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House Cleaning


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Janet S.
house cleaning
  + -1 more
Upon initial contact with Mark Oliveri, the owner of the company, I was told that he and his wife do most of the cleaning and if they do use someone to help, they inspect the work. On day 1 the owner dropped off one worker who had basic cleaning supplies but no ladder, step stool, etc. At this time he told me that he needed 1/2 the agreed upon amount and that I could pay the rest when the work was completed. At the end of day one the carpets were vacuumed, no other progress noted. Day 2, the owner showed up and steamed the carpets (55 minutes for the entire house). At 3PM the worker was sponge mopping the kitchen floor. The bathrooms were cleaned and the counter tops were clean. She told me that she had run out of time today and that she was going to return to finish the stove top but she didn't want the owner to know that she was doing so. She also asked that I not tell the owner that she had been there past 3 PM because he would charge more. She asked if I was satisfied with the bathrooms and I said I was. I gave her the check for the balance and told her not to return, that I would finish the stove top (at that point I assumed that was all that needed finished). She called the next day and said she would be back the following AM to finish the stove. The next day she worked on the stove top for about an hour (including smoke break and talking) and then said she could not get it clean. She told me not to let the owner that she had come back because he would be mad and would want to charge me extra. She then told me that she did not get paid much and that she did many extras that the owner would not approve of. She dropped many hints to get extra money from me. I did not feel that I needed to tip her since I did not ask her to come back to finish and I didn't feel comfortable with the whole "don't let him know" scenario. I told her I would finish the stove myself. While she was there, I showed her that she had overheated her coffee in the microwave when she had worked previously and the mess was still there. After she left I realized that the lower cabinets in the kitchen were dirty and the front of the dishwasher had the same dirt marks as before the cleaning. I was willing to overlook this and cleaned it myself. I then noticed that the 3 globe light fixture in the entry hall still had cob webs on it. Then I started looking closer throughout the house. The underside of the range hood hadn't been touched nor had the underside of the oven handle. None of the closet shelves had been wiped down. The kitchen floor was still dirty - apparently the same dirty water was used for the entire floor. A paint rag laying on the floor in one of the bedrooms had been steam cleaned around. Carpet edges by baseboards were not steamed. None of the light fixtures had been cleaned, except for the blades of the ceiling fans which had been dusted. Outlets and light switches had not been wiped down. I left a message for Mr Oliveri stating that I would like to talk to him. He left me a message the next day that if I had any questions or needed anything to call him. I attempted to call him again and left a message that some of the work wasn't up to what I was sure were his standards and to call me so we could resolve this. No response. 2 more calls over the next 4 days with no response. My daughter then called him 3 times over a one week period and left messages stating that she was sure he would like to make things right. Today he picked up as my daughter was leaving another message. He was rude and defensive. Stated he was tired of her calling and that was why he answered today. He stated that the checks were already cashed and that ended the transaction. When my daughter pressed the issue, he said that I told his worker that I was satisfied (she asked if the bathrooms looked good and I said yes) and that I couldn't change my mind. He then told her that her house was filthy and was one of the filthiest places he had seen. (House was completely empty. Absolutely no trash, etc. Surfaces were dirty from 6 years of neglect by a renter.) She told him that was why we contracted to have the house deep cleaned and also why he said that he was going to charge us more than he usually charged. He had a very unprofessional demeanor during this conversation. At one point he was screaming - not yelling - screaming. He later apologized for this and to his credit, he did not use profanity during the conversation. He also said that I had his worker come back for 3 1/2 hours that he had not charged for. When I initially hired him, nothing was said about the number of hours the job would take. I'm not sure what was going on with the worker insisting on coming back "on her own time" and "don't tell the owner I was here" then the owner saying that I "had her come back." Bait and switch?? He was not interested in the specifics of our dissatisfaction with the work, just kept repeating that I had said I was satisfied and couldn't change my mind. He was not willing to come back to finish the job and not willing to negotiate any refund. I feel that we paid $140 for a steam cleaning that I could have done as well (maybe better because of attention to detail) with a Rug doctor rental unit and $275 to basically have 2 bathrooms cleaned since little else was done. When Mr Oliveri initially told me that he was charging more than his usual due to the house being dirty, I was agreeable because I assumed this meant extra cleaning would be done. That was not the case.
Description of Work: Hired to deep clean an empty house that had been a rental for 6 years. Was also to steam clean carpets. House is owned by my daughter who lives on the west coast.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Listed below is my response to a complaint filed by the member. I will concede two complaints to the client's satisfaction. 1. I should have answered her phone messages in a timelier manner it, was inexcusable to have her wait so long. 2. As stated in her complaint I did raise my voice but as she mentioned, I did apologize for this. At no time during the phone conversation was I screaming at her. She did contact me to place a bid on cleaning the home and shampooing the carpets at that time we set a time I could go and look at the property. Once this was completed I called her back and quoted her 275$ for house cleaning and 140$ for carpet cleaning. This message was left by voice mail and asked her to call me back if she wanted to proceed. When she contacted me she stated the price was fine and I could proceed when scheduling permitted the work. At that time the member and only her, offered to pay half up front for my service and I agreed. Also I stated to her then that I bid on a per job basis and not per hour she again agreed. Enclosed you will find a copy of the work she asked to have completed for the price quoted above. All other extras where never mentioned until she filed her complaint. The starting day was set and work proceeded from that point on with all work completed. At that point I asked her if she was satisfied and she with out a doubt said yes very happy. Balance was paid with no reservations. Also on 4 separate occasions she stated to the person who was helping with the work that she was very happy even after completing a walk through. So in this regards I have no intention of refunding any monies to her. Also the 8$ an hour she claims I paid my worker is false as it was never stated how much she was getting and where that figure came from can only be speculated on. But if she wants to base a refund on that I will be happy to oblige based on revised rate of 25$ per hour which is my hourly rate when I do bid that way. So 16 hours labor X 25$ is 400$. Plus an additional 75$ for the 3 hours labor she never told me about that was done to finish stove and kitchen floor. Total comes to 475$ minus my original bid leaves a balance of 200$ minus her 192$ she owes me 8$. Also please be aware that when I was cleaning the carpets I showed the waste water to her and she could not believe how much dirt I was getting from the carpets. She also on numerous occasion stated how dirty the property was and what bad shape their tenant left it in. Let me stress I have been in business going on 17 years and never once have had this or any other complaint filed against my name or company. And as I warned her daughter in our phone conversations when she made some very slanderous remarks towards my business that she should be careful as to what she says. As I will defend my business by all legal means open to me to prevent slander and other malicious statements. In closing I would like to state I did the best possible job for what was agreed on and I have no reason to deviate from that. Mark Oliveri-Owner

    Contact information

    180 HOMESTEAD LN, Mifflinburg, PA 17844


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    House Cleaning


    OLIVERI'S CLEANING SERVICES is currently rated 2 overall out of 5.
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    Contact information

    180 HOMESTEAD LN, Mifflinburg, PA 17844