ProLink Solutions, Inc. is an Appraisal Management Company dedicated to building long term relationships with both customers and employees through quality training, and excellent customer support. We have been trusted to provide quality appraisals and services for over two decades! With our team of knowledgeable staff, we can assist you in finding the most appropriate, competent and experienced appraiser for your appraisal needs in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Customer service at our firm can be described in one word, exceptional! From your first contact, to the delivery of your quality appraisal report, ProLink Solutions provides constant updates and are available to discuss any concerns. Let us be the first and final choice for your appraising needs. Lenders, attorneys, accountants, private investors, property owners, buyers, sellers, developers, insurance companies, brokers and consumers have all relied on our professional appraisers to provide objective, unbiased, timely, and precise appraisal reports. Our regional coverage, skill in multidisciplinary fields, and superior service set us apart from the competition.
All appraisers associated with our firm live and work in the areas where they perform assignments in order to ensure our clients receive the most professional and accurate appraisal reports within a timely and compliant manner that is cost effective. We want to be your partner for success.