Accent Realty Service is a professional appraisal company. Please be advised that we give you an economic evaluation of your property. (That is, I can tell you what it's worth). However, I AM NOT A SURVEYOR. If you have property boundary issues you need a surveyor (I get a lot of requests for surveys). Also, if you are looking to refinance, PLEASE contact your lender first as they typically require that their own appraiser do the job. And one last condition, I am certified residential only. If your property is commercial, you need to contact commercial, or "general" appraiser. I have been serving southwest Pennsylvania in the real estate industry for over 45 years. In the 1990's I was designated as Area Management Broker for HUD. My responsibilities included the appraisals of all FHA properties. I covered all of southwest PA. After my contract expired I continued to work these areas giving me a keen knowledge of the neighborhoods of southwestern Pennsylvania.