drywall, electrician, remodeling, roofing, ceiling fans, doors
+ 4 moreResults for all jobs contracted were A+......Also, came some revelating discoveries that were remedied. Turns out there was an infestation of black ants under the one side of the French Door. Chris cheerfully cleared them out and rebuilt the destroyed lumber that was affected. At no extra charge I may add. I've since put the house on a yearly exterminator contract to prevent such an incident in the future.....The outside GF receptacle was a "dime store" quality item to begin with. It was determined to be defective (I was not surprised), and a major culprit for the prolonged outages, due to not being able to be reset. Bottom line, there's been no issue of any kind concerning my electrical system in the home since the repairs and replacements last summer (2012). All other jobs were done well also. Chris and CGR Construction will be my elected contact and contractor for any needs in the future.
Description of Work: New sliding door to replace 20 year old swing out French Door.... (As a side note, French Door was a constantly & gradually problematic issue)....Installation of roof over rear deck. I decided to have the roof installed, knowing it would help in many categories. Rear deck is on Northern side of structure (with mature 50'+ trees blocking the sun in summer). This location has a nearly non-existent quantity of sun. Therefore, wood deck requires even more vigilance, and maintenance to make sure it looks good. And, most importantly, that it remains safe for friends and family. Since partial reason of deterioration was constant dampness, especially to the door. This new roof covering was an added shield to protect new door and porch. Also, I added an outdoor compliant ceiling fan, not only for cooling effect when in use. But, was also an added protection providing full time air movement. Hence, keeping porch and door in a better environmental scenario. (to alleviate the build up of dampness and puddling of water on porch). In other words, improved air circulation.....Repair of previously damaged drywall and install of walk up steps to attic. Back in '07 I was installing a roof exhaust fan with a friend. Unfortunately, a small section of drywall was damaged. The location of drywall damage and location of attic stairway install were very close. That's why this project is listed with both jobs performed. Drywall was repaired flawlessly. I happened to be repainting this room (spare bedroom). So, I was able to paint the ceiling in harmony of drywall repair completion. I direly needed a better access to my attic. As always, (unless special ordered at original construction) are located in useless and precarious locations. Chris (of CGR abbreviation business name) was able to install an excellent quality unit in my 2nd floor hallway ceiling. To make a story short with this install. There was just barely enough space on the 2nd floor ceiling for such an apparatus. I even told Chris, I would be satisfied with any better located and larger way of getting up there. I had left on to do a few errands that day. I was gone about 3 hours. When I got back, Chris had already installed new access, as well as, being inclusive of a stairway walk up. I was floored. Not just by his skill, but the time involved in completion of the job. Flawless workmanship/craftsmanship.....A bathroom exhaust fan on my 1st floor repair/connection. I had always been suspicious of poor quality installs of the bathroom exhausts fans. But, especially the 1st floor 1/2 bath. I live in semi-detached home with a one-car garage. So, most of the physical attributes of the home are identical. Unless one owner (or both) elected various changes during construction. I had taken photos during most of the due process of original construction. But, went through them years later. Found there was an open port for both dwellings. But, on the outside, there was only one exhaust vent when construction was complete. I had Chris pull down and out the original exhaust fan. My suspicions would be proven correct. On my side of the structure, the exhaust port was simply covered up with vinyl siding and forgotten. One of his crew cut a new opening into the siding, and installed a louvered vent.....Lastly, I always had irritation,and a sense of danger with the GFI receptacles installed as a whole for the entire house. Kitchen receptacles were tied into the porch receptacle. Within a few years, every time it rained. I would lose the current due the circuit being tripped. An until a day or 2 after it rained, I wasn't able to reset the breaker. I had an even more puzzling scenario with the bathroom receptacles. They circuit breaker would get thrown for "no" apparent reasons. In short, after all these years of frustration with them. I asked Chris to replace all receptacles and circuit breakers. As well as, troubleshoot to make sure there was no unseen dangers with the electric current involved with this scenario. Chris sub contracts a licensed electrician do all his work. End results, were like all other jobs flawlessly executed and well thought out.