Description of Work: The plan was to paint the living room, dining room and center hallway, one at a time, spaced a couple weeks apart, starting with the living room. Blue was chosen for the living room, and yellow for the dining room. I had concerns about the yellow, and called Curtis a couple weeks prior to starting, and asked him to not purchase that. He assured me he would not buy the paint until starting the job. The morning he started, I asked his advice on the center hallway, if it should be the color of the living room, or the dining room. He said it is usually the same as the lining room. Because I did not want so much blue, we decided to do the living room yellow, and I gave him a sample of the yellow I wanted to use, which he agreed would be a better choice than the original. The next morning he dropped off a gallon, and I found it to be the original yellow color. His brother and cousin were here in his absence. I told them to not open that can, but when I returned from an appointment one wall in the living room and one in the hallway were painted in that color. I definitely did not like it, but Curtis, who was there then, told me it would look much better when it dried. No, it did not. One of the others got a color palette because we couldn't find the sample I left. Time was of the essence, so I chose antique white, a color I used many years ago and didn't particularly like. It looked a lot better than the yellow, and I have learned to like it. They continued the color up the stairs, and painted the doors and baseboards in the upstairs hallway, which I was not expecting at that time. The walls were not touched. After they left that day, I heard the ceiling fan in the bathroom running, and tried to open the door. It was stuck shut,( they used epoxy paint). I had to force it open, and a piece of the door ripped. The next day, I asked the brother and cousin to patch and touch it up, which they did, but said the door was previously broken. It was not. In preparation for the job, my daughter and I moved everything out of the living room except for a couple pieces of heavy furniture. It was weeks before she could return, and I enjoyed the clean, uncluttered look. But it also was time to see what I had not noticed while the painters were here. The back wall of the living room has bookshelves and built in cabinets. The brass hinges and knobs are as old as the house (70+ years), and I was careful when I painted them in the past to not get paint smeared on them. Now, some are painted over, the rest are smeared with white paint. Years ago, I stripped the wallpaper off the inside wall, nest to the hall. There was still wallpaper under paint on the wall, where there is a fireplace, with a mirror to the ceiling, and two windows, with radiators below, and the front wall where there is a bow window, so the painting area is minimal. They did not remove the wallpaper before painting. The windows were replaced and did not need paint, but the windowsills were scratched by former pets. Although they had the latest in equipment, including a high power sander, the scratches in the windowsills were not sanded out. The hallway wall by the stairs had been stripped of paper years ago, but the other wall, with the archway leading to the living room, shows the seams and irregularities of the wallpaper. There is little area to paint on that wall. The front door on one wall, and closet door on the other, take up most of the space. It would not have been a large area to remove the wallpaper. I had wanted to go over these issues with Curtis before submitting a review. A couple times his cell phone mailbox was full, but I did speak to him on January 7th and asked him to stop by (I don't live far from him). He said the next day was pretty busy, but the 9th would probably work, or the weekend if that's OK, and certainly by the 12th. It is now the 31st, and have heard nothing, not even a call to say he couldn't make it. Unfortunately, I paid him because I wanted to get things cleared up before the holidays, and I was going away in January. My husband was here the entire time, but still no word. Had we had a chance to discuss these issues, this report might be different You asked if I got my money's worth. Hard to say: sometimes there was one person here, sometimes four, and other times two or three; I didn't try to keep track. The job started on a Monday and finished on Thursday. I was billed $2175.00 which included 82 hours, less 16 hours prepaid through Angieslist, @$25.00/hour; and $525.00 for materials, which also included a charge for color change. I reminded him I had told him three times before using that paint to not use it, so he deducted $125.00. Bottom line: $2,050.00 in addition to the $399.00 previously paid. . Would I use them again, no. Would I refer others, no.