Response from Agate Beach Building Company
This is the defense of a proposal. Proposals vary primarily by the scope of work, what's included or omitted, the quality of materials, and I suppose, by who is doing the work. This home is located on the edge of a bluff, above the ocean. It's 30 plus squares on a 24/12 pitched A-frame. I inspected it with a colleague and we decided that we needed to install plywood over the existing T&G sheathing. It meets code but as it is old and dried out there are sizable horizontal gaps every 5 1/2 inches that would interfere with the shingle installation, an acceptible condition inland, prohibitive at that location. We also deemed the existing 15-20 ft. chimney chase too rotten and we included it's tear down as it woud compromise the new roof. We had 2 rebuild options ready to submit. I will venture to guess that neither of these steps were included in the other proposals. As company policy we only install premium products. We use only 50 year roofing shingles, with the exception of heavy shakes. We always use #30 roofing felt instead of #15 paper. All of the exterior fasteners on our roofing/siding projects are hand driven stainless nails. This ensures your product will stay attached under any condition. All of our flashing materials are always stainless. My experience is that these are all upgrades for most other contractors. We take these precautions because in our local environment we are subjected to 100 mph winds anually and on any given winter day we can recieve 4 or more inches of rain. We will not compromise any roofing or siding system that we install. It is my best intention that any product we install on your home will still be fully attached and functioning as intended 20 years from now. It is our goal to give you the finest product installed in the best way we know. Our roofing, siding, and window installations are beautiful, functional, and have been withstanding our very harsh environment for up to 6 plus years now and I'm entirely confdent they'll continue to hold up. To accomplish this I have worked beside the same 3 other men for the last 4 years. Between us, we have over a hundred years of construction experience. We are very knowledgeable, thorough, we take no shortcuts. We attend to every detail, and in doing so, we spend a little more time on our projects than some of the others. And yes, our labor rates are not the least expensive, neither are they the highest by any means, as my men deserve a living wage. This summer, I've hired a fifth man to try to keep up with our workload. We've been backlogged for over 2 months since spring. There are lots of other contractors here that are also very knowledgeable craftsmen who do the superior work that is necessary th succeed here on the coast. I find that there is a group that I consistently bid against and my prices are quite competitive. We would not be here if I wasn't. I'm 64 and one thing I've learned is that whether I'm buying a house, a car, a new pair of shoes, or a haircut, I almost always get exactly what I pay for. My friend and associate Robin says that in proposals, you can get price, quality, or speed. but you can only get one. Thank you for your consideration.