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The Austin Fence Company

Fencing Driveway Gates, Childproofing, Animal Fencing,

Business highlights

Emergency Services Offered

Services we offer

Custom wood and board fences, pool, pet enclosures, custom gates & flag poles.


Emergency Services


3.02 Reviews
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Showing 1-2 of 2 reviews

driveway gates
  + -1 more
Description of Work: Hired them to adjust my vinyl fence. The fence was installed in 2003 and, over the years, 4 of the posts had pushed upward, leaving huge gaps (12-18 inches) under the fence and making the fence uneven. I even saw a small fawn go under the fence through one of the gaps! Sean Henry, the owner & his crew fixed reset the posts and, though it turned from 4 to 8 posts needing resetting (to get everything aligned right) and cost a little more, it was worth it. The fence looks good and I don't have to worry about my dogs getting out of my yard.
Rating CategoryRating out of 5
Yes, I recommend this pro

Robert D.
fencing, wrought iron, dog fence, childproofing, driveway gates
  + 3 more
On October 14, 2011, we contracted with Austin Fence Company to erect a wood privacy fence on the rear of our property. Other than Mr. Henry, owner of Austin Fence Company being unpredictable about his work schedule and when the job would be completed, our first major problem arose when Mr. Henry dug holes for the posts on the lines of the property, which were in violation of the City Code. The city sent an inspector out once the post holes were dug, and prior to the fence being erected, to verify that the fence is being erected according to City Code. As a result, the inspector told Mr. Henry that he had to move the fence inside the property line. At this point in the project Mr. Henry tried to insist that we were responsible for his mistake and wanted to charge us an additional fee for the time it would take to re-dig the holes. We refused to pay him anymore than what we agreed to in the original contract. Mr. Henry claims that we told him to place the fence there, but that is incorrect. When Mr. Henry was writing the proposal we questioned about the property lines and how they are determined. Mr. Henry stated, ?I will measure them.? We mentioned that the city requires the fence to come in a certain distance from the property line and he agreed to check into it. Believing that he was the professional, we trusted him and didn?t question the subject any longer. Throughout the installation we had to contact Mr. Henry several times to find out when the fence would be completed because several weeks had passed and he would not show up to our premises for days, or if he did show up, he would only work for about an hour. There were many times Mr. Henry stated that he would be on our property working on the fence, yet he would never show. His promised date of completion would advance several days, if not weeks. When he finally did complete the job, which was on or around December 10, 2011 we were expecting a quality product. As the weeks passed we were able to take a better look at what we purchased and sadly realized that we did not receive the superior job we anticipated. We noticed that a gate was not properly graded and was tearing the lawn, and a post was not properly cemented and was severely leaning. In addition, several slats were broken when he nailed the slats on, concrete along the posts are cracking, slats are missing nails, and the gap between the slats have shrunk from ?privacy? to being able to see in through the spaces in the slats. Our property does contain an in-ground sprinkler system, about which Mr. Henry was aware. Prior to the job Mr. Henry said that if he damaged a sprinkler head that we would be responsible for replacing the damaged head, which we thought was fair. We asked him how many he has broken in the past and he said it only happened once where one head had to be replaced. At his request, we marked the sprinkler heads with wooden dowel rods hoping that would reduce the possibility of any heads being broken. Mr. Henry had to have seen that he was digging post holes directly into the underground sprinkler lines due to the parallel, in-line nature of the sprinkler heads. We did not realize that he broke any of the lines until we tried turning on the sprinkler system in the spring and noticed that the heads did not pop up and the ground was becoming oversaturated along the fence. Upon further investigation, it was very apparent that Mr. Henry severely damaged the sprinkler lines that required extensive labor and cost to replace. For several months (it is now August 2012), we have been trying to get Mr. Henry to return to our property and make the necessary repairs, however, he has refused to repair nothing more than the post. His reasoning is that he doesn't understand why he is responsible for the other issues. Fixing only the post falls far short of addressing the other issues that we have with the fence. When questioned as to when the repairs would be made, Mr. Henry responded with: "It will be done when I can get there. Warranty doesn't state or give a time frame on when repairs should or need to be done." We are still waiting for repairs to be made. I am sure that nine months is more than sufficient to correct the poor craftsmanship, professionalism and product. Please learn from our misfortune and choose another fence company for your fencing needs.
Description of Work: The erection of a 6' wooden privacy fence with two gates on the rear of our property.

Rating CategoryRating out of 5


    Contact information

    unknown, North Ridgeville, OH 44039

    Service hours

    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day



    State Contractor License Requirements

    All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves. To find more licensing information for your state, visit our State Contractor License Requirements page.

    *Contact business to see additional licenses.

    Service Categories

    Fencing Driveway Gates,
    Animal Fencing,
    Wrought Iron,
    Sunrooms and Patio Enclosures


    The Austin Fence Company is currently rated 3 overall out of 5.

    Sunday: Open All Day

    Monday: Open All Day

    Tuesday: Open All Day

    Wednesday: Open All Day

    Thursday: Open All Day

    Friday: Open All Day

    Saturday: Open All Day

    No, The Austin Fence Company does not offer free project estimates.
    No, The Austin Fence Company does not offer eco-friendly accreditations.
    No, The Austin Fence Company does not offer a senior discount.
    Yes, The Austin Fence Company offers emergency services.
    No, The Austin Fence Company does not offer warranties.
    The Austin Fence Company offers the following services: Custom wood and board fences, pool, pet enclosures, custom gates & flag poles.

    Contact information

    unknown, North Ridgeville, OH 44039

    Service hours

    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day
    Open All Day