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Aqua-Tech Pools

Pool and Spa Service, Pool Sales Construction and Installation

About us

We are a family owned & operated swimming pool builder with over 37 years of experience. Not only do we specialize in pool installation and design, but also pool repairs and maintenance. Let our team guide you through the process of owning and maintaining a pool. From pool construction to upkeep, we take pride in providing the best in customer service every step of the way. We only use high quality materials and products that we've personally tested. Our projects are backed with a 2-year workmanship warranty. Call or stop by for a free consultation today!

Business highlights

48 years of trusted experience

Services we offer

Landscape Design, Fence Installation, Water Analysis, Pool Care, Pump Repair, Motor Repair, Filter Repair, Heater Repair, Pool Renovations, Pool Opening, Pool Closing, Pool Cover Installation, Pool Cover Repair, Pool Cleaning, Pool Repair, Pool Installation, Variable Speed Pumps

Services we don't offer

Above Ground Spas Patio Furniture


Free Estimates

Accepted payment methods

Financing Available

Photos of past projects


4.317 Reviews
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Showing 1-17 of 17 reviews

Jason K.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
Description of Work: The whole Aquatec team was awesome to work with they didn't outstanding job with communication and the end result was beautiful I love my pool thank you Aquatech

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
[Member Name Removed], Thanks for the review! We are pleased that you are pleased! Our customers mean so much to us and we appreciate the feedback. :)

David B.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
I hired Aqua-Tech to close our pool this year because I was dissatisfied with the work the previous company had done last year. While Aqua-Tech didn't break anything (as the previous company had), I'm worried that they didn't properly close the pool. The first thing I noticed when I inspected their work was that they hadn't fully closed the pump and filter. The drain plugs had been left in on the pump basket, as had the sight glass and pressure gauge. I removed these myself. The pump had also been left on and quot;wasteand quot; and not and quot;close.and quot; Minor things. What worried me more was when I inspected the exhaust tubes. Three of the four had anti-freeze in them, but one was completely empty. In the past (with the other company), all four had visible anti-freeze in them. When I called to ask about this, I was told the anti-freeze wasn't necessary because all the water had been removed, and the anti-freeze was only a precaution. I expressed concern and was told someone would stop out that day and check it out, and call me. By the time I got home after work, no one had called and the exhaust tube was still empty. Since I had been assured over the phone that Aqua-Tech would repair any damage that might occur over the winter, I went ahead and put the pool cover on. I would have rather had the extra assurance of the anti-freeze, however, and I feel like Aqua-Tech didn't care about my concerns and just blew me off.
Description of Work: I hired Aqua-Tech to close and winterize our in-ground pool. This was my first time working with the company.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
While we always welcome constructive criticism and input from our customers, this is a situation that has been poorly misconstrued by [member name removed]. When [member name removed]called in with his concerns, he spoke with our service manager who has been with us for over 17 years. He assured [member name removed] that we had applied antifreeze to all the lines but that it does not always stay at the top of the gizmo where it is visible. He explained to him that we use an industrial high pressure air compressor which does blow all of the water from the lines. Our service manager offered to come back over and personally look at the pool to make sure everything was ok. He called [member name removed] the morning of 9/26 and got no response. He went that same day to look at the pool and all gates were locked and no one was home. We never received a call back. With regard to the pressure gauge and site glass: we purposefully do not remove these items as it exposes the gaskets and o-rings to air and can cause them to deteriorate over the winter. This was [member name removed]first time utilizing our company to perform a service but he never inquired about the specifics of what equipment we take off and/or leave on. We are very good about taking specific instructions if people want something out of the ordinary done. He never indicated that he wanted his pressure gauge and site glass removed. It is also our standard procedure to leave the multi-port valve in the waste position so that in the spring the system does not unintentionally get turned on with the valve in the "closed" position and run causing the motor to burn. Our service crews do have reasons for the way they do things, which is acquired over many years of experience. [member name removed]has unfortunately left a skewed representation of our services based on insufficient knowledge without ever having given us a fair opportunity to share an explanation.

Wendy R.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
After the work was done, there was still debris coming from the jets. Ashley said it's probably some residuals and that we should continue to vacuum to waste for a few more days and it will resolve. Six weeks later there is still debris coming from the jets unless we vacuum to waste. It is now mid-Sept and vacuuming to waste and refilling the pool has become time consuming and expensive. I called Aqua Tech on 9/17 to express my concern and frustration about closing the pool under these conditions (we had scheduled Aqua Tech to close the pool on 9/18). Sean (service tech) would come out that afternoon to see if he could help. When I hadn't heard anything, I called and spoke to Ashley on 9/19. She informed me that Sean had been out to our pool that morning and he swept the debris over to the main drain at the bottom of the pool and installed the and quot;eyeballsand quot; into the jets as they are *necessary* for water circulation. We also re-scheduled the pool closing for the next day 9/20. I expressed my gratitude for all their help. After all, I had been a loyal customer for 5 years and spent a lot of money in their store. I thought we had a good business/customer relationship. However, our conversation continued: I told her that 1) the service tech who replaced the sand did not make the and quot;eyeballsand quot; sound all that necessary and 2) I'm frustrated that there was still debris coming from the jets unless we vacuum to waste. I told her, rather calmly in fact, that I feel like we were sold a service we did not need. At which point she told me I was being aggressive and she didn't like my tone. She did ask, who else has worked on our pool and I told her and quot;no one else.and quot; That phone conversation ended at 12:45pm. Ashley called back at 2:55pm to inform me that they will NOT be closing our pool, ever again. Because of my and quot;tone and aggressivenessand quot; they don't want my business anymore. Again, we had been a loyal customers for 5 years, spent lots of money in their store. One snafu and instead of trying to make it right, they drop us AND at a time of year when they know it will be well into October before we can get another pool company to help us close.
Description of Work: We were having problems with debris coming out of the jets. Ashley recommended changing the sand in the sand filter. We had them preform the work in early-mid August. The technician who did the work suggested (in a nothing urgent, just whenever you get around to it sort of way) getting "eyeballs" on the jets some time in the future to help the water circulation.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
Unfortunately, in some cases, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot satisfy everyone. Yes, [member name removed] had been a customer of ours for several years. We did not build this pool, but she did come in for water testing and we performed openings and closings. [member name removed] had been in several times with water tests and I (Ashley) personally tested her water several times. She was battling cloudy water. We tried treating it chemically several ways and it didn't seem to be clearing effectively. After a few attempts, I questioned how old the sand was in the sand filter, to which [member name removed] responded that she wasn't sure, but that it had probably not been changed within the past 5 years. I explained to her that when sand gets "old," its edges get rounded and the water tends to channel through without being filtered properly and that this could be contributing to her cloudy water. I explained that this would be the most logical next plan of strategy rather than continuing to spend money on chemicals. Sand changes are manufacture recommended to be changed every 3-5 years. Filtration is equally, if not more important than chemicals. She agreed and asked when the soonest was that we could do the service. I expedited her service call, placing her to the front of the line and we changed it the very next day. A few days after the sand change, [member name removed] relayed that she still felt debris was coming back into the pool. I explained to her that with a sand filter, she needed to give it some time to collect the debris. I did not hear anything more from her until the day before we were supposed to close her pool. She called and said that the pool was green and that she did not want to close it in its current condition. Our head service manager went to her house the same morning that she called to assess the situation. Upon arrival at her pool he noticed that there were no directional returns in the walls, therefore the water was not circulating directionally at all. He looked all around the vicinity and was unable to locate a pool brush, which indicated that no supplemental brushing was going on to aid in the removal of algae. He assessed the condition of the filter equipment to make sure nothing had been broken or disrupted when we did the sand change six weeks prior. Everything seemed to be in good working condition. As a courtesy, he placed directional returns in the wall outlets and brushed the entire pool down and even left a new brush attached to her pole. He spent about an hour there and provided these parts at NO CHARGE. When I explained to [member name removed] that our service manager had been there that morning and everything he had observed and performed, she did NOT thank us at all. She admitted that her kids were back in school and the pool had not been used much and, in fact, been neglected for the past three weeks. I tried explaining to her that to get rid of algae, it takes a lot of brushing and continuous circulation followed by backwashing frequently to get it out of the system. If debris continues coming into the pool, it's usually an indication that the pool filter needs to be backwashed. When I explained the value of the return jets, she was very defensive and claimed that our service crew hadn't made it seem imperative that she install them. She was, however, told that these were necessary to the pool well being. Overall, [member name removed] was very defensive, accusatory and argumentative and did not show any gratitude for the help we were trying to give her. Her tone was not kind and very short. She insinuated that the sand change was unnecessary and she wished she hadn't done it. When I reminded her about all the prior steps we had taken and that she had agreed the sand change was the next logical step, she still argued, but had no alternative suggestions. I tried to reassure her that we do not perform unnecessary service or sell unnecessary chemicals. We pride ourselves in trying to achieve customers goals and expectations while being as fair and cost conscientious as possible. At the end of our conversation she said she was tired of dealing with the pool and just to come close it tomorrow in a very nasty tone. After getting off the phone with her, I spoke with the Service Manager and explained how the conversation went and we collectively decided that it would be in both parties best interest to part ways. In the world of service, it is unfortunate when you have to end a relationship. We truly value all of our customers and make every attempt to be fair and courteous and go the extra mile. I believe we did in this circumstance as well. When I called her to let her know that we would not close the pool, she again was rude and said that she was frustrated about her pool and wanted to vent and that I was not willing to let her do that. We try to treat people with respect and dignity. We also appreciate this in return. While we understand that customers do get frustrated, it does not give anyone the right to treat people badly. In this case, it made sense to walk away before things escalated. We were unable to satisfy [member name removed], but it certainly was not for lack of trying.

Andrej K.
swimming pools
  + -1 more
I chose Aqua-Tech by finding the local 'A' rated pool installers and talking to them first. It's not hard to see why Aqua-Tech has that rating. Don (owner) or Adam (Don's son) were on-site every day to supervise and inspect the work. Don called me regularly before, during and after to check in and make sure I was happy. The quality of the work and products is very good. Every subcontractor that they brought in did a great job and many have worked for Don for a long time. We had some confusion on whether we ordered fountain sprayers on the pool, but I didn't notice this until the lines had already been back-filled. Honestly I forgot about them--it was my wife and son that finally noticed. It wasn't on our final paperwork so they would have been well within their right to say 'sorry' at that point. But instead, Don and Adam came out on Saturday morning, dug up the lines and installed the sprayers themselves. I don't think most companies would go this far to make a customer completely happy. I'd recommend Aqua-Tech to anyone that's looking at getting a pool.
Description of Work: We decided to put an in-ground pool in our back yard this fall so it's ready for next summer. We opted for a 20x40 rectangle with a salt water system, walk-in steps, fountain sprayers and an extra-large concrete patio. Aqua-Tech handle the whole job except electrical and landscaping.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
[removed member name], Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We can't tell you how happy it makes us to hear that our customers are happy! Reviews like yours are so helpful and really make a big difference to future potential clients. Thanks again for your kind words! Sincerely, Ashley Arnold (Don's daughter and Office Manager of Aqua-Tech Pools)

swimming pools
  + -1 more
Everything was good. They were prompt and did some extra work for us.
Description of Work: They installed an inground pool.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Kim W.
pool cleaners, swimming pools
  + 0 more
They worked hard and fast; it is just beautiful. They started on a Friday and we had water in the pool the following Wednesday. It was great; he just had the contractors lined up; one after another so there was no lag time. I got bids from several companies and we got personal recommendations on this company and it was fun to watch.
Description of Work: I used Aqua-Tech Pools to build an in-ground pool.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
See above.
Description of Work: 5 years ago my wife fell in love with a house that has a swimming pool. I was very hesitant but of course we got the house. Aquatech was the company the original owner was using and they have been fantastic to work with. They have always been able to help me with my questions, and fix any issues that have come up over the year. Owning a pool is definitely not cheap but as repairs come the Aquatech team really does a great job. My most recent experience was today. Our pump was known to probably go at some point, and this morning nothing. It would not turnover and got EXTREMELY HOT! Of course this was on a saturday and the day of a planned pool party. I got to Aquatech right when they opened and talked to the owner Kay. She was quick to help and wasnt sure that they would be able to do anything today, however she called their lead tech Sean, who graciously agreed to come out and replace the pump so we could keep the party. Sean is super to work with and he explained everything he was doing and got us up and going. THANKS Aquatech!

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
I have been working with Ashley at Aquatech for 2 summers prior to this year. I was very pleased with the knowledge and professionalism up until this season. I ordered a new liner for my pool at about 3k which was to be installed within 6 weeks. I was told after calling repeatedly at the 6 week point that my order was never placed and therefore would have to be expedited. Kay at the store apologized and I commented at the time that I appreciated their honesty and candor even though they made a mistake. What followed was a series of disasters which concluded in a 500 charge to my credit card without my authorization for work that hadn't been cleared through me prior to action being taken. I received a call about two days after my liner was completed asking me to pay the balance due over the phone via credit card. I had not received an invoice at that time and I thought the request was odd but I complied. When I later received the invoice it was for 500 more than we had originally agreed. I confronted Kim at the store and she explained the charges. I told her at that time that I would like to have a call before work is done next time so that I can be prepared for any future bills. She agreed. two weeks later I saw another 500 charge clear my credit card and I called her immediately. i was told that the work was done and I had no choice but to pay so my card was processed. I complained that I didn't give permission for my card to be processed and I would like the number erased from their files. At this point I informed Kim that I would no longer need their services. My advice to any potential customers is to be sure you have a clear understanding of the scope of work their are doing or you may find yourself "on retainer" at their will!
Description of Work: Two years of service and maintenance to a salt water pool and a new liner.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
Unfortunately, this is a very unfair and skewed portrayal of what actually happened with this project. We acquired the Member's as a customer after they purchased a home with an existing pool that we did not build. The existing liner and equipment had not been cared for over the years and, as a result, were in need of a lot of attention. For the first few seasons we did primarily maintenance like cleaning and just keeping the pool up and running until the Member's were ready to do some major overhaul work. This year they contracted with us to replace the liner in April. That contract scope of work included: tearing out the old liner, a free upgrade to a 28 ml liner, minor patching to the bottom and the replacement of bottom drain covers, skimmer covers, etc. About a week before we were scheduled to do the job, we did realize that the liner order had gotten lost in the shuffle and we did not have it in hand. We were very honest with Mrs. Curt and let her know up front and we paid an additional cost out of pocket to expedite the receival of the liner to meet the promised deadline. Mrs. Curt had a birthday party for her son arranged and wanted the pool totally done and operational by that date. As we started the liner replacement process, the Curts began tacking on extra work that was not included in the original scope of work. They asked us to replace the Step Strip Kit, replumb the suction line to their non-working Polaris cleaner and repair their heater. These were all requests made by Mrs. Curt verbally to go ahead and do. In the interest of meeting her desires as well as the son's birthday party deadline, we worked very hard to get the pool liner done and get all of the equipment up and running. We also added chemicals, including salts to get the salt system up and operational so the pool would be ready to go for the family to use. So there did end up being additional charges on top of the original liner replacement contract because we used a lot of extra labor, plumbing parts, and chemicals. When we complete our projects, we do call the customer and ask them how they would like to take care of any remaining balances. Mrs. Curt gave us a credit card and we placed the balance of the liner replacement with the additional ($249.66) for the items required to complete the job. After this, we returned on a totally separate service call to replumb the Polaris suction line per Mrs. Curt's request. We charged this as well - total ($478.69). All told, the extra expenses that were not on the original liner contract totalled $728.35, not $1000 as Mrs. Curt implies. Mrs. Curt has since refused the $478.69 charge on her credit card for work that was done and parts that were used. So we are out that expense for services rendered. We try to be as up front and honest with our clients when we agree to do work, letting them know of any extra costs that we might encounter. We do not tack on additional costs or try to hike up bills deceptively as Mrs. Curt has so portrayed. If anything, Mrs. Curt's actions only validate the need for small businesses to protect themselves from clients who ask for work to be done on the fly and then refuse to pay for the very work they requested.

David A.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
They came out on the agreed upon date and closed my pool. Everything went as expected.
Description of Work: Closed my pool.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Response from Aqua-Tech Pools

Larry S.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
Technician arrived on site and did a thorough evaluation, adressed some minor maintenance issues (e.g. bare wires from mice chewing) and was able to identify the issue as a faulty switch. Parts were ordered and technician came back the next day to intstall switch which corrected problem. I was able to easily connect to a rep to schedule the initial appiontment and received a call back indicating when the technician would come back to install the part. The technician showed up on both occasions on time. These guys know what they are doing.
Description of Work: .We couldn't get our pool heater to start-up.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
replaced a 10 year old inground pool liner
Description of Work: this is a fabulous company. we visited 5 other pool companies (for my 80 yr. old mother's pool) and they explained everything to her, had a lower estimated cost than the other companies, they did not have to resurface the pool once they got the old liner off so the cost was less than quoted (where do you find that these days.) this company is family owned, family operated and everyone pitches in. We felt comfortable asking questions from the start. you can not find quality service in to many businesses these days..look no further than this company for quality service, treatment and work.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
We sold our home in May 2010 and three days prior to closing the pool pump quit working. I immediately contacted them and they ordered a new pump. We were already departing the area the they contacted us the next day after checking out the pool. They could find not a pump problem but a possible electrical problem. We returned to the area the following day and they met us and did some trouble shooting and then called their electrician. He was there within 2 hours and fixed the problem within 15 minutes. This allowed us to procede with the house closing as planned. As they have always been, professional, responsive and thorough.
Description of Work: Aqua-Tech has serviced our pool for 8 years and fixed our pool so we could close on the sale.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

Rosa D.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
It never went. No one ever called us.
Description of Work: I called and even submitted a web form expecting a callback to set up an appt for an in home quote for an in ground pool. I called on a Monday...its Sunday, a week later and I STILL haven't received a callback.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Response from Aqua-Tech Pools
We would like to apologize for your bad experience. We do have a voicemail system and check messages and emails daily. During early spring months we are always on the lookout for leads and try to be as prompt as possible with our responses. I was curious about your complaint as you'd mentioned that you filled out a "web-form" requesting a quote. Our website, does not have such a feature. Is it possible that you were trying to contact another company? I can assure you that we value every customer, new and old and are always trying our best to be as timely as possible. Nonetheless, we will certainly take your comments and continue trying to provide the best follow up service possible to all of our clients. If you are still looking for a pool company, we would gladly speak to you or come to your home. Sincere Regards, AquaTech Pools

Pamela S.
pool cleaners
  + -1 more
It was the best experience ever. I had recommendation from other people in the neighborhood. It is a family owned company and they seem to really care. It took one day to dig out the hole. The entire installation took 2 or 3 weeks. It was installed in the fall. The only bad thing was that I had to wait until spring to do my landscaping but that was my choice. I have recommended them to others.
Description of Work: I had an oval inground pool installed. It is an 18X36 and depth is about 3 foot to 9 foot.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
I really like this company. They will come out even if I'm not here. They are very neat and tidy and clean up everything in an organized way. I don't have to worry about it at all.
Description of Work: They came out in October to close my pool for the season. This was the second time that I have used this company.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
What a great experience! Since they already had our pool info on file (from 1997 none-the-less), they knew the exact dimensions and I just had to pick out a liner from their showroom. They were very helpful and had a large selection. We set a date of May 2nd to install the liner. On the evening of May 1st they came and put in a pump to remove the water remaining in our pool and even put in a long hose to run the water into our creek and not our yard. On May 2nd they came and very skillfully removed the old liner and cleaned the bottom of the pool. It rained while they were here, so they had to come back the next day. They installed the liner the next day and then coordinated with our water hauler, to fill it halfway. They completed the install on May 4th and cleaned everything including the stairs, as well as set in our rails and ladder. They made sure our pump and filter were running and gave us final instructions. AquaTech was very reliable, informative and the liner looks great!
Description of Work: When we bought our house 3 years ago, it came with an inground pool. Last year we couldn't keep up with patching all the leaks, since the pool liner was 10 years old. We found out Aqua Tech had originally installed the pool and they still had all the info about our pool on file. We ordered a new liner and then set a date about a month out, for the liner to be installed.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

pool cleaners
  + -1 more
They are very knowledgeable. They always know what we need. They're very helpful with suggestions and supportive regarding our questions. They are always on time and sure to call before they arrive.
Description of Work: They open and close our pool for the season and provide chemicals.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5

Yes, I recommend this pro

    Contact information

    8717 Cincinnati Columbus Rd, West Chester, OH 45069

    Service hours

    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM




    Eco-friendly Accreditations

    LEED Accredited Professional
    Energy Star Partner
    EPA Lead-Safe Certified
    Use Green Products or Work Practices
    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Pool and Spa Service,
    Pool Sales Construction and Installation


    Aqua-Tech Pools is currently rated 4.3 overall out of 5.

    Sunday: Closed

    Monday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Friday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Saturday: Closed

    Aqua-Tech Pools accepts the following forms of payment: Check,Discover,Financing Available,MasterCard,Visa
    Yes, Aqua-Tech Pools offers free project estimates.
    Yes, Aqua-Tech Pools offers eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, Aqua-Tech Pools does not offer a senior discount.
    No, Aqua-Tech Pools does not offer emergency services.
    Yes, Aqua-Tech Pools offers warranties.
    Aqua-Tech Pools offers the following services: Landscape Design, Fence Installation, Water Analysis, Pool Care, Pump Repair, Motor Repair, Filter Repair, Heater Repair, Pool Renovations, Pool Opening, Pool Closing, Pool Cover Installation, Pool Cover Repair, Pool Cleaning, Pool Repair, Pool Installation, Variable Speed Pumps
    Above Ground Spas Patio Furniture

    Contact information

    8717 Cincinnati Columbus Rd, West Chester, OH 45069

    Service hours

    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 4:00 PM