Response from Projective Construction Design, INC
This review can not be considered factual or correct in any capacity. I happen to remember this consultation visit I did with two gentleman, owner/resident. I remember this consultation specifically even though, Mr. [Member name removed], and his partner/significant-other, is placing this review, now, 7 months after the actual appointment occurred. That alone is very interesting. Secondly, the one truthful statement Mr. [Member name removed] made - yes, the first scheduled appt, I did have a scheduling error. It happens, in the scope of volume of scheduling I must perform w/ 12 to 16 on going projects with clients - at all times - that I actually have a contract with, with additional new client meetings, and meetings with plan reviewers, and contractors - errors to occasionally occur, at least once a month. Chalk that up to personal error as an imperfect human being. I own it. However, that said, I spent closer to an 1 1/2 hours with them - not the claimed 15 minutes. So, either, the very fact the aforementioned party has placed this review 7 months later, and, apparently have an unclear recollection, or spitefully fibbing. You decide. The statement of them saying “we have no idea why this would have cost 75$”. This is because they bought an Angie’s List Deal for a 1 hour consultation, of which this fee went directly to Angie’s List, not to me for the set up of this ad. I did this appointment all with my own time and resources. They received my 1 ½ hour detailed consultation. This is what this review should be for. They received this service in full and it is really not quite fair or nice of them to give such a review. My 28+ years and 650+ projects with just this one bad review is something to take into consideration. And, lastly, the claim - I did not offer any useful info or design ideas - again another poor recollection/falsehood. First of all, the discussion went from them not having a budget for a full 2nd story addition, to just a dormer to get a master closet and bathroom to work. Which then, even their budget would be very tight. So, while the claim they had money in the bank, was insufficient enough for them to commit to signing a contract to start drafting services for even a small dormer, and bathroom. At which point, I recommended they meet with some general contractors to get a more realistic handle on const costs. They were agreeable to this. I told them, once they are more confident w/ costs, to call me to proceed. I did offer to recommend one of the contractors I work with, and I did indeed pass on their name and number. If or whether that contractor ever got back with them, I don't know. But, I instructed them to meet with other contractors, w/ my recommendation as a third or fourth option. So, I feel the gentleman, here, in question, who posted this very inaccurate and untruthful review, should remove it. The ball was in their court to follow up on their tasks, and then they were to follow up with me to move forward. That never happened. Therefore, my A plus rating has been reduced to a B-rating, just until I have a few of my ongoing clients, post a review for me. I am absolutely not the bad guy, here. Thanks for listening.