Bernie Car, Owner of Organic Air Tree and Shrub Care: Has been in the horticultural field since 1994. Started out in chemical-based tree care. Today we have non-chemical approaches for treating and reversing plant stresses which are more effective than many conventional chemicals methods.
Soil health and condition are vital players in overall plant health because they directly impact root health. Ultimately, most plant health problems begin in the root-zone, so that's where our diagnostic journey (and corrective action) usually leads. In other words, We don't just see an insect or fungal problem and go directly to chemical applications to try to correct the problem. Philosophically, we view many chemicals as "band-aids" that cover the symptom, without treating the root-cause (quite literally). Certainly, there's a time and place to use them, but they don't necessarily need to be the first option.
If this approach makes sense to you, we'd be happy to assist you in any way we can.