick it to a customer knowing in advance she is an Angie's list customer and will leave us a scathing review? No one can touch our level of CONSISTENT excellence! No one. For almost a straight decade, we have received MORE reviews as well as the HIGHEST RATED reviews on ANY plumbing company in Charleston. Perhaps ANY company in Charleston. And that shows we care, so why would we suddenly not care? We shouldn't. We wouldn't. We didn't. Truth is we tried SO hard to please her, but there was just no dealing with her! Many different individuals tried everything in the world to bust through her wall of ridiculousness by the time it got to me and there was just absolutely no rationalizing with this customer. There was nothing that could be done. A fraudulent list of complaints and supposed damages we caused (impossible to have caused the damages she says we caused) seeking remedies simply absurd, and there was just no coming to terms with her. I say supposed damages because at NO time after the SECOND day on a 10 day long job, did she let us back out to view these damages! That's right. She fired us on day TWO during the demo stage, refused to let us back in to inspect and verify these damages, fix and repair these damages, just simply demanded that I "blindly send her money" to cover them? What? Sorry, I will bend backwards to please my customers but I'm not stupid either. And this list? OMG! Never in my life. Things like her lampshade in her upstairs bedroom? (we were renovating the downstairs bathroom on another side of the house) Cracks in the ENTIRE home were all made by us. Her home ([Removed Member Information]) is over 100 years old with plastered walls and ceilings. She was banking on our impeccable reputation and my willingness to please to try and take advantage of us for conditions that were either pre-existing WELL before we started this project, or never existed to begin with and was simply trying to extort money from us. Not sure which one because she has yet to let us back to see these damages OR supply pictures of the items on her list.. To further prove that point, in either scenario, she tried to get the company who came in AFTER us to either repair them for free also, or to reimburse her the monetary value of fixing them, now claiming that THEY caused those same cracks! She would text me at all hours of the night, all weekend long (75 plus texts) with the same old list of complaints, demanding money. And every single time for two solid weeks I replied: "Ok great, now again, you claim you have a list of damages to your house, are you going to give us the opportunity to go back out and actually look at, verify and document those items on this list, and let us address these so called damages? NO! You can never come back out to my house. Which is what leads me to believe the list is fraudulent. Worse? OK, how about pictures? You have a smart phone, why don't you take pictures of everything and send them to me? Absolutely not!! I just want my $2500 back in exchange for the damages you did. Asking for your money back when the work performed was shoddy is one thing, asking for it back before we have even commenced with the work and was doing the initial demo??? Oh and by the way. This is Louie, the original owner and STILL the owner of Servant Plumbing, so this sale or transition or whatever it is she claims that's anybody's guess, is fraudulent as well. The project: This was a 7-10 day project that started with the demolition of an existing standup tiled shower and we only got through day TWO of the demolition. The demolition mind you. So to say the project was over our head is absurd, as it doesn't take a lot of skill to demo a couple walls.. We hadn't even started with any of the actual real work. The complicated stuff. We were just there doing the demolition on the existing tile shower. On day three she was a NO SHOW and the house was locked and I had an entire crew sitting there and we couldn't get a hold of her!! Called her and texted her and got absolutely no response, it was most unbelievable she didn't even have the courtesy to call and say anything. Because she was not responding I had no idea what to do but we all left and planned on going back the next morning thinking maybe she had some kind of a personal emergency, plus, we had cleared our schedule for the entire week for several people so we really had no choice but to try to get this job done. So you guessed it, on day four she was a no-show AGAIN and we STILL couldn't get a hold of her or entry to the property to commence the demolition and at that point I didn't have a clue what was going on, but I just assumed something like a traumatic death in the family. At that point I stopped the job completely, filled up the schedule with work and it wasn't until many days later she said we would no longer be allowed on her property because of all the damages we caused to her house and wanted immediate financial reimbursement. Just reading her review solidifies the nature of who she is. Her review is all over the place, I can't follow it and she says things that are way out there. We pay our employees to leave good reviews? Really? So THAT'S how we got over 500 reviews over the last decade, we sure did keep our few employees awful busy :) It would be very hard to list all the actual details because I would have to write a novel. So the best I can give is a general summation. And all I can tell you is there's much, much more to the story than you're reading here. This customer will be remembered for the rest of our lives!!!!

Ashley V.
  + -1 more
I had a good experience. The price seem pretty high. It was an emergency type situation. I like their responsiveness in having someone to come out within an hour. I was in a situation with water.
Description of Work: .

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you for an excellent review even while thinking we were high :)

Kristina H.
plumbing, drain cleaning
  + 0 more
We were having problems with our plumbing backing up. I bought a cheap plumbing camera from Amazon and put it inside our pipes from the cleanout in the front yard and saw that we had roots in our plumbing going up towards our house. Not knowing how far up they went or what damage they had caused to our pipes I called several plumbers to come out and take a look at our issue. My biggest fear was that the roots had climbed far enough up the pipes that our slab foundation would need to be cut into to fix the problem. 5 plumbers came out, Servant Plumbing was the fifth. The first 4 gave me general quotes for pipe cutting/replacing/repair but wanted $150 to $300 to use their cameras to get a closer look at the problem before they could give me a solid estimate. I wanted to get accurate estimates but I did not want to pay multiple plumbers for use of their cameras. I would have just shown them what my camera had found but my camera did not go very far up the pipes and I did not know the extent of the damage. Servant Plumbing was the last plumber to come by. After explaining the issue and what I saw on my camera they said they could not give me an estimate until they had a better look up the pipes and they immediately went to get their camera. Within 10 minutes I knew that this was the company I wanted to use because they did not try to charge me to use the camera (how else are you supposed to give an accurate estimate, unless you can see how bad it is), they spoke to me in easy to understand terms and they were very professional. They voiced concerns about complications that might arise and gave me a quote that was comparable (and a little better than some) and told me they could start the repairs right away. It took about 3 hours to cut and repair about 5 feet of pipe and install a new cleanout. The problem was a previous homeowner was having issues with roots and a plumber repaired the pipe using a patch that did not hold. Roots had gotten into the pipes from the patch and parts of the cleanout were cracked (possibly a combination of the compromised pipes and us having to snake the pipes every other day to use our plumbing - it was a difficult angle to snake). Overall we were NOT thrilled to have to fix this expensive repair but we were VERY HAPPY with how Servant Plumbing handled everything. Now we can freely use our plumbing and sell our house in the future knowing that the repair was done right and no future homeowners will have to worry.
Description of Work: Replace/repair pipes that had roots growing inside them and install new cleanout.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Nothing makes me smile more than a great review, it's what makes doing business with the wonderful people of Charlston worth it!!!

Paul W.
  + -1 more
Called late on Friday and Josh showed up the next day as promised. Job was done quickly and professionally. Very impressed with the service and would use again without hesitation.
Description of Work: Leaking toilet seal

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant
Thank you so much for taking your time to write us an excellent review. Customer service is where you win or lose in this business and we go out of our way to make sure we can give you the best customer service possible!

Contact information

802 Coleman Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Service hours

Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day




State Contractor License Requirements

All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

*Contact business to see additional licenses.

Service Categories

Water Heaters,
Drain Cleaning,
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling,
Sewer Cleaning,
Drain Pipe Installation,
Ceramic Tile,
Handyman Services,
Appliance Repair - Small,
Flooring Sales and Installation,


Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant is currently rated 4.9 overall out of 5.

Sunday: Open All Day

Monday: Open All Day

Tuesday: Open All Day

Wednesday: Open All Day

Thursday: Open All Day

Friday: Open All Day

Saturday: Open All Day

Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant accepts the following forms of payment: American Express,Check,Discover,MasterCard,PayPal,Visa
Yes, Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant offers free project estimates.
No, Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
No, Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant does not offer a senior discount.
Yes, Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant offers emergency services.
Yes, Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant offers warranties.
Servant Plumbing of Mt.Pleasant offers the following services: SUPER SERVICE AWARD WINNER 12 YRS IN A ROW. NO SERVICE CALL CHARGES EVER ALWAYS FREE ESTIMATES. From Garbage disposals to water heaters to clogged drains to complete re-pipes to leaky faucets to toilet rebuilds, if it's plumbing, we do it.

Contact information

802 Coleman Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Service hours

Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day
Open All Day