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Palma K.
home builders
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These people, including owner Bill O'Neil, were so anxious to please us when we were planning the construction of our home, we put our complete trust in them. However, once we were committed and sign on the dotted line, the experience continued to disintegrate. This was our first home and our first experience with a builder. We now know that we were like the lambs being taken to the slaughter. Behind their smiles and friendly dispositions, they were taking advantage of us in every way they could, including predatory lending tactics. When you don't know the ins and outs of financing a new home, you need to deal with people who will have your best interest at heart. That is not PPF. We realize we should have done our homework and educated ourselves about mortgage financing before entering into contract with them. We are smarter and wiser homeowners now and take full responsibility for putting our trust in the hands of people who presented themselves as friends, but were nothing more than bottom feeders. With all that said, my biggest complaint about PPF is their after care and maintenance. We literally had to harass and threaten them to get them back to our property so that it could be graded. They left 22 downed trees laying on the property at the time of closing and did not grade the property. They told us during the walk through that grading would be done in the Spring so that we would have a lovely level seeded property. Two years later, after we paid to have the 22 trees removed, they continued to insist that our property was turned over to us complete and finished to their standards. We had to threaten a law suit to get any response. Three years after moving into the house, we had our septic tank emptied and were informed that the pipes leading to the system from the house were installed incorrectly, causing several cracks in the pipes. When contacted, PPF said, "we no responsibility after1 year. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. " When we had a company come out to install the new pipes, they asked us who our builder was. When we told him it was PPF, he said he could have guessed that. This wasn't the first time he had seen this kind of installation done and it was usually connected to the sub contractor used by PPF. Within two years of living in this home, we had plumbing and septic issues, all due to sub-standard work. Also be aware that the type of finishing work this company's subs do, is sub-standard. Before we even moved in, the deck off the dining room was sinking on one side, causing the deck to be out of level by 18 degrees. Lastly, THE PUNCH LIST! What PPF does about your punch list is send out a "handy man" (his description of his job title, not mine). You don't ever see the original sub contractor that worked on your home. Just some guy with a pick up truck and a tool box and that would be fine if he was able to address the issues on your punch list. The one that came here with his son, could not figure out how to install the plywood flooring in our attic since we did not have a pull down stair case to take the plywood up. My husband had to suggest that they cut the boards in half to fit into the space. After they left, we went into the attic and discovered that they did not nail the plywood down sufficiently, only nailing the corners of each board. We took out our hammers and nails and wood glue and finished the job, This is one example of many that I can bore you with, but I think you get the picture. W eventually paid another company to fix the issues on our punch list because our sanity was more important to us than fighting with these people about what the definition of "quality" was. I thought that PPF had gone out of business, but if in fact they are still operating, BEWARE!!!!! They will build your house cheaper than anyone else, but you will get what you pay for and in some instances, less than you pay for. I would never do business again with a builder that will not offer a home warranty for less than 5 years. Just saying. .
Description of Work: Construction of a New Home

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    ROUTE 209, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335


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    PPF HOMES INC is currently rated 2 overall out of 5.
    No, PPF HOMES INC does not offer free project estimates.
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    No, PPF HOMES INC does not offer emergency services.
    No, PPF HOMES INC does not offer warranties.

    Contact information

    ROUTE 209, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335